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Cats Vs. Dogs


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In the depths of oblivion.
Are you more of a cat person or a dog person? Why?

I like dogs, but I LOVE cats. To me, they're cute, have tons of personality, and self-sufficient. They're great therapy for me and there's nothing like a cat laying on you purring when you've had a bad day! :)
I can't pick! ;_; I have a dog and a cat, I lean more towards dogs. Though I'm getting a new kitten soon and I can't wait ;_;
I'm probably more of a dog person though :p
Cat. I have 2 cats and they rarely give me attention, but my dog always is in my face. That's what I like about dogs but other than that, cats are more relaxed and stuff :)
My friend despises me for that, for some reason.

"Ugh. Cats don't do ****. They're so boring."

"My kitten bounces all over the place. It's so fun."


I just much prefer cats.
Both are great companions in different ways (I say this and I never had a single pet in my life)
But honestly, in terms of friendship, I think I understand dogs more than cats. I have intuitive communication with dogs and I just love all the things we can do with them. Cats are more self-suficient and they can have some temper, whilst a healthy dog will never turn on you.
I prefer dogs to cats. Cat fur gets up my nose and makes me sneeze a lot.
While I love both very much, I am definitely more of a dog person. Dogs are my favourite animals and I honestly can't imagine a better friend than a dog. They pour out all their love to you and they don't judge you. They accept you for who you are and love you for it. In all honesty I would not be where I am today without my dog.
I'm not the biggest fan of cat, but I love dogs.
All the cats I've met are snobs in their homes and pay very little attention to their owners.
dog! i cant stand cats, they always seem to scratch me! and dogs always love me
Dogs. Absolutely, DOGS.
I have a cat that I love to pieces, so it seems rather disloyal to admit I prefer dogs, but since my cat can't read and he doesn't use the internet, I'm not too concerned.
The tattoo I just got is an image of the last dog I had, almost 20 years ago, and I'll never have another one like Bogey. Also, I don't have the space or the physical ability to handle a dog properly.
I adore my cat, but I'll always prefer dogs.
This is a hard choice for me. I have had a dog in the past and I really was very close to her, and I felt as if I could understand her very well. I have had a cat too, and I was very close to her as well. I suppose since I can't choose both, it would have to be a dog. I will never ever forget the times when I was sad, my dog had climbed up onto my bed and she had put her paw on my arm as if she was trying to say "It'll be okay.. I'm here, please feel better.". Remembering this brings sadness, but some happiness to me. We had to get rid of that dog as my mother couldn't afford her. I will always love and miss her. I also remember the time I was dog sitting for my friend, and as I got a bit homesick, (I decided to stay overnight and sleep on the couch) the husky came over to the couch and lay next to it and let me pet her until I fell asleep. She actually did that several times.

So, seeing as I have had wonderful experiences with dogs, I suppose at heart I am a dog person. Though I do love cats. The ones I have met are total sweethearts, and when they want attention they will climb up onto your lap and encourage you to pet them. These said cats are my best friend's, and they are big pathetic babies! They are still adorable, though.
i love Cats more,
no doubt Dog is best friend of mankind, and 100% full of love... but too much sugar becomes sour.
no matter how much anger you shown to dog it get back to you when you call it.

but cats have human like attitude, you ignored it or used harsh voice, then the cat would most probably be angry with you and many cats also stop eating.. so you have to apologies properly