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Diamond-Studded Martini Runs a Cool $3,000

Venus does KFC mean anything to you? LOL

I am choosing to ignore you on this one Thank you very much! :eusa_snoo
Poor little chickens. I will never eat there again!

Good, I hope you really mean that... :thumbsup:
I'm extremely ill today:

my ribs hrut like I've bruised them...no idea how. My teeth feel like someone's kicked them in, my throat hurts, I'm dizzy and I've got a headache

but it's weird all I want is a kfc...

Too rich for my blood. Rather send a few dollars and split a 12 with my buds!
Can someone understand me why you would want a $3000 drink? You could get just as loaded for a fraction of the price. If your really cheap go to the pain store and sniff paint thinner and best part its free.
If I had so much money not knowing what to do with it, I would pay double that for a martini. I don't think that is aimed to attract us, more like business man for their mistress probably and so on!
There's an idea for a mistress! Good suggestion. Let's hope she is a lush and runs up the heel's tab!
If I had $3000 to BLOW.....I honestly wouldn't spend it on an alcoholic beverage!! Even thought I have joked about it. But I guess the people who would, don't even think twice about it, because they have that kind of money to throw around.
Well you know what....I would love to hang out with these people. I would offer to go and get the drinks for them (cash only please) and get myself rum and Coke, on their dollar of course. Hopefully that wouldn't run me more than a $100....so I would have $2900 for me.:eusa_danc
I think the sapphires would be a nice touch however I can't see it with a rum and coke. Black diamonds maybe?
Even for $3000 it sounds cheap for precious stones, one of the rings my grandmother gave my mother is worth over $7000. Do you keep the glass or no?
Revival time again - that casino isn't too far from me - I'd LOVE to be able to slip into that martini!!!
So where is Chris and ANGLOIRISH? Did they get lost at the casino?
I'm sure they're with us in spirit! I'm just as sorry to have them gone as the next person. It's just the way it is right now, and there's not a hell of a lot that anyone can do about it.
No comment on the earring studded martini????? It certainly did catch MY eye!!