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Do you live by trees?


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England, UK
I live by some trees, I like trees because I think they have an energy about them, you can feel their presence if you know how? what do you think of this?? :p
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I agree that trees and plants, and all living things, really, have an energy about them that benefits us and vice versa too. Like how we exchange gasses with the trees so that we can breathe? That is beautiful and awesome in and of itself, to me anyway. I have heard about some scientific studies that claim that plants grow faster and really thrive when you talk to them and show them love. I also watched something once where this guy robbed this flower shop. They had a few criminals in mind, and hooked the plant up to a polygraph test. The plant apparently correctly identified the robber when asked if the guy that was before it was the one that they had seen that day. Peculiar but true.
Either side of my house, a three tiered property, are trees. This means they are halfway up and I enjoy the seclusion, and hear the wind softly rustling their leaves. I've always wanted a tree house. Somewhere to perch and have a little wooden roof over my head, supported by a massive trunk. Mistletoe grows in some of them, and one one side is a splendid holly which produces bright red berries. I find there is a peace about trees and once, I made my home among them and felt safe. That was a very special time when I met a guy and spent a beautiful Spring with him.

This isn't my photo, but the trees are quite close to where I live. They are Ilex trees. :)

I live by a lot of trees. :)
My street is called "White Pine" for a reason.

I love the trees. We have trees in my backyard and trees in my front yard.
Not right next to or anything but trees are scattered about around here, the closest being in this park/trail area which is a few blocks away from my house.
Of course each time I get near there the bugs start to sound rather threatening so I tend to avoid the trails... they kinda suck anyway. And I almost got hit by a squirrel last time I went there.

I used to have a tree in my yard but my parents got paranoid about one day the wind might blow it right onto our house so they decided to have it removed. We can get some really strong winds here, so it was a good reason.
So now we just get mushrooms growing where the tree used to be... like right now... and they're all tiny and disgusting looking.
Live by a smattering of them in people's gardens etc but not like a forest or anything :) doesn't take long to drive to one though.
Yep, live in the country so they're all I can see from my window. My entire lane is surrounded by them.

I'm out in the country, so trees everywhere. I actually live right next to a Boy Scout camp in the woods. :eek:
Whilst I do live in a small country town, in my particular street the only trees are a handful dotted around the road. :)
I love trees. Especially those huge old oaks. but I specially love conker trees. Finding a highly polished, waxy conker is real joy!
Lived in a forest while I lived in Berlin. Hate forests, they're so creepy.
I do yes... I have thousands of trees growing upo next to me
I have a bunch in my garden. Plus if I walk for five minutes I get out of town and into the countryside.
This may sound cheesy but hippies and tree huggers were right! it's been proven that trees hold a healing energy and in turn can heal our energy field also. My friend in California does kirlian photography and took photos before and after a tree was hugged, their aura was stronger, how amazing is that!