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Best Console


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wow this hasnt been started yet :isurprise so i will start it
whats the best console!?
Don;'t mess with the Pc ood it's our lifeline... your using one now!

They are teh only thing upgradable :p
PlayStation 2. I like PC games, but whenever I am on the computer, I'd rather be doing other stuff online...not gaming. So next to that, I enjoy playing on the PS2 the most. It has the best game selection, the hardware is fairly good, and I like the controller. The Xbox and GameCube are also good, though. The new Xbox controller is pretty nice, and of course the console has amazing hardware. And the GameCube has some awesome games such as the Wind Waker and Metroid.

So I kind of like all three of them a lot, but of the three, I'd say I enjoy my PlayStation 2 the most.
The PC rules if u can get 1 that's really powerful then u can play anything and everything and it will actually look good, get the right programs take good care of the system and it will really blow the doors off of all consoles lol:delight:
I'd say the Xbox. Its just my opinion, but all the PS2 and GC exclusives don't interest me. Topped with Xbox Live and its superior technical specs, there's nothing better for me than Xbox. Of course I'm sure there are plenty that would disagree with me here.

GBA and PC are cool too :)
First of all, the PC is not a console, so why it's included in the "Best Console" poll is beyond me. Of course a PC is more technologically advanced, etc.

If one was to look at the specs of all three consoles, Xbox would clearly win. It's far better (technology-wise) than the PlayStation 2 or the GameCube. It also has the best online strategy. Sony's online plan is kind of like "it's up to the developers to provide online services" and Nintendo has yet to even produce any kind of online gaming service (as far as I know PSO is the only GameCube title online).

But of course it's not really what's under the hood that counts. The games are what makes or breaks a console. Sony's PlayStation 2 obviously boasts the largest library (not only can it play the hundreds of PS2 games out there, but you can also play every PSone game). Nintendo's GameCube has some killer first-party games, but is somewhat lacking in the third-party support. Xbox has a lot of games, but none of them scream "buy me" (there are a few, but not nearly as many when compared to PS2 or GameCube games).

I personally picked the Xbox, mainly because Halo 2, among other games, looks amazing. I'm also sticking to my comments about Xbox Live. It's just better.
PC or PS2, either way.

I've had an Xbox since launch, not to impressed with it's titles (only solid games so far are Halo and Morrowind). XBL is ok, I beta'ed it and shortly after bought and played the 3 big games for it (MechAssault, Ghost Recon, and Unreal) and they all got old, really fast for some reason.

I am really looking forward to Morrowind GOTY edition to come out later this fall, which includes the expansions Tribunal and Bloodmoon.
PC's aren't consoles but they do fit in with this poll, it was just a bad word choice. PC's, IMO, own all other gaming systems. They are extremely upgradable and have had online games way before PS and Xbox. Of course PC price tags are a tad higher than consoles too.
Can;t beat the best games with the best quality, Nintendo's Cube.
But I also have a soft spot for the tekken series in Sony's PS2 and the Medal of Honor series, But I can't deny the power of the great xbox, Halo............thats all I have to say.

Man forget the consoles, its all about the games!
Now I think this poll is for best console, meaning which is more advanced, or could do the most things. That is a close one between PS2 and Xbox, but since Xbox will end up costing you less in the end (dont have to buy PS2 adapter, HD, keyboard, etc) I'm going to go with Xbox.

If we are talking games that is a very hard one. While I enjoy playing Eternal Darkness, Super Monkey Ball, and Resident Evil 0 on GC I like to play GT3, GTAs, DMC, on PS2, and I also like to play a wide array of games on my Xbox.

I guess Xbox would win games wise but it also has the upper hand because whenever I buy a multiplatform game I buy it for Xbox.
Nah...the Xbox is the real winner of this poll...at least, it is in my opinion.
XBOX just has the better hardware specs, and with some more games (GTA is coming out for XBOX), 2004 will be the year of the XBOX!
^2004 is the year of the flaming xbox mountain!

Since everyone will finally realize the system is crap and because Halo is on the PC now they don't need that hunk of black and green junk! SO Thus the Flamming Xbox mound will be created. Just like the flamming tire mound in the simpsons. (AWESOME SHOW)

But aside from the death of the xbox.


.....<<Buster is Shot dead>>
i said the ps2
for having the most games and for being the first one out
and still hanging in the crowd
it may be weaker then my xbox, but it is still strong in my heart