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Do you hang clothes and sheets out in the sun?


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I have been bugging dh to setup a cloth line to hang clothes at the backyard. He thinks nobody does that and the neighbors may not like it. Hey, I am not planning to hang all my underwear and lingerie out there, just towels, sheets and may be shirts. It's a pity that we can't make use of that brutal sun to save energy!
Check your village bylaws - I'd bet it isn't allowed.
I do, but only at our cottage. Electricity is expensive there, and my grandmother pays the bill, so I try to save where I can. I don't hang 'intimates,' but I hang sheets, towels & clothing. Everything dries a little "crunchy" but it softens up as you wear it/ use it.

If you have a privacy fence, I would think you could hang things in a way that no one would see them.
There was a clothes line when we bought our house over 10 years ago, but for some reason DH took it down. I think I'll have him put one back up. The poles are still there.
Wish I could - used one when I was growing up and loved it (mother hated it - go figure!) DH says we are not allowed to have one in our subdivision.
Why do people buy a home in an area where you can't do basic things like hang your clothes outside on YOUR property? :dunce:
Not aware the city has any regulations on this, thanks, I will give them a call.

I have been hanging clothes and towels on the drying racks and put them out at the backyard patio. I am thinking of a retractable cloth line to hang sheets.
Living in the country on a farm - you bet I do. I start hanging out laundry in early March and we normally can make it through late November before it just gets to cold. Love the smell and feel of line dried laundry. It really helps cut down on electric from running the dryer but also helps the AC not work as hard.

Sorry but I could never live in town where you have to get everything cleared by an association and have to have things like everyone else.
Don't know if I'm allowed to - live in an association. I get to pay them almost $1k a year for them to tell me what to do. It's great. :sarcasm:

But even if I could, I need the dryer to get the cat hair off. Sad but true.
My Husband purchased 2 retractables last year for me. I love it. And its beening " Green". Never gave it a thought if my Village allowes it or not. Our back yard has lots of trees, and you would have to be peering in my yard to see my clothes on the line.
Always hang the sheets to dry, but sun fades the towels.
My Husband purchased 2 retractables last year for me. I love it. And its beening " Green". Never gave it a thought if my Village allowes it or not. Our back yard has lots of trees, and you would have to be peering in my yard to see my clothes on the line.

I have the same thing a retractable. And never thought to ask if my village allows it. I do sheets, blankets and most of the clothes when it's nice (minus socks and undies)
I hang sheets, towels, DH's shirts on hangers, sweats & tees...curtains, rugs, blinds...whatever...grandkids' clothes when they visit

I don't do sox & undies because there's so many of them...
We have a clothesline, and so do most other people in our town (very small, sort of rural). From our yard, I can see 2-3 other clotheslines, and I pass several more each day. It's definitely not weird here. Although with the brutal heat lately, combined with being pregnant, I haven't felt much like going outside to hang things up.
Why do people buy a home in an area where you can't do basic things like hang your clothes outside on YOUR property? :dunce:

I don't know that people would think to look at all of the little rules in every town they are looking at houses in!

The town next door to mine doesn't allow pick up trucks to be visible. :dunce: You can have one, but it must be garage kept. That means if you have a work issued 'big **** truck,' you'd better hope it fits in your garage, or you're going to be ticketed continuously. Garbage cans can't be visible either, so you can keep them in your garage or build a little enclosure for them.
I also couldn't imagine living in a place that puts so many restrictions on what you can/can't do with your own house and yard. I decided a long time ago that I would never buy a house that was part of an association!
I hang everything outside! I do not have a dryer, so that is my only option...lol. In the winter, I use a huge wooden clothes rack that dries by the wood stove. There are days when I get upset about not having a dryer, but for the most part it is just how we do things ;)
Not allowed in our subdivision.
The HOA is very strict about paint/siding choices for houses, not allowing sheds or fences, etc.
On the upside our neighborhood has higher property values in comparison to the neighboring one, perhaps because of this?
DH just put one up for us. Saves on the gas bill that's for sure. It it's more humid it takes longer for things but I do love it!