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Do you like to read?


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
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Topeka, Kansas
Do you like to read books or anything more then a few pages? (magazines)
I love to read, but I just don't have the time I had back in high school. (when I read a lot)
O yeah, I love it!
My first 'adult'-book was from Raymond E. Feist and is named 'A Feary Tale' in English.
Since I am a fantasyfan, I was instantly sold and must say I still love that book. I was 15 reading it.
Since than I read many books. Books from King, Asimov, Dan Brown and Markus Heitz. Too little time also, but when we are on a holiday, I read a couple books in a short time.
I like to read some books, sometimes i don't even read and just say i read it :p hehe.

I always read the newspapers here, some magazines here and there.
I love to read myself. The problem is I read so much on the computer screen that by the time I get in bed I don't want to read anything else.

Back in the day John Grisham was by far my favorite author the only books by him I didn't like were the non-legal ones. He had a baseball one or something like that..boring. :p

Dean Koontz is the pimp daddy of suspense/thrillers (IMHO) but some of his stuff got a little weird for me. I have a bunch of hardcover Steven King books that I haven't cracked yet.

James Patterson is also a great author I've read so many of his books but forget what most of them were about. :D

Aside from that I got the [ame="http://www.amazon.com/ProBlogger-Secrets-Blogging-Six-Figure-Income/dp/0470616342/"]Problogger second edition[/video] book recently. I read the first chapter or so. I mainly bought it because I've garnered so many good tips from the blog that I wanted to show my support for Darren.

Another book I recently bought is [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1598699105"]Assholeology[/video]. I started following one of the author's blogs and really enjoyed it -- I haven't read the book yet but it looks like it's going to be a fun read.
I love to read. I read all the novels by Iain M. Banks, and generally any good science fiction I can get my fingers on. Longest novel I read was Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton (together 2500 pages). :)
Yup I love reading!It can peace my heart after I'm bored of my life.Reading benefits ppl.Does anybody hate reading?
Yes i like to read a lot when i get time,reading some article and even i like short novels and related to any topic i like to read..
I don't like reading books. It's been few years I haven't read books. I usually google or search electronic copy of books for my requirement then checking on books.

I don't have patience reading several pages. if it is short then i don't mind.
I love to read.

I like Fantasy. Dragonlance, LOTR, Circle, Guardian King, Narnia, ect...
For me, it really depends on how interesting the topic is- if it's interesting to me, I can read whatever it is all the way through. But, on the other hand, if the topic is boring, I can barely get through a paragraph. I also have a hard time absorbing the content of the reading if I find it boring.
I don't really have much time to read for fun, as I typically have a good amount of reading to do for courses as well as other work, and I'm also doing a lot of job hunting these days.
I'm very picky about what I choose for recreational reading; I generally like magazines of a topic of interest to me. If I find a book that I absolutely enjoy, I can sit there forever and read the whole thing. So in the rare instances where I would buy a book, I really make sure that it's something I'll like. I also do a lot of reading on the computer screen as well!
I only like to read when im on holiday as i dont have my xbox, laptop etc..
I read trucking magazines I have had a few authors send me books about trucking to do reviews on and post on my site.

I kind of have the same problem as Dan in which I read so much online I don't feel like reading anything off line.

Do comic strips count?
I like to read thrillers. Especially before going to bed. I fall asleep more quickly. Unfortunately, now i have very very little time for reading. maybe in my holiday.
Hi) i like reading much! i don't like read e-books, i like to keep an usual book in my hands and read it in silence.
Constantly! Audio books on my phone/car/work computer/mp3 player, a paperback or three in my purse in case I get bored wherever I am, and don't get me started on the sheer number of books on my side of the headboard for nights I can't sleep.
I usually read several books at one time. And I just finished The 5000 Year Leap and 28 principles of freedom from our founding fathers. The Politically Incorrect Guide to The Founding Fathers. Matthew Reilly The Six Sacred Stones who does action novels better then anyone.

And im currently reading a Clive Cussler book who also does action. And The Making Of America: The substance and meaning of the Constitution.
i dont like to read books but i like reading magazines and newspapers