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Answer the last question, ask the next...

tracksuit pants and t-shirt

When was the last time you posted in the Story of Us? ;)
This morning. As of right now, I am the last post in that topic.

What music is playing now? ;)
A: None. I am watching TV.

Q: Sexiest person on the planet?
a: sting or ethan hawke (i can't really decide).

q: do you talk to yourself?
Hey Bob, how was your day?
Oh Bob, it was the best.
Kick **** Bob!!

A: No I don't talk to myself.

Q: What age were you when you were first kissed?

How many hours do you sleep in a day
A: Weekends, 5am - 1pm .. so, 8 hours. School nights 1am - 6:30am, so, 5 and a half hours.

Q: Do I get enough sleep?
Um..lemme think. I'm up by 5:30 (**** early morning feedings), then I wind up falling asleep on the couch for an hour or so with Jason on my chest (hey, it gets *him* asleep), and I usually don't stay up past 10 or so. So that's uh..10 1/2 hours of sleep. I think. Yes. 10 1/2.

<edit> Dammit, Bob. You just had to post while I was posting. However, since I forgot to add my own question, I'll answer your's. :)

Yes, you get enough sleep.

What's the shortest you've ever cut your hair? </edit>
A: Currently I am shaven headed, extremely tight haircut .. you can see my scalp .. basically I am semi-bald .. by choice. :)

Q: Answer Prox's question below ... we posted together simultaenaeously(sp?) :)
1/8th inch i think

How many Mp3's do you have?
A: 3578.

Q: Does it matter that moest of them are illegal?
2 days ago...

When finished going to the bathroom, do you clump up a bunch of toilet paper in your hand, or roll it around your hand very neatly before wiping?
I usually clump it.

When you watch a movie at home, do youprefer to have the lights off or on?
I prefer to have the lights off.

How many times a day (on average) do you pee?
With my cold that's been around for a painful five weeks (!!), probably something like 5-7 times a day. More if i don't do to school. Sometimes I actually have to pee like every ten minutes. Not fun. Luckily it's only pee or my friends/family wouldn't be seeing much of me.
Would you go to war if we invade Afghanistan?

(If you don't live in US, pretend you do)
A: I don't think I would be allowed as I am 14.

Q: Football[NFL] or Hockey[NHL]?
Both are a little brutal for my tastes, but probably NFL.

Should abortions be legal?