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Anxiety or panick attacks


Hanging Out!
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or whatever the hell it is I have been getting.....I'm so **** tired of it. Had one at dinner tonight at a nice restaurant with several family and friends there. I had to go sit in the car because I had to get away and quick. I feel like I'm going to die or something. I was close to having DH take me to the ER. It's the 3rd bad one I've had this year (I've been having mini ones for years, but not like this). They come on so fast and take 1-2 hours before it starts to subside.
I'm so embarrassed about tonight because MIL's friends were treating us to dinner and I had to leave right when my dinner was served. I sat in the car until DH and the kids finished.

I came home and poured a drink (hey I don't have any sedatives because I've never seen a dr. for this yet).

Anyway is there any other nut jobs out there who can tell me I'm not alone? :bee: Thanks for listening. :redface:
My DH has GAD. General anxiety disorder. It is really hard to deal with. He has panic attacks all the time. We are weaning him off the Paxil that used to control it to see about switching to something different. The Paxil helped for a long time though.

You are not alone, you should talk to a doctor about it. It is a terrible way to live.
General meaning he always feels anxious?

I'm not usually like this (anxious/ nervous) then all of a sudden (but always in public) boom it comes over me like a hit. It's starting to make me nervous about making plans out or God forbid getting on an airplane because I'm not kidding if I had one on a plane someone would have to physically knock me out or I think I would have a heart attack because my heart beats so hard until I get outside and away from people. Plus I have uncontrolable crying and when I had one on Nov. 1st at a Bears game (yes in Soldiers Field) I got sick a couple times in the bathroom.....felt better after that though.

I've always used to think people who said they had this were just looking for attention......man I feel bad about that now.
I had these for years & each time thought i was having a heart attack. Even went to the er once & they hooked me to the monitors & i felt like my heart was racing outta control...monitor showed it was normal.

Every symptom does make you think it's a heart attack. The worst sensation is where you feel like you're watching yourself basically watch yourself. It feels unreal.

I had my first one at 11 p. m. at night so every night i'd start getting nervous around that time.I was put on Lorazpam 6 mg. a day. I only took maybe 2 a day.If someone took that much,they'd be a zombie.

I have a friend who has severe panic attacks & is an alcoholic. I think she drinks because of the attacks.

You're not alone & you're not crazy. It is hard for people to understand. I couldn't even go on a 5 minute trip if my pills weren't on me...even though i didn't take one,was terrifed to leave home without them.

If you want to talk pm me.
You had them for years?! Do you not have them anymore? **** I canNOT live with this **** for years. :surrender: So the pills really helped? I have never taken anything stronger than an asprin so pills make me nervous.

See this took place two and a half hours ago and I feel right as rain right now........pfft......I don't get it.
Does it feel like the lights in the room you are in get weird like dim or something? Or do your ears feel funny? Just asking how you feel when this happens.
Does it feel like the lights in the room you are in get weird like dim or something? Or do your ears feel funny? Just asking how you feel when this happens.

Actually the big main thing I feel right when it starts is my shoulders feel all faint then I get dizzy and feel faint in general then my heart starts beating hard then heavy breathing and if someone talks to me I'll start crying (DH now knows to leave me the hell alone meaning do NOT talk to me). My face and chest and ears get all red and my hands and feet get ice cold. I feel a little better in the cold and feel nautious if I go into a hot room.
General meaning he always feels anxious?

I'm not usually like this (anxious/ nervous) then all of a sudden (but always in public) boom it comes over me like a hit. It's starting to make me nervous about making plans out or God forbid getting on an airplane because I'm not kidding if I had one on a plane someone would have to physically knock me out or I think I would have a heart attack because my heart beats so hard until I get outside and away from people. Plus I have uncontrolable crying and when I had one on Nov. 1st at a Bears game (yes in Soldiers Field) I got sick a couple times in the bathroom.....felt better after that though.

I've always used to think people who said they had this were just looking for attention......man I feel bad about that now.

You really should consult a doctor about your panic attack as soon as possible. Living with panic attack without medication is hell. As for getting on a plane, your doctor can prescribe some sedative (some won't make you drowsy) to take before you board a plane. It is not as scary as you think. Good luck!:huggy::huggy::huggy:
I don't have them anymore...don't know why they stopped. I still have my Lorazpams but don't take them.I feel better knowing i have them here.

The dr. originally wanted to give me Paxil cause he said Lorazpam is so addicting. I told him i'd rather deal with a drug addiction than the hell i feel when i had a panic attack.

It was so bad when my dd was in grade school we went on a trip to JFK World (a learning center in Barrington) they had a life-sized display of a heart beating...the noise freaked me out,i couldn't go near it. For a while,i couldn't listen to the turn signal clicking or stand club house beat music on the radio.But i'm all better now!!!! You all probably think i'm nuts.
The reason I ask this is because I get that way when I go into certain stores like Home Depot or Loews. Weird huh? Was wondering if that was like a panic attack or something.

Does it feel like the lights in the room you are in get weird like dim or something? Or do your ears feel funny? Just asking how you feel when this happens.
The reason I ask this is because I get that way when I go into certain stores like Home Depot or Loews. Weird huh? Was wondering if that was like a panic attack or something.

Does your heart race and breathing get heavier?
sooo i'm going to state the obvious: you really shouldn't be drinking if you have panic attacks...

and i second seeing a doc. drugs like lorazepam are usually taken on an as needed basis, so it's not like it's something you have to take everyday, and honestly you probably just a small dose and it will make a world of a difference.
No but sometimes I feel like I am gonna pass out. Never do though.
sooo i'm going to state the obvious: you really shouldn't be drinking if you have panic attacks...

Is it obvious? I needed to chilax so in lieux of pills I don't have I thought this would be an alternative. Of course I have no training in this sort of thing so I don't know what I'm talking about lol.
No but sometimes I feel like I am gonna pass out. Never do though.

Hmmm....well that can't be good. May want to nip that in the bud before you because a full blown nut like myself. ;)
I have been on Zoloft for 6 years.... I do know what you are going thru, but my panic attacks were smaller. Oh, and to the PP who mentioned it feeling like you were watching yourself have the attack?? Dead on. I tried explaining that to Pat once and he looked at me like I was nuts. Before Zoloft I couldnt control my actions......I was such a ****! BUt I couldnt stop myself. And the panic attacks were hard to explain. Im so glad other people know what im going thru. You arent alone, Rebecca, and you really need to see your doctor. I would rather take a pill every day the rest of my life than to wonder when the next attack would be....
It only happens when I go into Loews or Home Depot. I wonder if it is the lighting with the ceiling fans or something have like a strobe effect! LOL!!
It only happens when I go into Loews or Home Depot. I wonder if it is the lighting with the ceiling fans or something have like a strobe effect! LOL!!

Get yerself some lighter shades and wear them while shopping and see if that helps.
I had these for years & each time thought i was having a heart attack. Even went to the er once & they hooked me to the monitors & i felt like my heart was racing outta control...monitor showed it was normal.

Every symptom does make you think it's a heart attack. The worst sensation is where you feel like you're watching yourself basically watch yourself. It feels unreal.

I had my first one at 11 p. m. at night so every night i'd start getting nervous around that time.I was put on Lorazpam 6 mg. a day. I only took maybe 2 a day.If someone took that much,they'd be a zombie.

I have a friend who has severe panic attacks & is an alcoholic. I think she drinks because of the attacks.

You're not alone & you're not crazy. It is hard for people to understand. I couldn't even go on a 5 minute trip if my pills weren't on me...even though i didn't take one,was terrifed to leave home without them.

If you want to talk pm me.

My mom has been through this. She ended up in the ER many times because she thought she was having a heart attack. After seeing her a few times in the ER and telling her nothing was wrong, they called in somebody from psych.

Her doctor prescribed anti-depressants and the Lorazapam. It took a while to get the dosage right, but she's a whole lot better now. The doctor also mentioned something about menopause and told her she needs to find something to keep her busy - job, kids, etc.
Is it obvious? I needed to chilax so in lieux of pills I don't have I thought this would be an alternative. Of course I have no training in this sort of thing so I don't know what I'm talking about lol.

from what i recall, alcohol increases the likelihood and the severity of panic attacks. i'm sure if you google you'll find a ton of info on it..