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Are you where you thought you would be

mark said:
However, it probably wasn't long after I actually started practicing that I started thinking that maybe I was in the wrong field. I lost my job several times, and each time began looking to change -- one time to go get an MBA, the other to go into teaching. Both ended with my finding legal jobs.

I know exactly where you are coming from here…after passing the bar I was thrilled to be hired as an associate by one of the larger firms in my area. The work was interesting, and I was well suited to handle it (commercial/business litigation mainly)…but after almost 3 years it was sucking the life out of me. One of the partners whom I had been working with left the firm and started his own practice focusing on commercial real estate/property development…the guy was a “mentor†of sorts, and I left my position to work with him in his new practice….a “risky moveâ€, or at least that is what I thought at the time….but it turned out to be the best decision of my professional life. The office has come along nicely over the past 2 years, built a solid base and reputation, and has validated my decision to enter this field of employment, at least in my mind it has. We have started to expand out into “leisure†land development, both here in MI as well as the southwest…and that endeavor is starting to bear fruit.

And Mark, I wish you the best of luck and success as you make the transition into your new life….Personally, I think you will make a fine teacher, I don’t know you very well at all, but you seem to me to have the proper temperament and “spirit€ for it….Good Luck!
When I first started school I figured I would end up getting an engineering degree, stay in the Army for awhile. Then leave and get a job in my field.

Once I left, I figured I would end up teaching history and coaching football somewhere. I never really figured I would get married and have kids as early as I did. Plus, I never figured I would go back into the Army. Also, honestly, once I left, I really had no clue whether I would come back alive. It was just an odd feeling. I wasnt afraid, but I knew that I should soak up every bit of my wife, kids, my family, and friends because there was a chance I wouldnt have that even if I did come back. But everything worked out, and once I wind down a little bit more I will either try to become a cop or get a teaching job.
Martin said:
Maybe once
Thats more like it

Eison said:
Do I submit things when and where I can? Do I try to and succeed in being published and having my work see print?

Yes all the time.

Is it easy to get someone, anyone, much less people who could actually help you to even read your work? Do I write things people are actually interested in? And is it easy for me to complete work that might have a better chance at selling?

No it is not.
That blows. I'd keep trying and wouldn't stop. I usually wouldn't suggest to people to go after some specific goal, but you have talent for it so you might as well try to get a job related to it.

Whats the worse than can happen, you never get a break and waste your life chasing a dream :p
rantingredneck said:
I believe you will need every bit of it..........:lol:
To be honest I think Mark would make a good teacher. I think he does have a lot of patience.

He's had to deal with some of us for years and never lost it :p
Kyp said:
To be honest I think Mark would make a good teacher. I think he does have a lot of patience.

He's had to deal with some of us for years and never lost it :p

Oh I certainly agree that Mark would make a great teacher. That comment was directed at the frustrations of the teaching profession. He definitely seems to have what it takes to deal with it.
My problem has always been that I don't know what I want to do. So I got a job in a grocery store, I get decent pay, great benefits ang now lots of time off. Is it what I want? No. But the bills are paid and I still have enough to buy some toys. So yes I hate my job but I can't see starting over at this time with the lack of skills and taking a pay cut and losing my benefits.

Thats said I am putting a plan into action that by next summer will hopefully have me living in Va. Beach and finding a decent job.
mark said:
It would seem that I was always steering myself towards being an attorney.

However, it probably wasn't long after I actually started practicing that I started thinking that maybe I was in the wrong field. I lost my job several times, and each time began looking to change -- one time to go get an MBA, the other to go into teaching. Both ended with my finding legal jobs.

Now, 19 years after I graduated from law school, I am once again looking to make a change -- again into teaching. The difference is that this time, I applied and was accepted to a school to get my master's degree and I'm going to go through with it.

All modesty aside, I think I will be a very good teacher (an opinion universally shared by anyone who knows me). I am hopeful that my thoughts are correct and that I spend the next X number of years happily teaching math.

You had me until the very last word... MATH???? WTF???

:huh: :eek:

WHY math?

Kyp said:
Your last job was no way related to the one you have now right

Plus you moved across the country
It was nothing like Im doing now. I worked in a warehouse nnow Im stuck in an office all day.

The manager of the office is really cool and makes it a lot easier to go to work everyday though.
BitterPen said:
You had me until the very last word... MATH???? WTF???

:huh: :eek:

WHY math?


Because I'm not 25 and right out of school.

Although in a perfect world, I think I am better suited for social studies (always my favorite subject in school) or English. However, I needed to pick something where I had a better chance of landing instant employment, and math and science teachers are always needed here on long island.

Plus, those same two areas offer a very good opportunity to make extra money through private tutoring. My daughter had both a math and biology tutor and they charged $90 and $60 and hour, respectively -- cash.
That's cool. Math is just not the subject I would have guessed for you...

Are you wanting to teach at the Secondary level or College?
Kyp said:
Whats the worse than can happen, you never get a break and waste your life chasing a dream :p

Yeah it's not like that is the sort of thing that makes people blow their brains out or anything.
BitterPen said:
That's cool. Math is just not the subject I would have guessed for you...

Are you wanting to teach at the Secondary level or College?

are you saying I'm too stupid to be able to do math? ^_^

middle or high school
Eison said:
Yeah it's not like that is the sort of thing that makes people blow their brains out or anything.
mark said:
are you saying I'm too stupid to be able to do math? ^_^

middle or high school

Ummm... no. I was just saying I could see you as some kinda Lit or History professor. You have a good sense of humor, are good with words, and have a generally optimistic outlook on stuff, and most math teachers are very dull and negative.... get it? negative? haha

I'm sooooo funny.

The weirdest thing .. I have a mental block with math unless I add dollar signs to it in my head and then I could calculate the property tax someone pays by the day in seconds lol.

Im pretty happy with where I wound up in life, jobwise :)
*cracks knuckles*

when i was about 5, i wanted to be a singer and a dancer. my family then bluntly informed me that i had no tallent in either.
in early years of highschool i assumed that i would be an electrical or chemical engineer, intermingled with assuming that i would be dead by that point. i was never going to breed because i didn't want to pass on whatever was wrong with me and i was never going to get married because i had a crazy fear of getting close to people. i managed to finish highschool with a mark that could get me into science at university, but took a year off first to drink a lot of beer, play a lot of pool and put off that building nervous breakdown. no idea what i wanted to do, so i decided to probably major in chemistry, minor in physics. completely fell apart just before the end of my first semester there. managed to pass 2 subjects, a credit in chem, and was too drunk to walk to my biology exam. for the next few years i enrolled in many, but rarely finished any subjects. got enthused about the idea of teaching, decided to combine that with a chem degree, same result. took a year off, got a lot of therapy. decided that teaching was probably a bad idea given my health history and its response to stress.
the start of this year decided that i had to do *something* even if that *something* wasn't anything to do with future career. i was accepted into a tafe fine arts dipolma (for those non-aussies, tafe is kinda not as advanced as uni, more advanced than high school). i have a bit of a knack for some art, but i'm really not an artsy person. i tend to think that 95% of art is bullshit, so that doesn't go down very well with my peers. i'm a square peg in a round hole, but i've always been kinda like that anyway. but it feels kinda odd to be the weird kid in art school. :/
so... what i do next year depends on a number of things. whether i get a wedding photographer position i'm applying for, whether we have to move to sydney next year for my husband's work/sporting career. if neither of these things happen, then i'm going to do a bridged course and perhaps do nutrition at uni, become a dietitian (health pending of course). if i move to sydney, then i'm going to try to become involved in the wedding industry as i have a dream to become a wedding planner. openning my own bussiness as a wedding planner would be awesome, but i might be having kids in a few years time, so i'm not going to spend a lot of time getting a bussiness off the ground and then have to stop in my tracks to look after kiddies.
where will i be in 10 years? **** knows. but i will most likely have 2 (3 would be pushing it) lovely little angels who have an interest in burning things.
i have no idea where i'm going career wise, but i do know that i'm happier, and healthier than i've ever been. that's more important to me.
I do internet porn...... what do you think? lol.
It's every little girls dream.