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Answer the last question, ask the next...

A: I think it was Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants and Jacket .. I normally download MP3s.

Q: Where would you most like to go on holiday/vacation?
Prolly just to visit family. Which right now means different parts of Florida. They're scattered all around there :)

However, for Thanksgiving, we're all going to Georgia.

What are you gonna be for Halloween? (Provided your country celebrates it - if they don't, what *would* you be?)
A: Well, I won't be dressing up or anything, but hopefully if I'm gonna be anything for halloween it'll be with a girl .. apparently I am beign setup with here on halloween night .. dunno how it'll go though! :confused:

Q: Do you agree with the tradition of arranged marriages in some cultures/religions? [I amn't trying to start a debate, just a simple yes or no will do .. :) ]
I think that if the bride and groom are willing to marry each other, then arranged marriages are fine. However, if some 15 year-old girl doesn't want to marry the 60 year-old man her family's chosen for her, I don't think she should have to do so.

What's your politcal affiliation?
A: I don't believe I have one.

Q: Should I have one?
::shrug:: You'll prolly decide upon one later..like when you can vote and what-not.

Do you have a favorite local band?
A: freek1512

Q: Do chicks actually dig scars?
It has been my experience that it's not the actual scar that girls dig, but the story of how you got it. And again, it's still not really about the scar, but usually the fact that you're sharing something personal with them.

Can you remember your first crush? If so, do you think back and go, "what was I thinking??"
A: Yes, and I wish I had of pursued it, but I didn't ... oh well.

Q: Do you have a website?
I will ;)

What is the most exotic place you've travelled to?
A: Well, the furthest I have ever travelled is to Orlando, or New York City .. whichever is further from Dublin.

Q: Do you use public transport at all?
I do if I'm in a big city. I used to take the MARTA (subway thingum, for those who don't know) every day to and from work when I lived in Georgia.

(I realize this question should go in "this or that," but I'm afraid I'll forget to use it..again..if I don't use it now.)

When using a public restroom, do you hover or use one of those seat cover things (or toilet paper) to cover the seat so you can sit?
Well first I wipe the seat as good as possible then I cover the seat. If they have those seat covers I'll use them otherwise I'll use toilet paper. I find people who hover leak all over the seat and don't clean up after themselves and it's just disgusting. So, I won't do that to other people.

...Then I wash my hands real good!!!

How often do you go out to see a movie in a theater?
Almost never.

Speaking of movies, what's your favorite genre?
A: Comedy.

Q: Finish the sentence: Bob is a ....
..silly little Irishman ;)

Since I like that kinda question (even though it's not really a question) - mth is a ...
A: .. person who I made an image for and she used it on her livejournal and never thanked me .. sob .. sob ..

Q: Do you drink anything alcoholic?

What do you think happens when you die?
<aside> I did *so* thank you! </aside>

Personaly, I believe in Heaven and Hell..at least some sort of afterlife.

Um..if you could be a flavor, what would you be?