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Are you a Mac or PC?

Are You a Mac or PC?

  • Im a Mac

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Im a PC

    Votes: 34 73.9%
  • Im Both :)

    Votes: 8 17.4%

  • Total voters


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
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Which one are you & why?
Im a PC because I have been using them forever, and things are much more simple, and mostly everything supports a PC not Mac.
Thanks, now as to why...I prefer the stability of a mac but there are some programs that are windows only. So I dual boot my macbook pro laptop thru bootcamp. We also have a pc desktop and an iMac 24 inch desktop.

I had been using PC's forever when I made the switch but it has been worth it. We will always have at least one home made PC desktop in the house but the rest...mac's all the way. And yes, we build our own desktops, have for the last 8 years.
Thanks, now as to why...I prefer the stability of a mac but there are some programs that are windows only. So I dual boot my macbook pro laptop thru bootcamp. We also have a pc desktop and an iMac 24 inch desktop.

I had been using PC's forever when I made the switch but it has been worth it. We will always have at least one home made PC desktop in the house but the rest...mac's all the way. And yes, we build our own desktops, have for the last 8 years.
I have yet to buy one and let alone try one. Grew up on a PC.
I'm a PC, been one for years, don't think it will change. I built over 300 computers, repaired more than I can count, and not once have I ever got to build a Mac. I don't think you can unless you use hacked OS which is not legal.
Mac is too proprietary.
I'm a PC, been one for years, don't think it will change. I built over 300 computers, repaired more than I can count, and not once have I ever got to build a Mac. I don't think you can unless you use hacked OS which is not legal.
Mac is too proprietary.
You don't build Mac's except online. ;) I've built more than my fair share of PC's as well and we always keep one in the house. But we've gone thru two PC's in the same time we've owned one iMac desktop. I went thru two laptops in two years (heavy graphics user) before I switched to a MacBook pro which is over two years old and not breaking a sweat yet.

I simply got tired of throwing money away.
Actually the question is redundant as all of us are on "PC's" as the term actually means Personal Computers. What operating system has nothing to do with it being a PC or not.
You don't build Mac's except online. ;) I've built more than my fair share of PC's as well and we always keep one in the house. But we've gone thru two PC's in the same time we've owned one iMac desktop. I went thru two laptops in two years (heavy graphics user) before I switched to a MacBook pro which is over two years old and not breaking a sweat yet.

I simply got tired of throwing money away.

Could have been the graphics cards. I have had nothing but good luck from all my parts. I have 6 boxes in one room, 2 run 24/7 folding @ home.
I run these with nVidia cards folding for over 3 years, and still running strong.
Could have been the graphics cards. I have had nothing but good luck from all my parts. I have 6 boxes in one room, 2 run 24/7 folding @ home.
I run these with nVidia cards folding for over 3 years, and still running strong.
The desktops we've replaced didn't have graphics problems, they had motherboard issues. It was like a gnat biting at you, one piece would fail, which wasn't critical, then another, then another, and after awhile, it was all critical.

However, the laptops were graphics card issues and since those were built into the motherboards, they may as well been bricks after they had their meltdowns. We did strip memory and hard drives out of them but that was all we could salvage that was worth saving. And they were NOT cheap laptops, they just weren't macbook pros.
The power of mac seems exgerated. Graphic is not inferior in PC. If you pay the price same as a mac may have stronger graphic power.

As mac strength in multi-media presentation. Recently a shool has a promotion seminar in our association, they use adobe pdf.

For function, PC is best choice. For style, that's personal preference.
The power of mac seems exgerated. Graphic is not inferior in PC. If you pay the price same as a mac may have stronger graphic power.

As mac strength in multi-media presentation. Recently a shool has a promotion seminar in our association, they use adobe pdf.

For function, PC is best choice. For style, that's personal preference.
Having used both, I disagree. But that is my opinion.
I buy all the middle to upper end mother boards. I have an old P4 motherboard (DFI LAN-Party) it still work. I recently (last week) retired it due to old technology and I cant do new hardware reviews with it any longer. It is approx 9 years old, about 2002
7 years ago i built a dual core AMD 4400. As I upgraded I passed to my wife which she still uses to this day. We have a Toshiba laptop with a discrete video card, 3 years old and no problems.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying Apple is bad. But if I do have a HD, vidcard, MB problem, I can replace any part cheaper than buying a new mac. If a MB goes, they do that sometimes and I cant remember when Ive had a MB go bad, it only cost $200 max for a high end and maybe $80 for lower end.
As for software, Macromedia was fantastic, then Adobe bought it. nuff said.

just had to. im a linux :D I prefer it because it is like windows & mac together. Just need the right comp. specs and your set.

just had to. im a linux :D I prefer it because it is like windows & mac together. Just need the right comp. specs and your set.
haha that made me ROFL
I buy all the middle to upper end mother boards. I have an old P4 motherboard (DFI LAN-Party) it still work. I recently (last week) retired it due to old technology and I cant do new hardware reviews with it any longer. It is approx 9 years old, about 2002
7 years ago i built a dual core AMD 4400. As I upgraded I passed to my wife which she still uses to this day. We have a Toshiba laptop with a discrete video card, 3 years old and no problems.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying Apple is bad. But if I do have a HD, vidcard, MB problem, I can replace any part cheaper than buying a new mac. If a MB goes, they do that sometimes and I cant remember when Ive had a MB go bad, it only cost $200 max for a high end and maybe $80 for lower end.
As for software, Macromedia was fantastic, then Adobe bought it. nuff said.
Even buying high end MB is no guarantee as one we built was the top of the line (at the time) and most expensive intel chip board, sucker was over $200 and that was 6 years ago. At that point, we had built about 50+ pc's so we had an idea of what we were doing. Could not even get it to post. Had to replace it, it's replacement was also bad. So we dropped down into the cheaper range and that one worked for five years. But the last three was like little cuts, first the front usb's died. Then 6 months later the Ethernet died, so we added a network card and hardwired that one, then about year later, more USB ports died. Finally, last year, it stopped altogether...just would not boot regardless of what we tried.

As for replacing parts in a Mac, that is what the AppleCare is for. :)

And when did software even enter the picture? I can use all my software, cause my Mac is an intel processor and I use windows on one side (which runs faster on a Mac anyway)

But the best part, and I remembered why yesterday when we finally got a chance to replace my husband's laptop that had died with a MacBook Air (his choice) was how fast you can get up and running out of the box. He took the laptop out of the box, took the wrap off it, opened the lid, turned it on an within a min was listening to the Mac welcome. In less than 2 he had airport ready for the network key...took me two more to find it on mine, and then he was online. Had 5 updates, one was safari and one was iTunes. And THAT was it. He installed office for Mac, but has everything else he needs. Less than 15 mins and he was done.

When I bought my last brand new PC laptop, it took me much longer than 15 mins to even get to the point where I could get online. I had 70-90 updates, and I had to UNINSTALL a boatload of crapware.