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Do you drive?

Originally posted by Nintendo X
I don't drive, but soon I will get my license and drive. :)

I could swear for the longest time you've been harping on about you being about 20 or 21 or something like that... but first you post a shout saying you never had a girlfriend (you even sounded like a 12 year old by the way you said it) and now you said you don't have your license...

so FINALLY this proves that you're like 15 years old... :rofl:
Lets just give him benefit of the doubt but still I got my first license on my birthday and my n license (able to drive without supervision) on the first day i could but then not everybody loves cars and need to drive as much.
Well, I don't want to drive as much as everyone does, and that I have a bus/train station close to my home.....so yeh. But, now, I feel that I want to drive.
Originally posted by MrLister

gina here's something to pity :)

I don't really like hondas too much. They're way too common. I mean every 3rd car is a honda. I like my car to stand out :).

Honda's are just great cars thats why. If another car company made there cars as good as a Honda then I'm sure you would see alot more of them as well......Plus Honda's are great for souping(spelling?) up. I will be getting a bodykit, rims, clear corners, euros, etc. And it will looks friggin awesome ... :)
Originally posted by Bluehemp123

Plus Honda's are great for souping(spelling?) up. I will be getting a bodykit, rims, clear corners, euros, etc. And it will looks friggin awesome ... :)

I'm not denying it doesn't have a quality motor but common. Besides there's a name for supping up a honda and especially what you just said a bodykit, rims, clear corners and euros. rice rocket which people either love or hate and in vancouver the majoirty hate. appearance vs. performance why have a car that looks like it's really fast and have it beaten by a firefly?
2003 Honda Accord's have a top speed of 160.

Plus, in Massachusetts we dont have anywehre where we can street race like there is in California. Most people around here, mainly make their cars look nice. Why bother making it go fast, when theres nowhere to drive that fast? I saw a Honda at a car show that had a spoon engine in it, with all types of modifications to it and it could go over 200mph(no lie either)
Originally posted by Bluehemp123
2003 Honda Accord's have a top speed of 160.

Plus, in Massachusetts we dont have anywehre where we can street race like there is in California. Most people around here, mainly make their cars look nice. Why bother making it go fast, when theres nowhere to drive that fast? I saw a Honda at a car show that had a spoon engine in it, with all types of modifications to it and it could go over 200mph(no lie either)

lmao :rofl: ok we have way too many rice rocket people in here that know absolutely nothing about cars. The 2003 Honda Accord coupe is a 4 cylinder 240HP V-6 (if you get the TOP model)... top speed for that type of car is 110-120 MAX. And at that it'd take you at least a minute or more to reach. You're looking at the speedometer dude, and for the most part ALL cars show 160MPH. A honda will NEVER do 160 stock. HENCE WHY THEY CALL THEM RICE ROCKETS.

Here's Honda's concept of the 2003 Accord... this is enhanced to a 4 cylinder 300HP V-6 and THIS car only does 140MPH on a good day...and we're not even talking about how long it takes for the car to reach that speed.

not to mention rice rockets sound like supercharged weedwackers...probably have the same engine as a weedwacker as well ;)


  • accordconcept03_02_800.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 14
For all of you rice rocket nutheads out there here's my car... a REAL car... 2004 Pontiac GTO... classic muscle reborn...

340 HP
5.7 Liter aluminum V-8 Engine


  • gto.jpg
    243.1 KB · Views: 17
i agree, there are so many **** people that say "i have a fast race car! i put clear corners, bodykits, expensive rims, and a new stereo!" um, hello...how is that supposed to make it faster?
there's this dude that i used to work with at one of the best buy's, and his was a sleeper. he had a 95 civic that had nothing on the outside, almost completely stock, but under the hood was nothing honda. and he kicked EVERYONE'S ****. go to www.riceboypage.com and you will fully understand the concept of ricers

EDIT: just looked at your ride d2alio -- very nice :)
Now THAT is a real car. Nice ride Dameon! ;p

Too bad I don't have the money for something like that, so I'll just inherit a 92' Camry until I can afford a better car.

By the way, hondas are relatively cheap, that's why so many young adults have civics. ;)
Right now I have the worst car in the entrie world, since I got my liscense kind of just recently, The car is junky that my parents just gave it to me, they won't even drive it!! They have a nice 2002 Mazda Protege and MY dad has a V6 Oldsmobile.

I'm hoping to get a Hydundai Tiburon in a few months or the new Mazda 6.

Anyway if your wondering what the worst car in the world is well its a 1989 Nissan sentra.
'93 Honda Civic Del Sol. It's awesome. It's like a friggin go kart.
Honda's don't do 160 dude... that's just a fact... not stock anyway...and if by SOME MIRACLE it did it'd have taken you a solid 1-2 minutes on a several mile straightaway to reach that speed.
Originally posted by d2alio
For all of you rice rocket nutheads out there here's my car... a REAL car... 2004 Pontiac GTO... classic muscle reborn...

340 HP
5.7 Liter aluminum V-8 Engine

Whoa you must feel special for having that.... *sarcasm* ;)
Originally posted by d2alio
Honda's don't do 160 dude... that's just a fact... not stock anyway...and if by SOME MIRACLE it did it'd have taken you a solid 1-2 minutes on a several mile straightaway to reach that speed.

ALOT of cars cant go 160...Tweak and modify the engine and you can make it go that fast or even faster ...
to make a honda accord go that fast you'd have to replace parts... modifying the engine alone won't make it go that fast... honda's are lawnmower engines... even at their best... they are good, reliable, rice rockets... nothing more...

the day i see a STOCK honda go 160 in a decent track time I'll change my opinion... until then honda's can't do anything...
Haha my old car (when i lived with my parents) a ford contour could hit 170KMph not mph well that's max i ever got on it on the freeway but it started to shake plus even if i touched the brakes a bit it shook like crazy.
hehe all i'm saying is that I have yet to see a honda do 160mph stock... let alone do it in a good time... BUT, take a pic of your speedometer bluehemp like you said with your car doing 160mph and I'll change my opinion... my opinion is based on the fact that i've never seen it happen or have even heard about it...

Edit: plus, if it takes all day to reach that speed (more than likely a car of that nature will take several minutes to reach that speed UNCOMFORTABLY) I don't count it as a top MPH anyway... imo your car's top speed is what it can take with control... if you feel like you're going to lose it at any second that's not your cars' top speed...

so, your car might say it can go 220 right... but if you can't control it at that speed then that's not your car's top speed imo.