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Do you like helping small-time forums?

I don't mind helping other forums out that are new to the business. I usually help make topics for members to have something to reply to or talk about.
I don`t mind helping small forums as we were all small at one time :D
I'm pretty much the same. However, if the forum really doesn't have what it takes to last, meaning some 13 year old kid set it up just out of boredom and isn't serious about running it in the long-term, I don't bother. However, if I see they are passionate about their forum and want to see it thrive, I don't mind helping by posting or giving feedback/suggestions/expertise.
Its part of what i do :)
I usually get paid.. Very less, Not from a service but i sometimes do it through myself. I charge very less but mainly with the intent of helping those forums out there :)
yes sometime, when i get free from my job. I search new forums and start discussion there, because i love to help others.
So for those that have small forums, why not post them here, and perhaps, some of us can help out by bringing in new content? Just an idea.:adminpower:
I usually go through directories and admin forums and purposely hunt out new sites to help. I just like it plus it's fun to see communities grow. I also love helping sites that are going through a slow period. The RPG site I am addicted to right now is 3 years old but because it's sister site is 11 it has all the fan base so I'm trying to pimp it out a bit because who doesnt love a fantasy and sci-fi hybrid that is done well.
Oh yeah. Cause I know whats it takes to try to keep a small forum alive. You are always on the verge of failure, never knowing when you are going to finally give up. It's nice to have a little assistance now and again.
So for those that have small forums, why not post them here, and perhaps, some of us can help out by bringing in new content? Just an idea.:adminpower:

Awesome idea! :)
Why not, I think everyone deserves a chance. We all need to get started somewhere. One good turn always deserves another. COme on guys its just good karma that we are talking about.
I've never done it before but i will glad to help.:thumbsup:
I don't mind helping out smaller forums if I get along with the owner or other members of the community, but that's the same with all forums I'm a member of I guess.

Like people have said in this thread already: everyone has to start somewhere :)
I don't mind helping out smaller forums if I get along with the owner or other members of the community, but that's the same with all forums I'm a member of I guess.

Like people have said in this thread already: everyone has to start somewhere :)
How many forums have you helped thus far?
Done that in past ! I have helped several actually and moved on . Some people never appreciate others helping for free :)

I am helping one other board at the moment . They are new company in the market related to fishing line and have been pretty good so far . Once they mark 2500 membership i will probably move on from there as well . Sticking too long with one helping for free does gives them superior feeling .
After seeing how annoying is to be a member in huge forums and see absolutely no action there or having to wade through a lot of junk posts, size doesn't matter to me. Whether it's a small active forum or a bigger one, it's the same, if the content is good and the design is also pleasant, I am there :)
I used to want to help small-time forums prosper, until people take my talents or suggestions for granted...

I really don't like forum admins that don't listen to your suggestions even if you're the expert of the subject. Then one day, I thought about building my own community or communities. Since then, I've made more than 2 forums and have been successful.
How many forums have you helped thus far?

Wouldn't even be able to hazard a guess really. I started joining forums around 7 years ago (at a guess - my wht account was made in 2006 and that wasn't the first place I signed up) and since then have signed up to many; large and small.

I used to loiter around DP a lot and people are endlessly plugging their websites there; and if I liked what I saw, I signed up.