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Couponing and our kids--the influence we have--


Legend Of The Universe
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LOL I have been meaning to post this but somehow I forgot over the Holidays..

so Ds 20 comes home from college, he notices some WT rebates on the table which sparks his memory--

Hey Mom did I happen to get any rebate checks in the mail??
no, not that I remember
well i sent some beer rebates in
LOL--note his age ( please I do not need a lecture about my ds' underage drinking...)

next day ironically 2 rebates came in his name-beer rebates

smart boy I'd say
That's hilarious! Mine are much younger (7 & 8) but everytime we are at the store and they see a peelie or a pad of coupons, they frantically start telling me..."MOM! There's some coupons!!!! Don't you want them?!?" Needless to say they are not very quiet about it:) So much for flying under the radar with them in tow!
I remember when DS was about 7...I sent him over to the corner store to buy a small box of Brillo pads...no coupon, but since I only use about 1 a year it was no biggie...he comes home with a box of 24...because "It was a better deal"...I think I still have about 1/2 box left...

DGS still talks about the time we found a bunch of coupons stuck in a tree @ the HyVee...
he is a good couponer--i can send him coupons and he does deals at school-and when he was in high school he would errands for me when he was bored-but I thought the beer rebate was funny--
but wait here's another one--not to be outdone by his younger brother always looking for deals--my 22 year old son sent DH a pic this weekend of his "deal"

"Look dad 15, 20 ounces bottles of shock top for only 11.99 am I am deal shopper or what??!!"
I thought it was smart of him to send the rebates home; so there is no written "proof" of his drinking at the college!
That's funny! And good for both of them. Their future wives won't know how lucky they are to have a money conscious hubby.

My DD14 realized awhile ago that the deals are drying up. She was reminiscing about the day she discovered the bench she sits on at dinner was FULL of goodies. Now it's practically empty. :pout:
LOL I have been meaning to post this but somehow I forgot over the Holidays..

so Ds 20 comes home from college, he notices some WT rebates on the table which sparks his memory--

Hey Mom did I happen to get any rebate checks in the mail??
no, not that I remember
well i sent some beer rebates in
LOL--note his age ( please I do not need a lecture about my ds' underage drinking...)

next day ironically 2 rebates came in his name-beer rebates

smart boy I'd say

You are assuming he drank the beer--what about he was hanging around with friends that are older, and as long as they bought the beer and had the receipt--he might as well benefit from it--he was willing to send it away!!!
Yes, smart child--he appreciates the bargains--and will be better off after college!
..and I THINK he told me that they werent valid in Iowa --lol, that is why he sent them home--he goes to school right across the Mississippi , in Iowa they charge for can/bottle deposit so they usually go to Illinois to purchase
My older DD who is 19 will always ask if I have a coupon for something or if there is a deal if she is going to Walgreens. She works at Deals though and lots of times the stuff there isn't really a "deal" but she thinks so, and buys it there. All of my kids and DH ask about deals/coupons for something they want. I love it. They are all too lazy for rebates tho, so Lisa you really trained them well.
My 7 year old does the same as kloeli child. She gets so excited and is very loud about it. But she does ask if I have a coupon for something she wants. She has even used a Carson coupon to get a slinky before Xmas she was happy to get it for $1!
I have DS8 and DS6 and I remember a couple summers ago when WTs were still big, we would cruise thru the liquor dept looking for WT and they would YELL at the top of their lungs "Mommy, why are you taking all those coupons off the bottles?"

Nope, they don't know how to fly under the radar at all.

My 6 yo only goes to K a couple hours in the morning so he often goes shopping with me. I can't tell you how many times he's seen another kid at Target looking at cookies or cereal or kids' toothpaste and told them: "You should ask your Mommy if she has a coupon for that and maybe she'll buy it for you because you shouldn't buy anything without a coupon."
My two DS's do ask for coupons I they need to buy something

... But I am most proud of my oldest ... DH actually has come around to asking too! ;)
We could take it a step further and say he isn't drinking but buying cases (having them bought) and selling them for $1-2 per bottle/can. :lol:

(to others that are of legal drinking age of course :lol:)
We could take it a step further and say he isn't drinking but buying cases (having them bought) and selling them for $1-2 per bottle/can. :lol:

(to others that are of legal drinking age of course :lol:)

this is totally my kid that would do that
That's hilarious! Mine are much younger (7 & 8) but everytime we are at the store and they see a peelie or a pad of coupons, they frantically start telling me..."MOM! There's some coupons!!!! Don't you want them?!?" Needless to say they are not very quiet about it:) So much for flying under the radar with them in tow!

my children always do that too! They have a collection of their own in the back of the van. DD5 also is a self check catalina dumster diver:girl:
Charlie's post reminds me of when DS went to football camp about 5 years ago. He went to White castle and spent all his money for the week on a crave case and sold the individual burgers for a dollar to the kids at night in the dorms :lol: The coaches were so amazed at his ability to hustle $$

As for now, DS will not purchase clothing with his own money that can be bought at Kohls and will ask me to get some $5 coupons from "that reporter lady", wait for a 30% off and Kohls Cash and will proudly go combine 10 receipts to get his Kohls cash :lol:
That reporter lady!


My kid does the same. But I can't buy $5 coupons anymore, so he was feeling the burn. He solved that by opening up his own cottage mass email signup operation :lol:

MrsMelton your son does know that it is Goldstar clearance right now? All clearance an extra 25 pct off? It is until Feb 2. My kid is picking up niiiiiiice sweaters, dress shirts & casual items for $1-2-3 a piece. I finally got mine a Kohls card with his name on it. Since I'm tied to the card, the addl employee discount comes off automatically for him.

Oh, and if you should tell him to get a little job there. He will get another 15pct off employee discount!!

"that reporter lady" :lol:

We DO need that playdate MrsMelton :lol: