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At what age should people start dating?


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Southern Indiana
While experience and readdiness is good, kids are especially susceptible to emotional harm and self esteem issues. My brother is nine and has had two girlfriends so far, which I think is more of a hobby, but tweens could get hurt. Dating should probably be left to teens and no younger.
You can't really help how you feel about someone, no matter the age or even if it is just a simple crush. Imo, live life to the fullest because there's nothing worse than regretting something you didn't do. Dating age shouldn't matter because no matte what there will always be someone who will hurt you. Sure, kids may be easily hurt, but at the same time they will also mature and grow from their experiences.
I think that 15 is lowest I'd feel comfortable with any child of mine dating.

Young Tweens and kids always have cute little crushes and hand holding with those of the same age though which is sweet and acceptable. I tease my brother about getting a girlfriend all the time and he's 13. I really just think it shouldn't be serious though. Just learning curves with how to act or behave in relationships. Kissing and sexual matters should be kept to 16+ IMO.
I'd say 16+ really, but I know that's not possible in reality; hormones kick in and young kids go crazy, it's just the way of life.

That said, I wish we could restrict dating ages. There's too many youngsters now-a-days getting involved in adult situations that, quite often, they don't learn from and just end up repeating the same mistake(s) over-and-over again. For most it doesn't really matter to them why or how many people they date, so long as they *have* a partner and can maybe get some physical aspect of it.

And notice that I'm not talking about sex, rather ONLY dating. Sex should never happen, in my opinion, before the couple are totally mature and ready to take full responsibility for its possible consequences.
i had my first 'boyfriend' when i was 14, but i'm not really sure if it counts. we only hung out one time outside of school.

anyway, i think its fine if younger teens want to say that they're dating each other and such, but i don't think anyone is really ready for a serious relationship before 16/17 years old.
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I have a hard time viewing a "relationship" seriously unless all parties are high school age or older.
^ this really.
Otherwise, I see it more like a sort of experimenting. It's only natural that young people try their way with relating to someone else afterall, but it rarely is serious. I don't blame them though.
My first and only relationship started when I was 18; was never really able to mindlessly compromising myself with anyone.
I don't think there should be a set age to start dating. It's good to experience life, and if you start from an early age that is your choice. No-one elses. As long as you are happy, that's all that matters.
Well I first 'dated' someone at 13/14 and at the time it seemed like a normal thing for me to do that age. I did then also have a girlfriend for a year when I was 14/15 and that also seemed pretty normal.

But I do now look around and see kids of 14 or so dating and think that they look too young to be doing so :p I think it is a healthy thing for teens to do though as it is part of the growing up process really.
I would set the dating age for my kids at 16. It seems impossible these days especially when I see 13 year olds out on dates! It's hard to develop proper relationships when you're still maturing as a person and feeling new emotions. I had all sorts of crushes on boys growing up but looking back, I thank God that I never went out with any of them since I was always falling for the cool bad boy. My parents did not have any specific rules on what age to date but I had my first relationship at 17. We lasted through college and the first two years into the working world before we caved in to long distance when he had to move abroad for work.
I'd say maybe 13/14.
For starter dates, you know. Usually kids around that age are exploring themselves more and learning to be independent, and I think dating will probably start at that age. Plus, when kids are 13 their idea of a date is having their boy/girlfriend come over and play video games, or go out to eat ice cream. (...come to think of it, that's MY idea of a good date. And I'm 18. LOL.)

I just feel that there isn't enough knowledge and understanding of all the things emotional and physical involved in relationships for people younger to be trying them out.
TBH i don't really think there should be a 'set age' to start dating
people develop at different rates, and if a kid wants to date at 11 then so be it.
there's so much weight on 'being in a relationship'; when it's honestly so simple. if a child is educated enough to know right from wrong, they can handle dating. just teach them what sex is and let them figure things out about themselves on their own. let them know that saying 'no' is okay, even if the person they're dating gets pushy.
they're going to date anyway, might as well make sure they know what to know to be safe.

the only thing i'd be worried about are age gaps- if an 11 year old is dating a 15 year old, then there's something wrong and that's not okay. younger kids are still developing, and older kids know and want too much. the difference between ages during the teens is massive
I don't think there should be a certain age where in people should start dating. I think you should start dating when you're ready. Ready as in ready to understand that it's not going to easy, that there will be problems, ready to accept other people as they are, ready to accept themselves and ready to accept the love they think they deserve.
This is a question where the same answer will not work for every person involved because we all mature at different rates, according to body chemistry, DNA, and other environmental factors, like where you live or if you are gay or straight. There are so many different combinations of sexuality, and therefore it is hard to give any real input on when everyone should start dating. You just have to look at the person really.

I first started dating in grade 4, because some boy asked me out. I said no to him, he pouted, and then I said yes because we were close friends at the time. We never acted like a couple though. After that day it was never brought up again, and then I saw him asking some other girl out on the playground. I think her name was Kelly. Either way, we never spoke about it and that is how it went. Obviously I was too young to even have come into my sexuality at that point, because I am a lesbian.
Depends on maturity, I guess.
It's normal and natural to experiment with crushes and liking people and I don't really think there should be a certain age to start dating.
There are incredibly mature 13/14 year olds that can have pretty mature, healthy and responsible relationships, just as there are 16/17/18 year olds that are really immature and have unhealthy and irresponsible relationships.
It all depends on maturity for me.
I can't see how an 11 year old can possibly enter a sexual relationship for their maturity alone will be very much lacking. Also it's against the law in most countries to be engaging in sex at that age or thereabouts, anyway. No responsible parent would allow their child, so young, to be dating. However, in European countries such as Italy or France I've seen people younger than me walking around town holding hands. This holding of hands doesn't necessarily mean the boy and girl are dating. Either gender hold hands for that matter like in India, this being a very cultural thing that so many do out there. I think Indian boys holdiing hands is really quite cute.

In my college are a group of girls who act so immaturely. Its in the way they make remarks, eying up people outside their group. Yet, the girls have had a string of boys and none have lasted longer than a fortnight before the next conquest. I think thats pathetic and on occasion told them, only to get booed. Doesn't bother me much and anyway, they go quiet on seeing my girlfriend and I so happy and confident together.

Mum allows our relationship because she's comfortable and trusting. I've never really given much thought to how others perceive us. We live our lives in happeniess and contentment. really, its nothing to do with what other people think. I'm 15 soon to be 16 and Jilly is 20. If its fine with Mum, then thats all that matters. :)