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national instututute of standards and technology

Do You grow mushrums under Your nails?
I keep my nails short. No room for mushrooms ;)

What is your favorite bumper sticker quote you've seen on the back of someone else's car?
Cats flattened while you wait.

Originally posted by SwissSmiss

I DO!!!! Actually, I have one that's 2cm's at the moment. :D

When wrapping a present, do you prefer to use tissue paper or just wrapping paper?
YesIndeed> When wrapping a present, do you prefer to use tissue paper or just wrapping paper?
you lost Your spot!
Of course, different kind of tissues ... cool

Lysithea> What is your favorite bumper sticker quote you've seen on the back of someone else's car?

Don't like my drivin? call 1-800-EAT-S##P

Do You like to put all birds to a jail?
Um... I can't say that I do. However, I do like torturing fluffy fish. :D

Do you like pink fluffy fish?
Yess! Pink color is my fave for fishes! Esp. for fluffy fishes ...

Do You inflates or dehydrates fluffy fish when torturing them?
Oh... I'm not sure... both are so much fun!

What is the longest that you've ever worn the same pair of underwear for? :D :eek:

When Your brother gives You chokolate, Do You sniff it before eating?
Yeah, but it's not because I don't trust my brother. :tongue:

Ever cross-dressed?
Yeah once I dressed drag for a Halloween party. I shaved my legs and even stuffed myself to look voluptous. Boy did I look like I belonged on a street corner. I looked good though for a woman. Ever daydream at night?
:lol:mad:psi's answer. that's classic dude!!

yeah... occasionally ;)

ever eaten a bug while it's still alive?
no, but had a live fish once as a delicacy (not raw like sushi, live!!) in Korea ages ago. Shower or Bath?
Bath! Then you can have someone in with you and sit and chat and they can wash your back etc.

Ever touched a wild animal?
If you consider myself the wild animal... all the time...but then again the answer would be yes....lol it had bruises and Psi help the pwwoooor lyttttllle animmmalll.... Live for the future or dwell in the past?
I mostly live for the future, but it's good to take heed of the past.

What colour are your eyes? :peep:
Brown (except the eyeball is white and the pupils black) hehe...... which side of the bed you get up on?
the side that's not a wall or a desk! :lol: so left, i think. :D

what's your favourite smell?
Cinammon....mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhmmmmm making me hungry for cinammon.....which next question is would you let someone bake you something with cinammon ?
Absolutely! I love the stuff!! :D

Which hand do you brush your hair with? (Assuming that you do so :tongue: )