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Do your kids love ketchup?

You can put all the fruits veggies you want in a school provided lunch, but they will still end up in the garbage. I work lunch supervision at my kids school and most of the fruits and veggies go right in the trash.
When he was younger, he would dip apple slices and goldfish crackers in ketchup and eat them. Occasionally I find him just eating the leftover ketchup on his plate with a spoon. :dunce:


:dunce: You serve apple slices and goldfish crackers together?
You can put all the fruits veggies you want in a school provided lunch, but they will still end up in the garbage. I work lunch supervision at my kids school and most of the fruits and veggies go right in the trash.

I'm sure that's true for many kids but not my 6 yo. Given a choice, he would always eat fruit. It's always the first thing he eats at his meals. If I let him, he would eat fruit and only fruit ALL DAY LONG at every single meal. He has never met a fruit he didn't like. I could go broke every month just buying fruits to feed this kid.

Now about veggies, he's not as good about those, but he loves carrots, peas, corn, sugar snap peas, mushrooms, and will eat a couple bites of salad if he feels like it.

I'm sure it's frustrating to see them throw it out but has anyone seen that Jamie Oliver show? Perhaps instead of just throwing some plain celery and carrot sticks or some nasty steamed green beans on the school lunch plate, the cafeteria staff could try making it a little more appetizing so that kids would actually WANT to eat it.
I'm sure that's true for many kids but not my 6 yo. Given a choice, he would always eat fruit. It's always the first thing he eats at his meals. If I let him, he would eat fruit and only fruit ALL DAY LONG at every single meal. He has never met a fruit he didn't like. I could go broke every month just buying fruits to feed this kid.

Now about veggies, he's not as good about those, but he loves carrots, peas, corn, sugar snap peas, mushrooms, and will eat a couple bites of salad if he feels like it.

I'm sure it's frustrating to see them throw it out but has anyone seen that Jamie Oliver show? Perhaps instead of just throwing some plain celery and carrot sticks or some nasty steamed green beans on the school lunch plate, the cafeteria staff could try making it a little more appetizing so that kids would actually WANT to eat it.

My 4yo DD loves her fruits and veggies too. Every time she sees me cutting up stuff in the kitchen, she's always trying to snatch some - green peppers, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, raw potatoes, spinach, strawberries. Fruits, veggies, whatever, she'll be begging for it even while I'm still cooking. She also loves salad and will almost always choose it over a burger. Now, she does love her french fries, but I think she'd really be okay with apples too. Although we generally try to avoid McD's whenever possible. We don't do a lot of fast food, but we usually get Subway or Arby's whenever possible. It's slightly healthier than McD's, and DD loves all the veggies she gets at Subway; she starts raving about olives as soon as we mention Subway.

Has everyone watched the movie Super Size Me? It will seriously take away almost any temptation to eat McD's you might have.
My 4yo DD loves her fruits and veggies too. Every time she sees me cutting up stuff in the kitchen, she's always trying to snatch some - green peppers, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, raw potatoes, spinach, strawberries. Fruits, veggies, whatever, she'll be begging for it even while I'm still cooking. She also loves salad and will almost always choose it over a burger. Now, she does love her french fries, but I think she'd really be okay with apples too. Although we generally try to avoid McD's whenever possible. We don't do a lot of fast food, but we usually get Subway or Arby's whenever possible. It's slightly healthier than McD's, and DD loves all the veggies she gets at Subway; she starts raving about olives as soon as we mention Subway.

Has everyone watched the movie Super Size Me? It will seriously take away almost any temptation to eat McD's you might have.

Oh, I forgot about tomatoes and potatoes. My 6 yo LOVES both. We are growing tomatoes and he won't even let them ripen. As soon as one turns a little orange, he goes in the back and picks it and eats it! It drives my DH crazy because we try to make a huge batch of salsa at the end of summer and can it and then we eat that all year long. DS is picking all the tomatoes and now DH thinks we won't have enough LOL.

And don't get me started on mashed potatoes. DS loves those too. We grow potatoes and every day he is trying to dig some up to make his own mashed potatoes. He takes them to the sink and scrubs them all nice and clean for me. Then I'll chop them up and cook them and let him help add the butter, salt, and milk, and mash them up with me. He loves it!

I really wish more people would teach their children how to cook and to cook with them. It is a life lesson that they will always remember and they will eat healthier in the long run and not eat out so much or eat so much processed crap.

I'm saddened when I see how many of my friends either don't know how to cook or are too lazy to cook and every time meal time rolls around, they either get out a take out menu or go out to eat. It's a shame. I asked my friend's daughter one time if her mom ever cooked for her. (I know she doesn't.) And her response was yeah, she makes me mac and cheese. And she was talking about Easy Mac in the little cups in a microwave. Just sad IMO. If you can read a recipe, you can learn to cook. It's sad how so many kids today grow up on fast food and they will probably do the same thing when they raise their kids and so on and so on.

I'd take a nice home cooked meal any day over restaurant food, whether McD's or some other place.

I bought the book Super Size Me a long time ago. Just haven't made myself read it yet but I'm thinking I will one day soon.
I just made lunch for my kids. Reheated some homemade chicken tenders that I made for dinner a couple days ago.
I will swear that my 6 yo just squeezed like half a cup of ketchup onto his plate to dip his chicken in. I was going to scold him for using too much and wasting it but by the time I loaded up the dishwasher and turned back around, he had actually used up most of the ketchup and still hade 1 piece of chicken left! What the heck - how much ketchup can this kid need?

When he was younger, he would dip apple slices and goldfish crackers in ketchup and eat them. Occasionally I find him just eating the leftover ketchup on his plate with a spoon. :dunce:

The funny thing is that my 4 yo hates it and won't touch it. Guess that helps even things out 0in my house.

My DH is an addict. He uses at least 6 oz at a time. I bought 18 -40 oz when Jewel had a cat deal on Heinz. It wasn't 7 months later that we were OUT! When I looked for a bottle in the pantry, I couldn't believe it. I told him there was NO way I was paying 3.99 -he would have to wait until it was on sale. he went with my dd17 and picked it up at Jewel! I do have a few recipes that I may use a cup or two but mostly it was my Heinz addicts!! He puts it on his burger and then dips it too. Each fry will carry twice it weight in ketchup... I always say the food is just a vehicle for the ketchup. He couldn't possibly taste his food! His other addiction include other condiments such as Hellmans and salad dressings...maybe I should start a new thread for that.
Here is my little cooker. He was cooking with DH when I took my other son to a Birthday Party. He always asks. "Can I cook?? Mix, Mix, Mix"

Alcohol has calories, too......

really? **** :surrender: but, but............I drink it wiff diet coke :nopompom:
