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CW is awfully quiet.....

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.....You know that means that everyone is busy PMing and IMing on FB and what have you...


Spit it out! Let's hear your thoughts! Big girl panties may be required....... :snicker:
I think Jewelers are in mourning. :drama:
It seems to be pretty quiet at a few of the boards. I think we are all shopped out! lol!
I've actually been busy at work yesterday and today. Shocking I know! Stayed here for lunch since it's snowing outside so I finally have a little time to check in.
I've been out Christmas shopping a lot lately...............others prolly are too. :9:
as for the big girl panties...some of us are big girls so we need to wear those every day :giggles:
I've been shopping a lot too :)

My thoughts are that I'm sorry that Barb is having a hard time right now and needs to step down as mod. I don't think that whatever happened in the Target thread had anything to do with it though b/c that doesn't make any sense. I don't want to hurt Barb's feelings but I've always been honest ... I think she was being sensitive, if that's really what set things off.
Something has been up with Barb for a while now. She called JRL a **** for goodness sake. Very un-Barb-like no? Clearly its better to blame people on CW for what is clearly a personal situation, but nothing that I or JRL said in either of those threads is cause for all this drama. :drama:

I don't appreciate being "blamed" for Barb "resigning as a mod". And for F's sake don't post how you are going to pay .50 more for something rather than "beg" for the coupon, make me look like the bad guy and then turn around and text me to ask for the coupon. That's shady. I offered last night, but you preferred to get up on your cross like you had been wronged, and then privately asked me for it anyway. That pisses me off.

End of rant...and I don't give a rat's **** who doesn't like what I had to say just now. Vote me off the island if it's a problem :mob"
Oh and the thanks button sure has lots of drama around it.

Who's the comedian that says "putting **** on a pedestal"? Here it's, "putting the thanks button on a pedestal."
OMG with the thanks button already. Too many thanks, not enough thanks, HEY why did you thank that? :hb:

I'm going to stop thanking anyone for anything I think. Between the calls out publicly and the PMs about it, it's really not worth it.
What the heck did I miss????

Dangit, no fair having drama when I am busy with sick kids...so are there links, or do I have to start making phone calls :hides:
Barb? Being sensitive? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(btw I didn't read the Target thread...........yet)
What the heck did I miss????

Dangit, no fair having drama when I am busy with sick kids...so are there links, or do I have to start making phone calls :hides:

Not sure, but if you figure it out lemme know kay?

Joy, or you could just thank everyone!
Something has been up with Barb for a while now.
this. you and I were just the straw...but it's quiet because couponing always sucks around the holidays...and there's no big promotion at Jewel this year...SD is plenty busy w/o any drama.
Hmmmm, add me into the "don't know what's going on" group.

I have been busy shopping online and selling online too. Amazon marketplace is doing freaking awesome, people are buying all sort of ****s, I have to run to UPS stores with a car full of boxes yesterday!!
Since this is all about thanks: After Alllll I've done for this board, all the ad scans, all the time I've put into answering questions, all the coupons I've sent to people, and all the stories (****ing) I've provided solely for YOUR entertainment... I am so hurt and sad that people on the internet aren't thanking me more. ME. It's all about ME people, get it right. :drama::drama::drama:

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