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Anxiety or panick attacks

Do you plan on seeing a doctor at all?

Eventually. I have so many various issues I need to see one for......I just keep putting it off. I don't even really have a doctor. The GP that delivered both my boys I've decided is worthless since I went to him last summer with the blood clot in my leg and he did nothing and told me nothing. I want to find a female doctor this time.
Eventually. I have so many various issues I need to see one for......I just keep putting it off. I don't even really have a doctor. The GP that delivered both my boys I've decided is worthless since I went to him last summer with the blood clot in my leg and he did nothing and told me nothing. I want to find a female doctor this time.

It really is not that hard to find a doctor. There are quite a few different options:

1. Ask your friends/relative for recommendation

2. Check your health insurer website. You can find out the doctors in your area and you can find out some general information about the doctors.

3. Your local hospital may be able to recommend some doctors for your. I found my internist through the Lutheran General Hospital.

Get going, Rebecca! Make this your new year resolution!
It really is not that hard to find a doctor. There are quite a few different options:

1. Ask your friends/relative for recommendation

2. Check your health insurer website. You can find out the doctors in your area and you can find out some general information about the doctors.

3. Your local hospital may be able to recommend some doctors for your. I found my internist through the Lutheran General Hospital.

Get going, Rebecca! Make this your new year resolution!

All of the above, and then check their record here [if you are looking at docs in Illinois] https://www.idfpr.com/applications/professionprofile/

for docs in other states:

No need to go to a doc with record of malpractice screwups.
Get going, Rebecca! Make this your new year resolution!

Coach? Is that you? lol

ennui I live in WI, but we have BCBS of IL cause DH works in IL.
Coach? Is that you? lol

ennui I live in WI, but we have BCBS of IL cause DH works in IL.

Sorry to disappoint you, Rebecca! I am no good at coaching. I am just passionate about this topic, and I will be on your case until you go to see a doctor. Remember health is even more important than wealth! :huggy::huggy::huggy:
Sorry to disappoint you, Rebecca! I am no good at coaching. I am just passionate about this topic, and I will be on your case until you go to see a doctor. Remember health is even more important than wealth! :huggy::huggy::huggy:
I am with you on this one!!! mrsmom, get you behind to the doc ASAP. You need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of you family..... Think of all the time you are taking away from your children for not going.... You mentioned before that once those attacks come, it takes a while to go away... You need to take care of yourself...:huggy:
ennui I live in WI, but we have BCBS of IL cause DH works in IL.
Pick a doc in either state that accepts your insurance & check them out via that docboard link.

I used to have BCBS of RI, even though I live in MA. My MA doc never had a problem with my RI insurance, it was BCBSRI Healthmate.
Find a Dr. yet?

This is important, please take care of yourself
Find a Dr. yet?

This is important, please take care of yourself

Get off me man. :surrender: And thanks for caring. :huggy:
I've had them for almost 15 years. Mine are situational. I cannot drive open roads, such as interstates, county roads. I am great in the city. Reason for that is that I had my first one while driving on the interstate. I am on Paxil and have been for years. Only problem, it put a ton of weight on me. They are absolutely horrible. I was engaged to be married at that time and my fiancee left me because of it. If anyone wants to discuss further please by all means let me know. It helps to talk to someone.

Barbara (NJ)
I am not up to date on this thread, so I don't know if it has been mentioned or not...

My MIL works for a psychiatrist. He said there is an overwhelming number of people that experience issues during the winter b/c of the lack of sun. Their seratonin levels drop & it causes issues for a very large percentage of people. He has said that he recommend UV lamps to people who are having problems instead of medication. Just a thought b/c you said it's been more recently.

I would check ebay & amazon for one if you are interested or go to a dr to get a script to have your insurance cover it.

Just a thought.
Yes, what georgie said is right. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer,[1] spring or autumn, repeatedly, year after year. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), SAD is not a unique mood disorder, but is "a specifier of major depression".
Hmmm.....I had my first major one (meaning I thought I was going to die) in Feb. (winter) then I was fine all summer, had my next big one Nov. 1st (winter) then a week or so ago (winter). I know weather affects my mood....always has....same with my mom. She goes to a tanning place year round.....mebbe I should give that a try. Thanks Georgie Porgie. :cartwheel:
Now, now. Skin cancer isn't the answer. ;) I guess go to the tanning place and try the lowest power bed they have, and make sure you have spf on your face to prevent wrinkles if you MUST.

But you might also try some St. John's Wort. I take that in the winter time to stave off the SAD. Just beware if you also use hormonal birth control because it can alter the effectiveness.
Now, now. Skin cancer isn't the answer. ;) I guess go to the tanning place and try the lowest power bed they have, and make sure you have spf on your face to prevent wrinkles if you MUST.

But you might also try some St. John's Wort. I take that in the winter time to stave off the SAD. Just beware if you also use hormonal birth control because it can alter the effectiveness.

So you can really tell a difference with St. John's Wort? Hmm......