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Apple (Mac) vs. Windows


Hanging Out!
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Help me out peeps.....

Which would you get and why??

The ONLY 2 downfalls I see with an Apple is:

1.) I am VERY familiar with Windows based programming. Not sure how easy/hard Macs are to adjust to.

2.) Apple is obviously pricier.

Thanks for all opinions and advice! :)
My old mac was one of the first of the "gooseneck" one - upped the memory and it is still going strong in my daughter's room (8-9 years?) How many PCs would still be running?

My current mac is a LARGE screen (24") which had better last me for 10 years. It was an anniversary present last year, so unless the pool boy comes up with something better (unlikely 'cause pool boys have no money and I have no pool boy), I know it'll be a hard worker for another 8 years. Just make sure to max out your ram and keep updating your OS and you'll be good to go.

So take the higher price in the beginning and divide it out by the number of years you will keep it and it's actually a much cheaper computer.
I would say Mac. Lasts longer, less issues, we have a few of them at home. DH is an Apple snob. I can ask him to list his specific reasons when I get home.
This is what I have heard.... my computers last generally 2-4 years before I get sick of the slow running and virus crap. This is why I am thinking Mac this time around. I have a friend that is a Mac snob as well and is encouraging me to go Mac. She has had hers for 10 years and says it still runs like day 1. I know they are more expensive and I also take that into consideration. This would most def be my Christmas & Birthday present... and I am starting school in Jan... so need something DEPENDABLE.

Clars - def ask your hubby why he feels the way he does.. I would love to hear/read his thoughts.
Once you have a Mac you will NEVER look back. I've used them for over 25 years and have no clue how to work a PC. You will love the Mac. Easy to use, so many different programs and no virus checking every hour.
Once you have a Mac you will NEVER look back. I've used them for over 25 years and have no clue how to work a PC. You will love the Mac. Easy to use, so many different programs and no virus checking every hour.

Ditto. Love my Mac!
Mac and it's easy to learn. You can purchase "one to one" for $99/yr and they will teach u how to use it. Also if you decide to purchase one, if know someone that's in school you can get $100 off.
Once you have a Mac you will NEVER look back. I've used them for over 25 years and have no clue how to work a PC. You will love the Mac. Easy to use, so many different programs and no virus checking every hour.
Is this still the case? Macs seem to be getting more popular so I wonder if that might change somewhat?
LOVE LOVE LOVE MY MAC!!! NEVER EVER EVER HAD AN ISSUE/VIRUS NOTHING. You literally open it from the box and turn it on. You can still get Microsoft Word/Excel etc. AppleCare is the best too for problems/questions etc etc.
We have a laptop and a desktop-- they are just FABULOSO!
We've got 5 Mac's in the house, 2 iMac, 2 Mac mini (perfect for the kids) and a Mac book that my husband uses when he travels. We have never had any issues with any of them. Like someone else said, keep the OS up to date and you will have many happy years with them. Very simple to use.
Is this still the case? Macs seem to be getting more popular so I wonder if that might change somewhat?


Most of the folks that write viruses are from countries that only have cheap computers - think eastern block, asian. Cheap computers = PCs running Windows. Thus most viruses are written to exploit holes in the Windows operating system.


So it is true that Mac are safer from viruses than Windows.

Personally I've used both and these days I don't see a difference between them, at least in terms of the operating system. They've stolen from one another for so many years that they have become kissing cousins.

Think about it - Mac came up with the garbage can for unwanted files and Windows copied with the "Recycle Bin". Mac has their menu on the top of the screen and Windows has their menu on the bottom of the screen. Mac has the Gorgon loop ⌘ command key while Windows has their "key"

If you want a Mac, get a Mac. You'll be happy.
If you want a PC, get a PC. You'll be happy.
Is this still the case? Macs seem to be getting more popular so I wonder if that might change somewhat?
The PC is still the typical "go to" machine, because most people aren't looking to spend more than $1,000 for a computer. MAC has about a 90% market share of "premium" machines sold above $1,000.

Certainly, if MAC ever decided to become prolific at making "low-end" computers, there'd be more people buying MAC, thus more people dealing with ****asses who need to make a virus every **** minute. Until then, MAC, with their less than 10% market share of machines in that range, will likely be relatively immune to virus bullshit.

MAC sells Lamborghini, and Microsoft sells Ford.
The Mac is so much easier to use intuitively. My kids are 6 and 9 and have been creating all sort s of projects (writing, with pictures, signs, etc...). My m other could figure out the iPad and was hooked and p laying with the thing when she came for a visit. She is the one that has not figured out to set up her voicemail on her cell phone. We went with the Mac because we were replacing the stupid pc (desktop and notebook) because they died after 3 IMHO short years of service. They died painfully slow deaths as well... Driving me bananas in the process.
Heather, I'm thinking of getting a Mac, too.

I work on my computer from home 6-8 hours a day. More if you count CW time, etc.

I have gotten a new PC the last 4 out of 5 years. 1 desktop and 3 laptops, each year around Christmastime to exploit deals. I have resold the ones I stopped using.

I have purchased machines that were under $500 each time. Unfortunately, after a year they really get beat up and worn out. I am sick of this one now.

I know how to defragment, my DH is a whiz at speeding things up, but sub-$500 PCs, even the one I have on a deal with Core2 Duo, and 3 GB of RAM....just dont seem to hold up for me.

If I got a MAC for under $1000 and it lasts me 2 or more years, That'd be comparable to 2 x $500 PCs that I feel like I have to upgrade every stinkin' year.

My DH sold his Macbook Pro to get an iPad, and we got a desktop iMac 24 inch on Craigslist. They both work great.......he loves 'em.

One thing I worry about is, I have not been able to get his Mac to print coupons. I have tried everything.

Life would be sad w/o printable qs.
Heather, I'm thinking of getting a Mac, too.

I work on my computer from home 6-8 hours a day. More if you count CW time, etc.

I have gotten a new PC the last 4 out of 5 years. 1 desktop and 3 laptops, each year around Christmastime to exploit deals. I have resold the ones I stopped using.

I have purchased machines that were under $500 each time. Unfortunately, after a year they really get beat up and worn out. I am sick of this one now.

I know how to defragment, my DH is a whiz at speeding things up, but sub-$500 PCs, even the one I have on a deal with Core2 Duo, and 3 GB of RAM....just dont seem to hold up for me.

If I got a MAC for under $1000 and it lasts me 2 or more years, That'd be comparable to 2 x $500 PCs that I feel like I have to upgrade every stinkin' year.

My DH sold his Macbook Pro to get an iPad, and we got a desktop iMac 24 inch on Craigslist. They both work great.......he loves 'em.

One thing I worry about is, I have not been able to get his Mac to print coupons. I have tried everything.

Life would be sad w/o printable qs.

YIKES!! No printables?? I am sure there is a way... no???
$500 a year is a good figure for a full PC setup (monitor/printer). I know I had a $4000 setup that lasted about six years and a $3500 setup that lasted about the same. Actually that last one is still going as a coupon printer - it is a 486!

So figure what you can afford to spend and then just plan on keeping it for that number of years.

I used to go the top of the line route and stretch it out. Now I go bottom of the barrel and just upgrade every year. This year I cheaped out and bought a $200 netbook. I'm loving it, but I only use it for surfing the web/printing coupons.
Check with the school you'll go to. The universities offer computer discounts to students and staff. I know we saved a lot on our last upgrades by buying the student editions. It might be worth waiting until Jan to purchase if the discount is substantial.
No problem printing coupons from any of our Mac's either.