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Diablo II


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Yes yes, i know i'm a bit late with this one, since it's been out for a few years...
but basically, diablo II rocks my world. (except i need a new cd cause someone dropped it on the floor and it's all scratched) but aside from my small dilemma, it's awesome.
my first character is a level 37 (i think, need new cd.....) necromancer... second character is currently a level 6 sorceress.

i love the gameplay, the controls are really easy and make fighting and whatnot a breeze...

anywho, anyone else enjoy it?
I still love D2. Great game.
Be sure to get the Lord Of Destruction expansion pack.
Once you install it, you only need that CD to play. ;)

It adds a few new character classes, new weapons, and an entire new chapter.
**** you scarier!

I started playing more since you posted, and now I'm back in the same boat I used to be in, only now I can finish things a whole lot quicker.

I'm currently playing with my level 60 Druid, although my favorite is still the Paladin with his auras. With the Druid, I'm closing in on finishing the LOD expansion on Nightmare difficulty, and moving up to Hell. :)
i stopped playing for a little while cause our computer broke and i was getting a new one...
anywho, i'm now a level 40 necromancer (and have level 9 sorceress and level 10 necromancer).
i'm strongly considering making a paladin... the auras look like so much fun!

see, when i made the first char... i didn't know what i was doing, and he kind of sucks (but i love it anyways). he just can't seem to find any worthwhile items...and yet he has gold up the wazoo (yes, i refer to him like he is a real person...i desperately need a life). hopefully i'll be improving upon him soon... or just making the second him (my level 10 necro) much better.

and btw... level 60 Druid! wow... never played with a Druid (don't have exp.) but to get to level 60 takes lots of time and energy... bravo.
Originally posted by !the_scarier_one!
and btw... level 60 Druid! wow... never played with a Druid (don't have exp.) but to get to level 60 takes lots of time and energy... bravo.


More like a lot of time and absolutely no life.
Originally posted by Diesel Dan


More like a lot of time and absolutely no life.

:nod: i agree...
lol, but remember, you said it, not me;D
Good luck on Hell setting Diesel.

Haven't played D2 for awhile but its always a classic i love playing.
I just started playing the game last saturday...I only have a level 7 Barbarian so far.
i just got the expansion today.... i started a druid... and it's *ok*... i feel like i'm betraying my necromancers...

so i converted one to the dark side (expansion)

anyone else play this? because whereas the other chars have decent-looking specific items (like the different helms for barbs and druids) the necros have like preserved heads and zombie heads as shield things... it's really really weird.:help:
I bought the battle chest of it. Diablo 2, Expansion, Diablo 1, and Diablo 2/Exp strategy guide, for 50 bucks I think about a year and a half ago. I played it maybe 3 weeks. I like the game a lot, but I easily lose track of things. LOL
thought i'd bring this thread back up to say: hey! if anyone plays D2 let me know! we should play together... current chars:

lvl 40 necro (nonladder)

2 lvl 80 necros
lvl 14 sorc
lvl 22 pally

lvl 42 assassin
lvl 7 necro
lvl 20 necro

and with each day they get better and better muahahaha! (darn the 8 char limit)
I used to play D2 religiously. On Battle.net I had 3 legit level 99 characters. Multiple other lvl 90 chars, lots of 80s, and countless others. I had every single unique item in the game, including the expansion unique items. I had every entire set in the game. After I achieved that, I figured what else is there to do in the game? So I quit.
Once again, I picked it up. The 1.10 patch adds a TON of new stuff to the mix, including new crafted items, runewords, and items.
One of the hard drives in my old machine died, so I thought I lost all of my old characters, so I started a new one. Made it to level 37 before I found a backup sitting on one of my other systems. I copied all of my old characters into my new install, but I'm continuing to play the new one (a necromancer).

I still have my level 57 Druid, but I'm currently zooming through like never before with the new necromancer, currently level 43. Took me WAY less time to get that high using the necro, and I'm going through with a lot more ease. I'm currently on Act IV on Nightmare, and I only started this character like 2 weeks ago. For whatever reason, I tend to die on lesser minions, but I can kill all of the act bosses without dying. I'm not so hopeful with Diablo, but we'll see. ;)

I'm trying some new things with the necromancer. Typically, I like to run through with a mercenary from Act 3 that can cast cold to freeze creatures, but this isn't a strategy that works well with the necro, although it works nicely with other classes. The reason it doesn't work with the necro is that when creatures get frozen, the don't leave corpses when they die, a feature necessary to excel with the necro. Instead, I'm now using an Act 2 Combat merc that uses the Thorns aura. Combined with my skeletons, golems, and revived creatures, and the Amplify Damage curse, they deal a ton of damage, and I get a slew of fresh corpses to use when they die. This is, by far, the best stragety I've found to using the necro.

Anyone else have any recommended strageties for the other classes? Or another recommendation for the necro?

For whatever reason, playing multiplayer never thrilled me. Too many PKs killed the experience. And I was in on the beta. It was a lot of fun back then, but once the retail game came out, the online experience hit the toilet for me.
Well, beat Diablo with no problems using the above stragety. Didn't even lose my merc in the process. I'm on to Act V on Nightmare, level 51, and about to tackle the triad atop Mt. Arreat. We'll see how the stragety fares.
Well, I just have to say that this stragety works better than anything else I've seen.
Managed to clear all of the act bosses on Nightmare difficulty, including Baal, without dying on any of them.

Hell difficulty is another story. The stragety still works great, but it's so much harder than on Nightmare. I don't know if it's just that Hell is that much harder, or if there's a flaw in the stragety once you reach Hell difficulty.

I'm trudging through Hell Act. I now, with my necro at level 67. One thing I realize now that I focused a little too much on is increasing the necro's strength to allow higher level armors, but not enough on vitality. Some of the unique monsters on Hell, when they die, release a frost nova. On several occasions, this has managed to kill me even though I had full life. Next couple of levels, I'll have to put some more focus into vitality and energy attributes to build up my life and mana.
Used to play it a lot 2 years ago but endend upselling the whole set (expansion and guide).Blizzard decided, along with 10,000 other accounts, to delete all of my characters.

I've been under pressure to pick it up again this week, at a really low price, i may end up buying it again.
This past week, I got back into playing online. I started on the 19th. My character is currently lvl 73.
The addiction is tough. :lol:
It's still a fun game.

I made a modification to the stragety, since I found out some things.
First, I switched to an Offensive merc with the Might aura. Combined with Amplify Damage, my entire party does a ton of damage.
Second, I maxxed out Skeleton Mastery, Raise Skeleton, and Golem Mastery. My army is virtually indestructible, allowing me to run through almost anything short of Hell bosses. I barely lose a skeleton mage running through NM Baal, Diablo, Mephisto and Andariel.

Way too easy with this new stragety. Hell might present a little bit tougher of a challenge, but I basically never have to get close to a melee anymore. I let my army do the work for me. ;)
I went today to get it, but they were sold out!

How on earth (Our, in this forum case, the galaxy :tongue: ) can a 5 years old game be sold out in a week?

Universe truly is something mysterious! :no:
The D2 Battle Chest is on sale right now at Gogamer.com, but they don't offer international shipping.
Well, it's not that much of a problem, i just installed steam and started playing Day Of Defeat, and this, my friend, is quite a good game.