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CW is awfully quiet.....

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What the heck did I miss????

Dangit, no fair having drama when I am busy with sick kids...so are there links, or do I have to start making phone calls :hides:

Hmmmm, add me into the "don't know what's going on" group.

I have been busy shopping online and selling online too. Amazon marketplace is doing freaking awesome, people are buying all sort of ****s, I have to run to UPS stores with a car full of boxes yesterday!!


and the Target printable thread as well.

However, even reading them will leave you confused.
Well peeps I have been sicker than a dog lately and am still working full time to boot...IF I don't work I don't get paid and I can't afford not to work...so between that and my ovarian issues and this terrible mucousy cough and what not plus the lack of good deals I don't really have much to do...I troll around on here anyway and post anyway but whatevs. As far as peeps getting upset w/one another, what else is new...TRY NOT to take it personally as usually it is not something you have done...I tend to take most things in life w/a grain of salt anyway! Just my 2 cents...LOVE you all regardless! :)
Well my lovely assistant has just brewed a fresh pot of coffee, so I'm going to do myself, my aching head, and my semi-reliable ticker a favor and get off of here for a while.

I'm sure the drama will still be here when I get back ;)
Since this is all about thanks: After Alllll I've done for this board, all the ad scans, all the time I've put into answering questions, all the coupons I've sent to people, and all the stories (****ing) I've provided solely for YOUR entertainment... I am so hurt and sad that people on the internet aren't thanking me more. ME. It's all about ME people, get it right. :drama::drama::drama:

Psssst................Barb doesn't know how to post ad scans. :secret:

Just sayin'. :p :stir:
If anyone needs entertainment, the google image search for "me me me" turned up some gems:



Psssst................Barb doesn't know how to post ad scans. :secret:

Just sayin'. :p :stir:

but I sometimes used to. my post was about ME. Not Barb. Get it right!!!
Uh oh, Sati hacked Barb's puter.
I'm lost...

So Barb got pissed off because she didn't get enough "Thanks" and left in a dramatic fashion saying she wasn't going to be a Jewel mod. anymore? Did she delete what she said or should I go searching for it?
So what your saying is it's not all about ME? :pout:

****, I can't afford therapy. :psi:

I really need it to be about ME, can we take turns? We'll have KG day, and mrsmom day, and clars day, and charlie day and icoupon2 day, we'll ALL get our special moment in the sun! :dance:
HellifIknow crdnlsfan..................I ain't reading a 20 page thread to find out either.

Just goin' with it. :)
Wow, what the hell is going on in here? I leave you guys alone for a short time and Barb resigned as Mod? Wow! I'm going to keep my thoughts to myself on that one...sort of.

:drama: about the "thanks" button? Really? How old are we? Nevermind, don't answer. I thank anyone or any post I want to thank, even Ennui when she says something sensible. People that don't like it can go "f" themselves. The last thing any of us need is internet relatives telling us how to think and act. We have real life ones that put that pressure on us and our mom's and dad's don't like it when we tell our sibs to f' off, so we save it for here. We get over it and life goes on. Life is too short to hold grudges.

I wish I could share with you all what is going on in my life right now because you would find this all very trivial. It's Christmas, let's all ho, ho, ho and drink some holiday juice and try to be happy. Everyone here can say anything they want and screw how doesn't like it.....right? So what's the big deal? If Barb is mad, she will get over it. We put up with JRL don't we :snicker:. I vomit just to start my day pretty much everyday just from stress. I don't want more from here. This is our virtual happy place. We need to focus people...happy thoughts...everyone stop what your doing now and go do a shot of something. Then another or two. Come back to CW in about a half hour and tell me if things look better.

Btw, I'm going to start abusing that thanks button now that I know it's an issue for some.

I heart you big time Nanny. "Internet relatives" :roll: that's fantastic!
This is going from bad to worse. I think Barb has been put in a bad spot trying to be a mod yet not having all the tools she needs to do so. With Tazzy being MIA everyone turns to Barb to get things done & don't understand that she can't do them.

I love CW. I feel at home at CW but I think without Tazzy around to help out we're going to have all sorts of issues that just won't be able to be fixed.

As for all the drama coming from all over, I'm just going to try to keep my head in the sand like I did during the election. (not that it worked out completely but it did help me keep most of my sanity.)
I'm sorry you're under so much stress Nanny. :huggy:
I wanna talk about me
Wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number one
Oh my me my
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
I like talking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally
I wanna talk about meeeeee



Sing it Toby :dance:
I'm lost...

So Barb got pissed off because she didn't get enough "Thanks" and left in a dramatic fashion saying she wasn't going to be a Jewel mod. anymore? Did she delete what she said or should I go searching for it?

Barb made a locked post about why she is stepping down as mod. I got jealous of all the attention and red created this thread just for me to whine about why I don't get more attention for all that I do. Everyone is pretty much trying to steal my thunder.

no? :???:
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