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Deaf or Blind?

Would you rather be deaf or blind?

  • Deaf

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Blind

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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Would you rather be deaf or blind? Give reasons as to why.

I'd rather be deaf. I can only imagine being blind to be horrible, and at 'least with being deaf I could still see the world and all it's wonder. :D
I would be devastated not being able to see Kirk anymore, my family, friends, future children. At least if I was deaf there's more chance of a hearing aid being available and I could still see the ones I love.
I have downsides to both, but I'd rather be deaf than blind. I use the internet a majority of my day and I'd feel so empty without it... Sure there's ways to still do things and read, but it'd still drive me nuts.
Haha everyone would rather be deaf, how interesting. This only proves how much vision is our predominant sense.
And I don't differ. I would rather have a soundless world rather than a blank looking one.
I'd rather be none..
Ok, I'd rather be blind, because I think I would appreciate things alot more, being able to feel, and hear things instead of looking at something, I can experience everything through every sense apart from look. I think I would find it more rewarding to me blind, to not take sight for granted.
Deaf as you wouldnt hear annoying things
Probably blind because I hate silence, I'd probably just feel really frustrated

Though it would be really boring so I don't know
Im blind in my right eye and going blind in my left.
I would rather be blind though, I like hearing voices and hearing music. My whole life is already dedicated to sound so being blind isnt an issue. People are also only thinking of the current situation. "cant see internet so i would rather be deaf." well, what if you grow up? what if you have kids and a husband/wife? Honestly, it is nice to see people who you marry but why? wouldn't you appreciate more of a person on how they sound and not how they look? The same with your kids, I honestly would rather hear the soothing sounds of my child talking to me than growing up, them wondering why you haven't responded to anything her or she says, your spouse having to explain to your kid and teaching them sign language so you can see what they are saying. I like how music sounds to my ears, it calms me and so does peoples voices. Plus, you can always feel faces and guess what they look like anyway. Sorry if this seems much but I have had a lot of time to think about, especially if you are already going blind.
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I'd rather be blind...
I can't imagine being in the world not being able to hear music... That would destroy me inside. I'd much rather be blind and still be able to hear beautiful music than to go deaf.