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Anyone on the East coast watching Irene?


And, I have a new compliant- I just got poked!
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A few street away from Bargainfiend.

It looks like this is going to be one hell of a storm. In the Philly area, this was the prediction of Mondays weather. Then the 11 pm update from a meteorologist friend: update from NHC: Storm remains a strong cat 2 for now. This storm is becoming huge, as tropical storm force winds now extend 185miles out from the center. They our now forecasting it to reach category 4 strength within 72 hours, category 3 within 24 hours
I was watching it last night when it was a tropical storm over PR. What caused it to change so drastically? The forecast was for a cat 1, maybe.
I hope you stay safe...will be praying for you and others in its path...
I just took a look, it was expected to go over land (DR & Cuba) and weaken, but it is going north over water and gaining strength. Looks like it is going to smack the Bahamas big time, then skirt up the coast and pummel it. Won't weaken until it finds cold water.


I am so very thankful my niece isn't in the D.R. right now, I'd be worried sick.

I pray Irene does as little damage as possible. The one saving grace of hurricanes is the advantage of prep time.
Here is a post from my friend this morning:
for the 3rd run ina row the European weather Model shows a direct hit by IRENE at Wlimington NC on Saturday AUG 27. The Euroeopan - the best weather model in the world - AGAIN shows Irene will be the strongest Hurricane to EVER hit NC. EVER . It forecasts IRENE to be a Catgiory 4 borderline 5 Hurricane. And again for the 3rd run in a row it takes IRENE due North... along I-95 with the core tracking Right over RICHMOND VA.
I'm in PA, so not worried about it.

Last year we didn't get any, right? Even though they predicted a horrible and dangerous hurricane forecast.

Just shows you predictions are garbage.
Well, I will be paying attention for the next few days and deciding what needs to be done around the yard. I do love Target for scripts because they fill 3 days early ever month and we end up being around 2 weeks ahead of meds. Here is the latest update:

‎11pm update from the NHC....storm is getting better organized but they will hold the surface winds at 90mph for now...expect strengthening to a major hurricane by Wed night. Updated track has it going right into NYC. Many Mets agree the NHC is not doing this storm justice by holding it at a Cat 1, as a storm with a pressure of 969 is closer to a cat 3. next mid update at 2a full update 5a

Then at 11:20: Developing now: HURRICANE RECON PLANE FINDS WINDS TO 115 MPH at 5000 FEET above the surface...winds are NOT that high yet at the surface but will be soon...
I honestly have no idea what track Irene is on at the moment - all I've heard on the news today is the earthquake
I hope it hits on Monday, I'll be taking off.
LOL, just realized that my earlier posts are automatically updating. So here it is again, just cause I can.

This may be obvious to some, but in case you may overlook this possibility. Power outages may occur. This obviously means your food ect may go bad, but it also means no cash machines. If you can, keep cash on hand, even just for the weekend. Credit is great but with no power, cash is king.
oh yeah - I'm in that path . . . and our Sunday morning Church picnic forcast doesn't look too good

Guess I should make sure the camper supplies are full (I have more functionality in the camper, then in the house if we loose power).
Wow those pictures are incredible! Diane and others be safe!