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DJ's using kj harddrives

Fusion said:
So, who is actually destroying your industry?

Nobody that I'm aware of...

Seems to be working fine from my standpoint :)

There's seems to be plenty of work to go around, for low, mid and high end DJs.
I think ther must be different "breeds" of people. There are people who take jobs that help people (and in my case, animals) even thought it doesn't pay the most money. That doesn't make them hobbyists.

Every time someone comes on here and tells people who actually run karaoke what karoke is, it just shows how little they know about it. I think it is just people who want to bully others or stir up trouble. Maybe it helps the DJs to feel cooler if they come on boards they don't even like and make fun of the people who are on the boards because they love the subject. Gee, and how hard a target is karaoke? Even the people in it laugh at it. I'm sure there is plenty of fodder for the hobby vs full time on the thread already started by Tommy on the DJ side. It has been rehashed to death by the karaoke side before also.

For the record, I have sang maybe two songs in a month because we have had too many paying customers waiting to sing. We have 2 regulars who seem to be in it for the ego. The rest either just think it is fun, are gaining courage and confidence after some traumatic event, love the music and it makes them happy to get to sing it, or just appreciate the relief from hard times. We give them a few hours to be silly, laugh and forget their troubles. Ego shows are a bore. Egos are a bore.

The other thing to keep in mind is many people are not just solo with only themselves to care about. They can't drop everything and move or switch jobs or do only what is best for themselves at any given moment. Some may have spouses who don't want to give up THEIR job or kids they don't want to uproot or houses they can't sell in today's market. I am descended from people who were always moving looking for greener pastures and I've done it several times myself but the more you acquire others in your life, the more it gets complicated.

I'm not going to feel bad because I don't want people stealing from me. And I didn't say we did it just for the passion and magic. I said we were SELLING passion and magic. There is a connection between getting people to share in that passion and magic and them filling the till in order to participate in the experience.
Mimi, I did not say that all KJ's are in it for that reason -- I said many.

BTW, this is all one board -- just has different sections. But it is still Our DJ Talk, last I checked... ;) :)
It is DJ talk, but even you wanted the karaoke section seperated out at one time. And I don't think people can't comment. I just question the motives for their commenting and why they enjoy trying to torment people. Of course I enjoy tormenting people here and there......

However, I must retract my statments as my boyfriend has corrected me as to the real reason for singing, being a musician, karaoke host, DJ, etc. It is to meet girls.
possumdog said:
I just question the motives for their commenting and why they enjoy trying to torment people. Of course I enjoy tormenting people here and there......

We're trying to help you see the light, and move away from the dark side... :)

possumdog said:
However, I must retract my statments as my boyfriend has corrected me as to the real reason for singing, being a musician, karaoke host, DJ, etc. It is to meet girls.

Smart man :sqwink: :sqbiggrin:
Ohhh Wow...

I get to meet girls...
That's it. I'm sticking with it.
Is it a sense of entitlement, or something else?

The thing that I don't understand is this. Alot of folks seem to think that just because something used to pay alot of money, then it always has to. The oltimers (no offense to anyone), trailblazers, they went out and spent huge amounts of money when karaoke was in it's infancy. They took a big risk with something that was new and were justly rewarded for thier ventures.

I think that with karaoke, in alot of areas anyway, it's simply a matter of oversaturation. I was merely interested in dj'ing , but around here, the bars expect you to do both. So I got set up for karaoke too. Alot of kj's talk about the tens of thousands of $$$ they've spent on discs, but you don't have to spend an arm and leg to get a decent legal library anymore. I just did it this year so I know it can be done.

Any place here that has karaoke every night owns their own equipment. Period. How could they not. The other clubs will do 3-4 nights a week for $100-150 a night. I'm sure there are probably a few with some choice gigs making more.

I do it because i enjoy it. $350-400 extra a week for 15 hours work is ok with me. Yeah, you're constantly spending for more music, but I did that before anyways. Plus it's alot of fun, and I've given bars enough of my money already, so it's nice to get a little back. I got a ton of graduation parties this year that paid really nice, just because I worked for $125 at a bar, but it gave me alot of exposure and free advertising. I'm already turning down weddings and passing them to others, simply because I don't have everything I need, YET. Aw, HELL. I forgot people are startin to do the iPod receptions now...Friggin technogical advances...Can't the RIAA come in and do something about that...before it destroys us all!!

If you're not getting what you think you're worth, work harder, get more stuff, think outside the box. And don't ever forget to consider that maybe being a dj/kj just wasn't what you were cut out to be.
mn mule said:
hell i live in saint cloud mn and he have so many dj's using harddrive based karaoke here that they are killing the profit of the shows . i can easily name 6 or 7 companies that have started for anywhere from 100 plus drinks to 150 and it seems to be getting worse. anyone have ideas what i can do to curb the people sellin these and running them they are ruining the bussiness.with all this sound choice stuff goin on i hope that something happens soon.

1. How do you know that that is going on? How do we know that you're NOT doing the same thing (I personally don't give a crap WHAT you have to run things, but if you're going to **** about HD-ran shows, then you turn around and run a HD show yourself, then that sort of defeats the purpose)?
2. 100-150 dollar shows equals piracy? Sounds like the mentality anymore?
3. And you're charging WHAT, exactly, for YOUR shows? What's the reviews of YOUR shows in comparison?
4. Venues of said shows. Are they big time places or smaller venues that can't afford to give people as much of a paycheck (rather than the exposure)?

Sounds like to me you're asking us for a way to drive your competition out more than you are generally concerned about the legality of things.
Big Joe said:
If you're not getting what you think you're worth, work harder, get more stuff, think outside the box. And don't ever forget to consider that maybe being a dj/kj just wasn't what you were cut out to be.

THAT is one of the best quotes ever.
Bazza said:
THAT is one of the best quotes ever.

Exactly. And if the legality of the music in question and the overhead associated with it is really all that makes up or justifies the difference in rates between you and KJ Bottomfeed, then at the end of the day then you're not even competing in any way that really matters. :sqcool:
Possumdog said:
the real reason for singing, being a musician, karaoke host, DJ, etc. It is to meet girls.

I first require a voluntary audit.
I have to know they're real before accepting any 1:1 standard.
I also require that any backup be on-site at all times.
mn mule said:
hell i live in saint cloud mn and he have so many dj's using harddrive based karaoke here that they are killing the profit of the shows . i can easily name 6 or 7 companies that have started for anywhere from 100 plus drinks to 150 and it seems to be getting worse. anyone have ideas what i can do to curb the people sellin these and running them they are ruining the bussiness.with all this sound choice stuff goin on i hope that something happens soon.

To my knowledge, other than myself, no one on this forum has attempted anything to fight piracy, and as to my efforts, they failed and aren't worth discussing.

And the situation is quickly becoming worse. I have been offered as little as $50 in an area that has a population of 2,000,000. In my market, for example, multi-riggers (all pirates), typically get $125 and share $50 of that with the host!

And with the ever decreasing rates for karaoke, many legitimate "old-timers" who used to get $300 a gig have left the business. Nonetheless, there is no shortage of hosts, and therefore no upward pressure on karaoke prices. Most likely, this also reflects an economy that is forcing many long established businesses to close, diminishing the demand for karaoke shows.

And while Sound Choice has filed suites in our area, their efforts have not reduced the number of pirates, it simply has caused the pirates to eliminate SC tracks from their libraries. Meanwhile, the local singers have been made aware in vague terms that "Sound Choice's has filed law suits against KJ's" (whatever that means) and they are not turned off by the suits or the fact that virtually no local KJ has SC songs in their libraries. In fact, they continue to frequent the same shows they have been going to!

Now, if you still think that Sound Choices efforts, as some suggested, can help you, please consider the following entrepreneurial endeavors of one particular local pirate:

He has been around for over twenty years operating one rig. He rightfully boasts about the quality of his equipment, and also brags about his library, which is extensive. He has developed a library, mostly illegal, in excess of 200,000 tracks. I would estimate that after eliminating dups he has between 50-70,000 distinct songs. And suffice it to say that even without Sound Choice Tracks, his library is still quite large.

Before he could eliminate the SC tracks from his rig he was sued by and settled with Sound Choice. And as is Sound Choice's policy, at a cost of $6500 he remains in business with his illegal library along with with his legal SC tracks

BUT THERE IS ONE BIG DIFFERENCE ABOUT HOW HE RUNS HIS BUSINESS TODAY. After 20 years of running just one rig, he now runs three rigs that I am aware of. And perhaps he added those additional rigs to offset the extraordinary expense of paying off Sound Choice?

Each rig has a copy of his extensive library LESS SOUND CHOICE TRACKS . And each new rig is using the cheapest of equipment. And why not, considering how little karaoke pays these days?

In conclusion, I can’t help but ask if WE ALL, INCLUDING SC, WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF IF HE WERE NO LONGER IN BUSINESS? And I still wonder how many of you still think you have benefited or will benefit from Sound Choice's suits? While SC rightfully benefits from their efforts; I've been hurt by having more pirates to compete with, each working for less! One recently opened venue has 5 different karaoke shows a week ---- all using illegal libraries, all using junk equipment, all working on the cheap and all attracting singers!
ericlater said:
To my knowledge, other than myself, no one on this forum has attempted anything to fight piracy, and as to my efforts, they failed and aren't worth discussing.

And the situation is quickly becoming worse. I have been offered as little as $50 in an area that has a population of 2,000,000. In my market, for example, multi-riggers (all pirates), typically get $125 and share $50 of that with the host!

And with the ever decreasing rates for karaoke, many legitimate "old-timers" who used to get $300 a gig have left the business. Nonetheless, there is no shortage of hosts, and therefore no upward pressure on karaoke prices. Most likely, this also reflects an economy that is forcing many long established businesses to close, diminishing the demand for karaoke shows.

And while Sound Choice has filed suites in our area, their efforts have not reduced the number of pirates, it simply has caused the pirates to eliminate SC tracks from their libraries. Meanwhile, the local singers have been made aware in vague terms that "Sound Choice's has filed law suits against KJ's" (whatever that means) and they are not turned off by the suits or the fact that virtually no local KJ has SC songs in their libraries. In fact, they continue to frequent the same shows they have been going to!

Now, if you still think that Sound Choices efforts, as some suggested, can help you, please consider the following entrepreneurial endeavors of one particular local pirate:

He has been around for over twenty years operating one rig. He rightfully boasts about the quality of his equipment, and also brags about his library, which is extensive. He has developed a library, mostly illegal, in excess of 200,000 tracks. I would estimate that after eliminating dups he has between 50-70,000 distinct songs. And suffice it to say that even without Sound Choice Tracks, his library is still quite large.

Before he could eliminate the SC tracks from his rig he was sued by and settled with Sound Choice. And as is Sound Choice's policy, at a cost of $6500 he remains in business with his illegal library along with with his legal SC tracks

BUT THERE IS ONE BIG DIFFERENCE ABOUT HOW HE RUNS HIS BUSINESS TODAY. After 20 years of running just one rig, he now runs three rigs that I am aware of. And perhaps he added those additional rigs to offset the extraordinary expense of paying off Sound Choice?

Each rig has a copy of his extensive library LESS SOUND CHOICE TRACKS . And each new rig is using the cheapest of equipment. And why not, considering how little karaoke pays these days?

In conclusion, I can’t help but ask if WE ALL, INCLUDING SC, WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF IF HE WERE NO LONGER IN BUSINESS? And I still wonder how many of you still think you have benefited or will benefit from Sound Choice's suits? While SC rightfully benefits from their efforts; I've been hurt by having more pirates to compete with, each working for less! One recently opened venue has 5 different karaoke shows a week ---- all using illegal libraries, all using junk equipment, all working on the cheap and all attracting singers!

Wow that sucks!

Perhaps you should contact Sound Choice and report the guy because I believe the "settlement agreement" requires the elimination of "all" tracks from his hard drive that he doesn't have disc for (not just Sound Choice) although I am not 100% sure of that, but it is what I have heard! Also contact Stellar records and Chartbuster as they may be more than interested in knowing about who the pirates are in your area!
Thunder said:
Wow that sucks!

Perhaps you should contact Sound Choice and report the guy because I believe the "settlement agreement" requires the elimination of "all" tracks from his hard drive that he doesn't have disc for (not just Sound Choice) although I am not 100% sure of that, but it is what I have heard! Also contact Stellar records and Chartbuster as they may be more than interested in knowing about who the pirates are in your area!

Very funny Steve! Let's not confuse the guy by making him think that SC can force anyone to remove any other manufacturer's product from their hard drive.

The "settlement agreement" doesn't cover ANY OTHER BRAND - INCLUDING CHARTBUSTERS OR STELLAR RECORDS and you are fully aware of that.
c. staley said:
Very funny Steve! Let's not confuse the guy by making him think that SC can force anyone to remove any other manufacturer's product from their hard drive.

The "settlement agreement" doesn't cover ANY OTHER BRAND - INCLUDING CHARTBUSTERS OR STELLAR RECORDS and you are fully aware of that.

Then contact Chartbuster and Stellar since they are now ramping up their investigations they would probably appreciate the heads up!
Thunder said:
Then contact Chartbuster and Stellar since they are now ramping up their investigations they would probably appreciate the heads up!

I don't have to contact anyone... and I'm sure that they are quite aware of that fact. Why not contact KJAthena and ask her how many other brands the audit included?
c. staley said:
I don't have to contact anyone... and I'm sure that they are quite aware of that fact. Why not contact KJAthena and ask her how many other brands the audit included?

Good Point,


Were any other brands looked at during the Audit?


Where any other brands Looked at in the audit?


Are any other brands considered in the Settlement agreements and audits?
ericlater said:
Trucated for space: To my knowledge, .....In conclusion, I can’t help but ask if WE ALL, INCLUDING SC, WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF IF HE WERE NO LONGER IN BUSINESS? And I still wonder .....

What stands out for me in this tale of woe is not the piracy or the SC lawsuit.

Everything you cite may be 100% true but, your problem is not the pirate or Sound choice. The source of the problem you are experiencing is the plan you have chosen to pursue.

I haven't seen the settlement agreement, could you post your copy so we can see what is in it?