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Beta-testers needed for a new karaoke hoster/player I'm developing

Someone on my message board mentioned a "Baltimore" format for zipped karaoke files. Can someone paste an EXACT zip file name using that convention?

In fact, can someone also list the top 5 naming conventions used EXACTLY as I'm trying to expand my file importer in Flex v 0.55. BTW, when I finish this and do some more testing I'll release it. New cdg/mp3 player is done and so is the key changer (you can even key change during playback of a song!).


I believe it goes something like this

SC8888 - 01 - Artist - Song title.zip

the other common format is:

SC8888 - 01 - Song Title - Artist.zip
Hey guys,

I apologize for being away so long, but I had other committments to attend to. I also spent a LOT of time coming up with an alternate cdg player for Flex and think I finally got something stable.

Within the next few days, I'll be posting version 0.56. I hope there's still people interested in testing it out, especially vista users.


Flex version 0.56 Available

I just posted the latest version of Flex Karaoke Beta Trail V 0.56 to my message board. Here is the link to the site:


New Features:

Rev 0.56 (3-21-09)
- Updated CDG player. More stable

- Added multiple file name import capability (including Baltimore format)

- Added Sync function. This will delay the start of the video or the audio in case there is a lag time. if the seting is changed during playback, it will not apparent until the next song play (which means you can stop the current song and replay it and the new setting will take effect).

I hope there's still some interest from testers out there. I apologize for the long delay, but I've been working hard to make this software right!

Thank You,

where is your board?

What happened to your web site? All I get is go daddy

Lone Wolf
New website address

Oh wow, they already switched it over. Thought it would take a few weeks..

OK IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT!My web URL has changed. All future updates and forum info will be at this link:


Sorry for the inconvenience! Looking forward to hearing for you testers out there!

Couldn't get to work


After the conficker scare, I proceeded to update all my computers - couldn't
get some stuff to work until I got the .net 3.5 installed ...... I think
you need to go to custom install also.......... I also noticed that I didn't
get every update on one try, but on subsequent trips back to the update
site more updates seemed to be available - Might be a good idea to try
Yes! That seems to be the problem. I had to go to microsoft and update .NET 3.5 SP! for it to work. I just tested my download and install directly from my forum and it works on my XP machine (itwas always working on my Vista box). So, Paul, what's going on here? I thought I had .NET 3.5 SP1 installed on my XP machine. Why the need for the update? IS it an update or a complete re-install of 3.5 SP1?

I have a script in my installer that checks for the presence of .NET 3.5 SP1 and is supposed to display a link to microsoft to get the update. It might be that script is being blocked with some recent windows update.

BTW, thanks for the heads up!

.net 3.5 update

Fishbox - Honestly I can't answer your question - I just know that I got
busy doing all the updates on all 6 of our computers, and it seemed to me
that some of the "Windows Update" links in the computer program itself
didn't give me everything that's available.............I had a program or
two that just wouldn't work till I went through and updated until there
were no more updates that I wanted...........That's why I posted the
update link which I googled.... I was hoping that this might help Cameron
with his problem, but looks like it helped you as well...

I'll have to admit that I did not like the new Windows Search 4.0 for
Windows XP - so I just went into my programs and deleted it, and it
went back to the old search window - which works well for me... I also
didn't dowload any of the Windows Live Essentials - don't know what it
is, so I must not need it.............

I'm amazed that there seem to be one or two updates a week when you go into
the customize updates that seem to be pertinent to my useage......There
was an ethernet card update available today on one of my computers....

Haven't actually tried Flex - I'm an old dog who's a little slow on the new
tricks.........and a lot time-short for the karaoke developments - too much time trying to get weddings booked - that's where most of my income occurs..
PS - I forgot to mention that there is an SP1 to the .net 3.5 update - maybe
that's what solved your problem fishbox..........