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Boy Scouts May End Ban on Gay Scouts, Leaders

People seem to literally **** on themselves if the trainwrecks are removed around here.

And a lock seems to lead to a new thread :eyeroll:
Meh...............we've had worse threads. :9: IMO no lock is needed.
Using icoupon's example, could you call it a sin if someone was having a relationship outside of marriage because they were "in love?"

yes, technically if you are talking about sex AND THEY HAD THE ABILITY TO MARRY, if not, not really a sin obviously since they have no option.
OK, so children born out of wedlock aren't sins. Having SEX (without marriage) that made the children is a sin.

What if you have IVF? Then you aren't sexing. No sin???

OK, lying is a sin. So, when people lie to their kids about Santa on what they consider one of the most religious holidays of the year are they sinning on Christmas?

Things I learned from this trainwreck and where my mind went....

any answers?
See, I think people who commit adultery deserve to be branded a potana (and whatever the male equivalent for that is) for their lifetime and shunned. I don't think cheating should be allowed anywhere.

Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion...

1. OK, so children born out of wedlock aren't sins.

2. Having SEX (without marriage) that made the children is a sin.

3. What if you have IVF? Then you aren't sexing. No sin???

4. OK, lying is a sin. So, when people lie to their kids about Santa on what they consider one of the most religious holidays of the year are they sinning on Christmas?

Things I learned from this trainwreck and where my mind went....

any answers?

1. No they are not
2. Yes technically, though obviously not as bad as adultery MUCH BIGGER sin.
3. No, unless you can't support the kid you are having, but the act no.
4. Technically, but again obviously a sin is not a sin there are whole variations. Some things are not a big deal lying about Santa (ie the white lie) others are fundamental and recognized as such, like the 10 commandments or obviously lying to your spouse and committing a really evil sin like adultery or abortion or other murders.
I am not sure telling a lie is a sin.

Can we pick and choose?

BFF 5 minutes before she walks down the aisle "Do you LOVE my dress?"

I think it is atrocious.....IMO, it is a bigger sin to crush her with the truth.

Is there an official list of sins? Other than the 10 commandments?
I am not sure telling a lie is a sin.

Can we pick and choose?

BFF 5 minutes before she walks down the aisle "Do you LOVE my dress?"

I think it is atrocious.....IMO, it is a bigger sin to crush her with the truth.

Is there an official list of sins? Other than the 10 commandments?

There is no official list other than the 10 commandments really. All the other stuff comes through translations that may/likely not be correct (the Bible especially) and do not have the same weight. The anti-gay thing is one of the things that many think the translators got wrong in the bible.

IMHO I do not understand people who quote "their preferred translation" of the bible since we know the above is an inherent issue. I agree Barb, the bigger "sin" would be to crush her with the truth. If you wish to read or memorize something in the bible to remind you or your child of something you know to be the moral way to treat people fine, but to be a moral person memorizing/reading the bible is irrelevant. But try and tell that to certain extremes of the Baptists or some other sects (there are extremes in all even Catholics) etc you will get an earful.

As Catholics we were taught that the stories in the bible are just that, as interpreted by those there at the time at their level of understanding. For example, the story of the beginning of the world should NOT be taken literally, it is a story. For example, evolution is compatible with the important part, that a divine entity God created and set the universe in motion including possibly the evolutionary process etc.
I saw a poster on FB awhile back (I am no longer on FB) that quotes Jesus as saying "GUYS! I said I hate FIGS"....as in they got it all wrong.

Saw it on FB...must be true.
There is no official list other than the 10 commandments really. All the other stuff comes through translations that may/likely not be correct (the Bible especially) and do not have the same weight. The anti-gay thing is one of the things that many think the translators got wrong in the bible.

IMHO I do not understand people who quote "their preferred translation" of the bible since we know the above is an inherent issue. I agree Barb, the bigger "sin" would be to crush her with the truth. If you wish to read or memorize something in the bible to remind you or your child of something you know to be the moral way to treat people fine, but to be a moral person memorizing/reading the bible is irrelevant. But try and tell that to certain extremes of the Baptists or some other sects (there are extremes in all even Catholics) etc you will get an earful.

As Catholics we were taught that the stories in the bible are just that, as interpreted by those there at the time at their level of understanding. For example, the story of the beginning of the world should NOT be taken literally, it is a story. For example, evolution is compatible with the important part, that a divine entity God created and set the universe in motion including possibly the evolutionary process etc.


Please explain :faint:? I just got off phone with my folks, my Dad is Lutheran and that's what he was taught at church as well as my Mom who was raised Catholic was taught the same thing. I understand there evidently (from a couple posters here) a few Christian churchs in other faiths who are into a literal/literally reading the bible, and even "bible studies" etc. I think they are also some of the religions that are into the whole created "reborn/saved idea". Just wondering what you disagree with?

fyi, growing up even in religion classes as Catholics you never read "the bible", yes you read some of stories in the textbook for illustration purposes or reprinted readings/stories at church again to illustrate certain moral points (no bibles there either) etc and somewhere at home we had a "children's bible" maybe a regular one somewhere but generally as Catholics its not usually used/referenced.
:secret: Bob, the first reading, second reading, and gospel at Mass are from the Bible. Also, the responsorial hymn is from the Bible. Catholics don't often memorize or quote the Bible, but it is still a central part of our faith.

Also, in Catholcism there are two types of sins: venial and mortal. The Catechism of the Catholic Church goes into detail about each type and sin in general.
:secret: Bob, the first reading, second reading, and gospel at Mass are from the Bible. Also, the responsorial hymn is from the Bible. Catholics don't often memorize or quote the Bible, but it is still a central part of our faith.

Also, in Catholcism there are two types of sins: venial and mortal. The Catechism of the Catholic Church goes into detail about each type and sin in general.

See. I kinda "get" what Bob I saying. (I know, I know). But isn't most of this interpretation. Like these two types of sins, did God tell the Catholic Church this? Or is this the I interpretation of the men who were in charge of the church.
I grew up Catholic and didn't have anything memorized aside from maybe three prayers and half of mass.
And if you didn't stop going to segregated places, you hated black people? If you didn't boycott companies that supported racial inequality, you were a hateful racist?
Non-support of boycotts to abolish apartheid never meant support for. Are you saying it does? Can you further explain that logic? Because that is where you completely loose me at

Yes :hides:

Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question,'Is it politic?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I firmly believe that silence is permission, support if you will. If I KNOW my kids are planning a kegger while I'm away but I look the other way I've given my silent permission for it to happen. There is no motivation to change when the masses still flock to you despite your bad behavior.

Let's take Walmart. Walmart treats their employees like crap, barely pay them a living wage, benefits? forget about it. They employ thousands and thousands of the working poor. Every time I step foot in that store and plunk down my money I say that is OK.

Chick Fil A uses their profits to support "Pray The Gay Away" nonsense. If I eat their chicken sandwiches for lunch I may as well write a check to those causes directly because I am KNOWINGLY helping to contribute.
Chick Fil A uses their profits to support "Pray The Gay Away" nonsense. If I eat their chicken sandwiches for lunch I may as well right a check to those causes directly because I am KNOWINGLY helping to contribute.

I was reading somewhere that they released their 2011 tax documents and they no longer contribute to those causes. when I am not buried at work and can search for it, I will look for it.

So if they quit donating to those groups back then, I can appreciate change and can go eat a nice chicken sandwich (because **** they make a good chicken sandwich that I have eaten in a number of years since finding out who they were giving to)
If you're asking about the official Catholic teaching on sin, then yes, fornication, adultery and IVF are all considered grevious matters on their face.

Three elements are required for a sin to become mortal: grevious matter, full consent of the will, and full knowledge of the evil of the act.

Heavy reading on the evolution of Catholic thought regarding sin in general:
I was reading somewhere that they released their 2011 tax documents and they no longer contribute to those causes. when I am not buried at work and can search for it, I will look for it.

So if they quit donating to those groups back then, I can appreciate change and can go eat a nice chicken sandwich (because **** they make a good chicken sandwich that I have eaten in a number of years since finding out who they were giving to)

I remember hearing that too. And I didn't want to open the whole Chick debate again it was just one example that came to mind. And **** they are good, I only had one ONCE :hides: