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DJ's using kj harddrives

mn mule

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hell i live in saint cloud mn and he have so many dj's using harddrive based karaoke here that they are killing the profit of the shows . i can easily name 6 or 7 companies that have started for anywhere from 100 plus drinks to 150 and it seems to be getting worse. anyone have ideas what i can do to curb the people sellin these and running them they are ruining the bussiness.with all this sound choice stuff goin on i hope that something happens soon.
Report em to Kurt from Sound Choice or any of the manufacturers for that matter.
Shoot them -- then beat them with a baseball bat after they're dead... :sqlaugh: :rofl:
Welcome Mule. Another Minnesotan here. Long Prairie. I will be in SC tomorrow for a meeting.

I do not do Karaoke so I can't help you out but listen to the guys here. They know karaoke.
C'mon which one of you SC **** kissing fools opened up a new thread to keep this audit crap alive?

Give it a **** rest already.
hey im not being a kiss **** i just askin how do ya deal with scum who under cut you because they dont have to pay for a investment.maybe you wanna do your shows for pennys .
Similar thing happened when Digital SLR cameras started selling for under a thousand bucks.

You had all these plastic cameras, with plastic lenses set on auto and these "photographers" were quoting weddings at $250.

So sad that so many wedding memories were not captured properly.

Whenever a prospective client mentioned how cheap they could get a pro for, I would smile show them my portfolio. Some came around, some got burned, and maybe some are satisfied with the snap shots they paid $250 for.

Now there are enough horror stories that most want to see some actual work b4 hiring. As it should of always been.

Bottom line, a pirate hard drive does not make a good host. Nor does having all the discs from the that company that shall not be named.
Do a better job than them. Buy more karaoke songs, buy better equipment. I can only name a few legal karaoke host in my area. I can name 2 big companies that own one library for 8+ host.

I have a decent library of about 27,000 songs with no duplicates. I have the best sound in the area Turbosound Tops and Subs. I use lighting, all wireless SM58 or better microphones and stage monitors when available.
mn mule said:
hey im not being a kiss **** i just askin how do ya deal with scum who under cut you because they dont have to pay for a investment.maybe you wanna do your shows for pennys .

REPORT THEM... If you read my threads you will know what I have gone thru...had I known how to report these PIRATE SCUM 2 years ago when our market is where yours is I could have stopped alot of hardship...SC, Chartbuster, PHM, and THM all have report piracy links...help yourself and help save the industry. NO amout of do a better show will work and it just gets worse. Most Pirates here are working for 50.00 and beer and have more music that 17 years of buying very regularly can half match. GET REPORT HAPPY NOW.
KjAthena said:

I'm with ya!

The dude down the street was actually allowing black people, italians, jews and arabs to work on his property -- he even rents out to some of "them" :sqerr:

I turned that SOB in! Ain't no way I'm gonna let my property value be devalued because of that sh_t! The nice SS guy said he'd take care of it, and they send these folks to some nice camp in the Catskills, where they even have delousing stations, and free medical care. They spend their time making lamp shades, and other crafts...

I feel better now... ;) :)
Somehow I don't equate theives with oppressed or persecuted peoples. That being said, if you report theives, be sure they ARE theives.
Do better shows + snitch on anyone younger and better looking than you are cuz they're all a bunch of thieves.
How do you know they are thieves?

That's easy -- they are making more money then you -- they must be a thief.

We are all egotistical ****s, so anybody making more money, or grabbing bigger crowds than us, is obviously cheating in some way. It has nothing to do with our ability to entertain... :sqrolleyes: :sqlaugh:

Turn them all in -- they are commie ****s! In fact, a whole bunch of Russian commie ****s got busted the other day. I don't know any of them, but I bet they tried to sing... :sqerr:
Usually the theives will brag that they are theives and laugh at you for not following along. But I fear I am starting to tread down a well beaten road by saying anything more so I am going to quit and go shear one more sheep.

Let the sheep jokes begin.
possumdog said:
Usually the theives will brag that they are theives and laugh at you for not following along.

Sorry, I thought that was a certain karaoke manu's tag line. You do seem to be following it well though...

Without being outright blatant -- ok, it's late, I'll be blatant. Who's side are you on Mimi?

My analyst side, tells me yer a schill. Only a schill would play both sides of the coin. If so, you are doing a fair job of gaining confidence, but still not totally believable.

So tell me -- who won the world series in 1944...?
possumdog said:
Usually the theives will brag that they are theives and laugh at you for not following along. But I fear I am starting to tread down a well beaten road by saying anything more so I am going to quit and go shear one more sheep.

Let the sheep jokes begin.

I only wanted to know how you knew, thats all.

I have to agree with Rick about entertainment. If the shows aren't entertaining getting rid of all the illegal hard drives may not change things.

What if someone received all their equipment and CDGs for free legally and started doing shows for free. How long would they last if they didn't know what they were doing and the venue was making the same money as on night with no entertainment? If you can show a venue that customers spend more money for food and drink at your shows the thieves may not have as much of an advantage as you think they do.
How do you know they are thieves?
when they brag they download all there karaoke or how they got a deal on there hard drive with 30,000 songs... guess thats a thief
SoftJock Rick said:
Sorry, I thought that was a certain karaoke manu's tag line. You do seem to be following it well though...

Without being outright blatant -- ok, it's late, I'll be blatant. Who's side are you on Mimi?

My analyst side, tells me yer a schill. Only a schill would play both sides of the coin. If so, you are doing a fair job of gaining confidence, but still not totally believable.

So tell me -- who won the world series in 1944...?

I fail the sports test but I guess I could google an answer.

I'm on my side. I go back and forth depending on new info. I have "friends" on either side of the issue. My absolute belief is that many argue based on speculation and until anything actually happens in an area I know, I won't really know how Sound Choice is conducting their investigations or what affect it will have.

No matter what side, I don't like the innuendo, accusations or giving out of personal info. I don't think everyone against SC is a pirate and I don't think everyone for them is a schill. I don't think people that disagree with someone should have their emotional/mental status questioned. I don't equate disagreement with dislike.

Where I stand today: I don't believe doing a better show is enough. I know people who did a good show that have lost more than they want to admit on here. If that were enough, pirates would be out of business and not multiplying exponentially. I believe that the piracy problem is not just one of stolen music but of dragging the perception of what a karaoke show can be down to the point that no one understands why they should pay anything for it. I fear that we won't be able to get music as freely if companies can't make a profit on it. I think pirates are killing the industry, not Sound Choice.

I believe that if the laws would catch up with the technology that the karaoke manufacturers would love to sell us downloads and songs by reluctant to agree artists and not lose their market to overseas where the rules are different. I don't think it is a control trip on their part. I think some people have decided the SC thing is to wipe out computer use and I don't think that is the intention. Even the dreaded KIAA (no, not a member) says on their website that a goal is to lobby for legalizing alternative ways of playing karaoke.

I think what Sound Choice is doing could raise awareness about the piracy issue and give some teeth to it because, at least around here, bar owners will try to get away with whatever they think they can get away with. I'm not afraid of them being scared off karaoke as only the ones who were operating totally on a shoestring and not doing it right, anyway, will lose it. The ones making a profit with it will do what they need to keep it. I think the fear of anyone and everyone being sued is overblown. I may be wrong but that is how I am seeing it now.

I haven't seen anyone come on here saying that they settled even though they were innocent because they felt "extorted." There has been one who admitted he settled because his library had illegal songs. So is it extortion if you are making people who stole something pay? They seem to have gotten off pretty easy, considering.

On the other hand, I wish KJAthena hadn't been put through what she went through, although I understand her position in supporting the suits. I understand the objections to SC being the karaoke police but don't see anyone else doing anything so I understand why she wanted to take a chance on seeing change in her area. She says she has. I am of a mind to register with the Safe Harbor and see what happens. It is free at this point so it is worth the experiment.

I would feel better about Sound Choice if they had compensated Athena for her lawyer fees or gave her some songs or something. I would feel better about them if Kurt Slep didn't name people on forums who had given him info or say some of the things he has said that seem petty and unprofessional. I think some of the things being said by people who support Sound Choice in order to create doubt about people who don't support SC have not reflected well on SC. But I don't know if I truly believe Sound Choice is the evil empire. Maybe they just aren't perfect. I just don't have all the info.

Schill? Not being paid, not being sent free discs, not being promised anything. My only contact with Kurt Slep/Sound Choice, other than buying discs/players has been an email asking me to name the pirates I've talked about in this forum. I'm in a territory where someone has already beat me to it. The only pirates I have personally turned in to date are two Craigslist ads that were advertising making custom CD&Gs out of SC songs. That seemed like a reasonable thing to stop.

I have met Wall in person once. We are in adjoining "territories" and I have tried to keep cordial relations with any legal host in our area--which so far is 3. We share some pirates and have discussed them and their latest antics. I don't agree with everything Wall does or says and he knows that. But he is up front about what he believes and does so you have to credit him that. But he is out for his own company and not throwing any crumbs to ours which I don't expect. If you want to get rid of Wall, just tell the Keep Tahoe Blue people that he has threatened to add to the nitrogen load/algae bloom by putting pirates at the bottom of the lake and he will be shredded in short order.

I don't know Thunder and have never PMed with Thunder.

I like Sound Choice music and hope they don't go out of business. Their music plays really well amplified, is consistantly good and makes me happy. We have many brands in our library so could survive without it but don't want to.

I think some on here are so into their analysis of the situation that they can't accept any info that might shake it. I have modified mine as new info comes out. Does that make me playing both sides? We have not been at this as long as some and don't have the long history of Sound Choice relations so are analyzing as we go. The only playing has been lately when people have been so patronizing or unreasonable in their posts toward me that I decided I didn't want to add to the endless arguing and would just agree with them and do a comedy routine because the thread was beyond contributing anything new of substance anyway.

Now this thread has been momentarily hijacked to "all about me" but I was asked so there you have. it.

Tonight: Negra Modelo.