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Answer the last question, ask the next...

20, althought I think this question may have been directed at Icky.

What's your middle name?
I never really thought about it. They just smell..band-aid-y.

Lipstick or lipgloss?
Er, I am a guy .. but lip gloss is definetely sexier looking on women/girls. :)

What height are you?
5 foot 3.5 inches
That's um...1.61 meters, I think.

Since we're headed that way, what's your weight?
A: 12 Stone / 168 Pounds / 76 Kilograms. / I'm a rugby player, and I am actually fit .. but I look quite pudgy. :)

Q: Favourite TV Show?

Have you Dyed your hair?
myth: no, that wasn't directed at PIT, I already know his age!! :D


Q: What are rolaids?
rolaids are these chalky antacid tablet things... "For relief of acid indigestion, heart burn, sour stomach, and the upset stomach associated with these sympoms. Neutrolizes Excess Stomach Acid - goes to work in seconds to give fast, safe relief. Non-laxative, non-constipating..." directly from the back of a Tums package, which is the competition of rolaids.

and yes, i like the taste of them. except the yellow ones. but i buy the bottle that is all cherry.

what are you dressing up as for halloween?
Nothing, I don't think I've ever done anything for halloween, as it's not really celebrated here.

What's your favourite brand of toothpaste?
some say brown, some say dirty blond, one said red, i don't know what i say

how long have you lived where you live now?
Yup, a couple of times. The most memorable was in the Dominican Republic (we were on a cruise) when my ancient horse decided to gallop up the mountain. I was having the time of my life, but our guide came galloping after me yelling "BAMBINO! BAMBINO!" He made me walk after that. Jerk.

What're you wearing today?