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Do you like helping small-time forums?


Part Of The Furniture
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Some forums need active members in order to stay afloat - especially the small ones. So, do you like helping small-time forums - by posting new threads, and engaging in conversations?

Personally, I've done a fair bit of post exchanges and I try my best to help new owners, but it doesn't always work out that way. How about you?
If they ask for a post exchange then I'd be happy to help. But to me it's weird to post and make new threads and have no one respond to them for a week, if I remember to check back. Now I've been on the flip side of that a bunch of times so I know how much starting forum admins love it when someone meaningfully contributes, if only by a small amount.
I tried but most of them spit in your face by hiring crap moderators who monitor your every move.
I don't mind as I go where the good discussions are and as long as I find things interesting to discuss and people worthwhile enough to discuss it with then that's where I will be. I find a lot of large boards tend to be full of crappy members and staff that just seem to spend so much time looking for every way possible to suck all the fun out of being on the forum.
Well mostly I do it for free because I like to help others.
I just want a good position on that site and most importantly respect. previously I was moderating a warez forum and there was no mod except me and they demote me bcz I was offline for 3 days. wtf!, bcz these thing sometimes I do these things in $.
I tried but most of them spit in your face by hiring crap moderators who monitor your every move.
Not sure if I've seen this before, what type of forums are you talking about? Do you mind mentioning them so we can beware of those forums or something?
@Yush Bhardwaj A warez forum usually needs a moderator who's on daily because of the amount of work and members involved on that type of forum. You could of let them a notice or something, ya know?
If a forum I'm working hard on doesn't gain some ground and a decent amount of activity within a year I get bored and dump it.
Why dump it? I'm sure you could make some money by selling it off instead of dumping it. ;)
Why dump it? I'm sure you could make some money by selling it off instead of dumping it. ;)
I've thought of that but selling it and having someone turn it into something good is like slapping myself in the face to me, lol
I've thought of that but selling it and having someone turn it into something good is like slapping myself in the face to me, lol
Lol, ya, I see what you mean though. It's like having a baby and giving it up for adoption - at least that's how I see running forums, because a forum is just like a baby you have to nourish it in order for it grow and such
Lol, ya, I see what you mean though. It's like having a baby and giving it up for adoption - at least that's how I see running forums, because a forum is just like a baby you have to nourish it in order for it grow and such
Exactly :)
Ya, I remember when multiple people contacted me about buying out my community. I'm like "Its my baby" "What can you do to my community that I can't do?" "My vision is clear, and I know the direction my community will be heading". "You of course, can just be a member and support us through our adventure". After that, nobody ever tried to buy me out. :p I just can't see myself selling off my baby!:sneaky:
I'm more than happy to help out smaller forums, one day they will take off and I'll end up with a huge postcount haha
If the forum's admin is active, then yep I enjoy helping them kick start their forum :)
Very interesting, :)
What about new forums that floods the forum with ads. I've seen a lot of 'em, ;)
The forum owner only start a forum to gain as much cash out of it as possible then sell it once they are bored of managing it, :(
I like to help out new forums as well, especially considering I appreciate when the sentiment is returned on my forum. I obviously won't have much to contribute if I'm not invested or interested in the site's niche, but if it's something I can get into, I have no problem posting and spreading the word. :)
Very interesting, :)
What about new forums that floods the forum with ads. I've seen a lot of 'em, ;)
The forum owner only start a forum to gain as much cash out of it as possible then sell it once they are bored of managing it, :(

I usually don't even register on forums with too many advertisements.

When I first made AAF, I served just a couple of adsense ads. I don't do adsense much anymore but I do have more ads, however, we are not so new anymore and the ads are from people paying to have them there... that helps the $120.00 a month server costs :p

But those new forums with so many ads that it all starts to look like a part of the forum theme haha, I tend to stay away from that!
Very interesting, :)
What about new forums that floods the forum with ads. I've seen a lot of 'em, ;)
The forum owner only start a forum to gain as much cash out of it as possible then sell it once they are bored of managing it, :(
I don't even see advertisements, I have them blocked, and if the owner is a cash-hoe, I'm not joining the community because I don't respect that.

I usually don't even register on forums with too many advertisements.

When I first made AAF, I served just a couple of adsense ads. I don't do adsense much anymore but I do have more ads, however, we are not so new anymore and the ads are from people paying to have them there... that helps the $120.00 a month server costs :p

But those new forums with so many ads that it all starts to look like a part of the forum theme haha, I tend to stay away from that!
That's very nice you're able to afford to server costs. Do you have a VPS, semi-dedicated or a dedicated server? I've been meaning to join your community for quite some time now. The way you post here, it makes things even more interesting. I know I read about your forum of the month/year thread yesterday when
posted a link on her wall about it.
I don't have a problem helping someone start up their new forum and actually get a kick out of getting a low member ID :cool:
I've been in the sub-100 group on several forums over the years. It's nice to help out an admin or team that clearly has good intentions for the site. Some of those sites are still around and trucking along fine, some are gone.
I don't mind helping new sites, especially if their is good leadership and it looks like the site will be around for a while.
I don't have a problem helping someone start up their new forum and actually get a kick out of getting a low member ID :cool:
I've been in the sub-100 group on several forums over the years. It's nice to help out an admin or team that clearly has good intentions for the site. Some of those sites are still around and trucking along fine, some are gone.
I don't mind helping new sites, especially if their is good leadership and it looks like the site will be around for a while.
That's exactly why I join new forums so that I can have a low ID account, and share quality content with their community that can help them rise.