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Bush: Liar or Dumb????


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# One of the funniest moments from the first two debates arose from Sen. Kerry's assertion that the current tax rules benefit the wealthy (those making in excess of $200,000 annually) and that the GOP's claim that small businesses would be harmed by his tax proposal is silly because President Bush was considered a small business because he received $84 from a timber company he owns.

Bush's response, "I own a timber company? That's news to me." drew plenty of laughs, but implied that he doesn't own a timber company. In fact, he does. According to his 2003 financial disclosure form, Bush owns part interest in "LSTF, LLC," a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales."
And he calls me cut and paste! :laughing3

an $84 interest does not constitute OWNING A COMPANY. Why don't you address the issue though? Why is it wrong to give people who PAY TAXES back THEIR MONEY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT?


Kerry keeps complaining that he got back so much.... WHY DID HE NOT SIMPLY REFUSE THE TAX REFUND, which is an option. WHY? He was SO AGAINST THE TAX CUT, and there are SO MANY PEOPLE THAT NEED THE MONEY, why didn't he just GIVE THE MONEY BACK?


Why is it that Bush paid $250,000 in taxes and Kerry only paid $90,000? Kerry is more wealthy. Care to explain that DemoKrat? My bet is you will ignore this like you ignore all the other FACTS I present, and just go start another silly thread.
my point was that Bushie could not even keep track of his own holdings. you ignored that point. why didnt you address that??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
how can someone who cant keep track of his own finances and then go on tv and LIE about it be responsible enough to run the country????!!!!!????!!??!!??!
I did address that point. It is a petty point. I think that almost everyone (except you) can understand why someone who made $84.00 from a company would say that he did not own that company. If you own stock in Apple Computer, and you make $1000, do you walk around saying, "Hey, I own Apple Computer?"

Here you have the democrats spilting hairs, when it suits them. This from the party of "It depends what the meaning of is" is. This from the party who dedended President Clinton when he LIED UNDER OATH... oh wait, that was just about sex. Lying about sex is ok. :laughing3

DemoKrat, when are you going to post something of worth? :laughing1

What I CAN NOT understand is why is it that Bush paid $250,000 in taxes and Kerry only paid $90,000 when Kerry is more wealthy.
it is not petty it is an indication of how scatterbrained the guy is.

and if i made $1000 off apple and someone mentioned apple in conversation i sure as hell would remember that i had stock in it. i wouldn't deny it and then joke about it
Bush paid $250,000 in taxes and Kerry paid $90,000 in taxes. Kerry makes more. That is an issue, not an $84 income. Address it.

Oh, did you ever hear of Panera? It is a Starbucks like Bakery/Deli. They have chains all around the country. Well, I would like you to go there and have lunch on me today. When you get there, tell them I said you can have your meal on the house. I own $500 in stock in Panera, so, according to Demokrat, I own Panera. :laughing6
hey CNP how about not putting words in my mouth???? jorge cant even keep track of his own investments and you want him in charge of millions of ammericans???? he is so not pres material!!!

:laughing6 thank god you live in ny! :laughing6
:laughing6 your vote will be worthless thanks to all the good democrats living there :laughing6
Bush paid $250,000 in taxes and Kerry paid $90,000 in taxes. Kerry makes more. That is an issue, not an $84 income. Address it.
it is obvious. kerry is a better reader and has a better accountant than bush. looks like his finances are screwy even more than i knew.

i mean look at it and try not to cry yourself to sleep, CNP.

kerry and bush have access to the same investment oppurtunities and have to abide by the same tax law so i think that kerry is a much better businessman!!

thanks for the ammo. I WIN AGAIN!!!

so how about you freaking address how a man like jorge can not even know about his own investments? i will chalk this up as a win unless you can give me a pertinant argument.
Why do I waste my time?

it is obvious. kerry is a better reader and has a better accountant than bush.

How in the good God's world can you make a statement like this, based soley on the fact that a man who forgets one, of his most likely dozens of investments, particularly when it is a mere $84? Do you have any concept of numbers? When you are dealing with MILLIONS, do you know how little 84 is? Apparently not.

looks like his finances are screwy even more than i knew.

Let me get this straight, you think that the fact Buh paid $250,000 and Kerry paid $90,000 in taxes, when Kerry makes more, means BUSH's finances are screwy? I don't need to insult you, you do it yourself. THE MAN WHO WANTS TO ROLL BACK THE TAX CUTS FOR THE "WEALTHY" NOT ONLY DID NOT GIVE HIS TAX CUT BACK, BUT HE PAID LESS THAN THE MAN WHO WANTS TO LET PEOPLE KEEP THEIR OWN MONEY! THAT IS HYPOCRISY IN IT'S PUREST FORM!

kerry and bush have access to the same investment oppurtunities and have to abide by the same tax law so i think that kerry is a much better businessman!!

Once again you sound the horn of stupidity to announce how ignorant you really are. You think Bush and Kerry have the access to the same investment oppurtunities and have to abide by the same tax law, so you think that Kerry is a much better businessman? Ok, lets address this:

  • A) First of all, you fail to see that a billionaire makes more money, and DOES NOT have the same invest opportunities as a millionare - apparently math is not one of your strong points (along with spelling or debating, but who is counting)
  • B) Kerry says that the Bush Tax Cuts for the "Wealthy" (including himself), are unfair and they hurt the country
  • C) Kerry DOES NOT give back his tax cut provided from President Bush - so he thinks others should have to give back THEIR tax cuts, but not him
  • D) Kerry pays LESS in taxes than President Bush, even though he earns MILLIONS more

THAT statement stands for itself. Kerry is a hypocrite, plan and simple. DO AS I SAY, BUT NOT AS I DO. And yet, you think mispronouncing words is WORSE than being a hypocrite.

thanks for the ammo. I WIN AGAIN!!!


so how about you freaking address how a man like jorge can not even know about his own investments? i will chalk this up as a win unless you can give me a pertinant argument.

I already have, several times, but apparently you are not bright enough to figure it out.

And once again, have a nice day.
blah blah blah
opinions and personal insults again.
Okay I enjoy debating but I won't touch this one with a 10 foot pole. But for what my opinon counts for i say Angry White Man won
Angry white man, you should stick to your forums and stop flaming other members. Flaming is the downfall of many good forums, and posts started arent personal attacks at you, so why respond with insulting the poster. Stop ruining these political posts and start your own "Hate Kerry" posts.
M@Broz said:
Angry white man, you should stick to your forums and stop flaming other members. Flaming is the downfall of many good forums, and posts started arent personal attacks at you, so why respond with insulting the poster. Stop ruining these political posts and start your own "Hate Kerry" posts.

What you don't seem to understand, is that Angry White Man has given facts over and over, presented valid arguments and asked valid questions.
He used his time and gave his effort to respond to the issue at hand. Demokrat has done none of these things, he has talked out of his **** in this entire thread and ignored every fact presented to him. Why shouldn't you get mad when someone posts, you respond, then the poster won't listen to any fact you give them?

To me, it's the equivalent of a small, annoying child sticking his fingers in his ears and going "LALALALALA!! I CAN"T HEAR YOU!!" Frankly, none of us have time for this ****. If Demokrat can't back up what he says with facts, and refuses to address any facts given to him, then he should keep his mouth shut, and go back to playing in sand boxes, instead of an internet discussion forum.

Angry White Man hasn't ruined a single thread, M@Broz. Demokrat invites whatever criticism he gets with his ignorance. :icon_salu

Finally! someone who is as pissed at stupid **** flaming as me!!!!!!!!!

and nick, you listen to me and try reading the thread.... i said that the rpesident of the united states of america should be able to keep track of his investments and CutNPaste went off and started attacking me personally! re-read the thread.

it doesnt matter that it was only $84!!!!! it matters that he has investments that he has no clue about. (among the other things he has NO CLUE ABOUT) hahahahahah
Mr.Nick said:
What you don't seem to understand, is that Angry White Man has given facts over and over, presented valid arguments and asked valid questions.
He used his time and gave his effort to respond to the issue at hand. Demokrat has done none of these things, he has talked out of his **** in this entire thread and ignored every fact presented to him. Why shouldn't you get mad when someone posts, you respond, then the poster won't listen to any fact you give them?

To me, it's the equivalent of a small, annoying child sticking his fingers in his ears and going "LALALALALA!! I CAN"T HEAR YOU!!" Frankly, none of us have time for this ****. If Demokrat can't back up what he says with facts, and refuses to address any facts given to him, then he should keep his mouth shut, and go back to playing in sand boxes, instead of an internet discussion forum.

Angry White Man hasn't ruined a single thread, M@Broz. Demokrat invites whatever criticism he gets with his ignorance. :icon_salu
Well that may be the case in this post, but i was talking about most other "Bash the right (Republicans)" posts i've read or posted in, posts including ones that Demokrat hasn't even posted in. There are other people with other views and other arguments, and he just seems to attack the posters, even if they do have facts to support their ideas. But you honestly cant attack someone for how they feel, you cant tell someone you're wrong for how you feel. You feel that way and thats what yuo're going to write about... theres no use starting stupid forum fights and flame other users. I suppose you can post your own opinion and how much you dont like kerry... but thats what im trying to say.. theres another forum for that. "Bash the left (Democrat)" forum.
Demokrat said:
i said that the rpesident of the united states of america should be able to keep track of his investments and CutNPaste went off and started attacking me personally! re-read the thread.

it doesnt matter that it was only $84!!!!! it matters that he has investments that he has no clue about. (among the other things he has NO CLUE ABOUT) hahahahahah
Ok but you say bush cant read? Well I say you cant hear or read what your typing and what bush said...

Kerry said Bush owns a lumber company right we all agree on that..

Bush got up and said "I own a lumber company? Thats news to me... Need some wood?"

Now where in there did he say he didnt get $84 back? He didnt say that.. He said that he doesnt own a lumber company! He didnt say "no I didnt get $84 from a lumber company" He said PLAIN AND SIMPLE "I own a lumber company? thats news to me!"

He knows his finances bud!

Kerry is crazy... I dont know if those are the true facts about bush paying 250k and kerry paying 90k whats 90k to kerry? **** if my wife owned Heinz Ketchup I wouldnt care about paying taxes...
It's not so much TIME on a person's hands, it's ideas and opinions that are important in this thread - this is good stuff! Do you know Demokrat?? Tell him to c'mon back and play!! No one's heard from him in a while!