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Dogs & Yards


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I am at the end of my rope with my dogs. They aren't even big dogs & I feel like every year they trash my yard. If you have dogs, does your yard look horrbile? If not, how do you keep it nice? I feel like every year there are "paths" all through the grass from the dogs. Last year I put in a paver "sidewalk" for them on the path they always take to the dog run & now they have made another path next to it. :gah: I am so tired of reseeding/resodding my yard every year.

I'll never have a dog again. If anyone wants a stubborn basset hound, pm me. Seriously. He drives me INSANE. Housebroken, crate trained, totally lazy (except for when he's wearing new paths in my yard) and cat/kid friendly. He's a good dog, but he & I are not on the same page so to speak. :p
This is really the first year it has been really bad which I blame on the fabulous winter we had ;)

There is really only one spot in the yard where we can put his lead, otherwise he can get too close to the river or the poison ivy that we can't get rid of. It's a muddy hot mess out there! :gah:

It's not like there is much I can do about it. I can't put seed down because he'd still be out in the same spot. I'm just hoping the grass grows back :pout:

My bigger problem is how to keep the lead clasp from freezing shut in the winter! It's one of those "hook" type things that you push the latch down and it opens and it always freezes shut! If you guys have a lead what do you do? I can't be the only one!!
If I could find the pictures I would show you what two dogs did to our backyard.......... completely trashed it. Last spring/summer my DH had to rent a tiller(?) and reseed the entire backyard. We had to use chicken wire and fence off 3/4 of the yard from the dogs and where they were allowed to go DH put in sod because they were bringing mud into the house. Needless to say, the sod really did not do well since they were killing it with urine. So we still have this area that needs to be seeded and DH wants to put brick pavers on as he thinks our big dog Molly is tearing it up when she leaps off the deck and goes running.

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That's my problem, too, no matter what we do, the dogs ruin it. It's just a pita. I see other people's dog-free yards & they are so nice. I guess mine won't be nice until the dogs are gone. Not to mention the time I waste getting it to look nice & then constantly have to keep devoting time to it because of the dogs. :gah: Never again.

icoupon2- Can you leave the clasp inside the house? We had neighbors who just brought the end section of the dog leash into the house. That way it didn't freeze & they never had to go outside in the cold.
Hmmm...the stake part is like this:


And then it has a long lead like this:


He always ends up peeing on it, so I try not to touch it, I'm not sure how that would work. I guess I'm going to have to really figure it out this year before next winter!
Just put in a dog run. It is basically an overhead wire strung from your house to a fixed point in the yard (fence or shed works well). Then attach a lead to the overhead wire, the other end to your dog, and they can only go so far as they can reach. They get used to it really quickly.

Our dog is little, so her little peepies and poops don't do much damage. The biggest way to help keep your yard nice is to make sure your dogs drink plenty of water (less acidic pee then) and pick up their poops very quickly!

We have a fence, my neighbors think I am crazy for picking up her poo, but who wants to walk in that all the time?
I have a dog and a yard and no problems. Not sure what you're talking about. I take Sadie out to the backyard a couple times a day to play with her. We throw toys, she runs back and forth several times, sniffs a bit then we go in. She pees in the yard MAYBE once a day (never poos) in our yard. I walk her around the neighborhood a couple times a day for poop walks.

Why do you leave your dog out?
I have a dog and a yard and no problems. Not sure what you're talking about. I take Sadie out to the backyard a couple times a day to play with her. We throw toys, she runs back and forth several times, sniffs a bit then we go in. She pees in the yard MAYBE once a day (never poos) in our yard. I walk her around the neighborhood a couple times a day for poop walks.

Why do you leave your dog out?

For us it's that scratching/digging thing he does after he poos and when there are other animals around (macho dog syndrome :giggles:) and there are ALWAYS animals around :gah:

I don't leave Brody out...he's on the lead long enough to do his bidness and that's it. Otherwise he'd be green from all the goose poop in the daytime or coyote food in the evenings.
They just love it outside. If it's nice out, they whine & whine until they are out.
Oh. Sadie is at my side 24/7. I can't leave her out or she'll bark to come in. She wants to be by me at ALL times. :lol: She's staring at me right now. :lol:
We have two dogs and our back yard looks bad... I get mad when I think about it but then if it was that important to us we should never have gotten dogs in the first place.

It was a choice we made. We could keep the dogs in the house and take them for walks all the time but we are too lazy and it is so much fun to watch them play in the yard.

Oh well.... I learned to quite worrying about it. At least we can make our front yard look pretty.
:ranting:Lawn? What's that? I've got a ton of creeping charlie working its way across my yard from the neighbor who thought the **** flowers were pretty. Two summers on bedrest and it totally got away from me.

Which reminds me I need to out and see if it's starting to flower yet. (best times to spray poison on it is when it's flowering and right at the end of summer/early fall)

On topic, my 12 lb dog doesn't do much damage. Usually the bad spot is the bit we have to scoop out in the winter that doesn't have the protection of the snow over it and she does her business much of the time in a concentrated area.
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That's my problem, too, no matter what we do, the dogs ruin it. It's just a pita. I see other people's dog-free yards & they are so nice. I guess mine won't be nice until the dogs are gone. Not to mention the time I waste getting it to look nice & then constantly have to keep devoting time to it because of the dogs. :gah: Never again.

icoupon2- Can you leave the clasp inside the house? We had neighbors who just brought the end section of the dog leash into the house. That way it didn't freeze & they never had to go outside in the cold.

try this one https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150185306647439.324110.711327438&type=3&l=b3f9a89700

but it might only work for "friends" on Facebook (for those I am not friends with ;) )
Our yard is TRASHED!!!! The dogs have tore up the ground by digging and running. They have destroyed parts of our decks, chewed the lattice that was around the bottom of the decks and gnawed on some of the deck boards (so there is bits and pieces of wood all over our yard, and hole....HUGE holes!!!). We are dog people but I think when these guys leave us (if its by natural causes due to old age or is someone should accidentally leave a gate open =P ) we will be on a doggie break. My dogs are still young. 1-5 and almost 2.
Brag alert:

I've decided I have the perfect dog. She doesn't do anything wrong. :9: No digging, chewing.............never once ripped open one of her toys. She's very gentle. Never picked up an item in the house that wasn't hers. Never had an accident in the house either.


We just went out and played in the yard for the 3rd time today. :bliss:

Her favorite toy right now is Henrietta chicken.

We have two dogs and our back yard looks bad... I get mad when I think about it but then if it was that important to us we should never have gotten dogs in the first place.

It was a choice we made
. We could keep the dogs in the house and take them for walks all the time but we are too lazy and it is so much fun to watch them play in the yard.

Oh well.... I learned to quite worrying about it. At least we can make our front yard look pretty.

This exactly. My back yard is also kind of a mess but it's really due to the unending rain we had in the fall/winter. There were puddles that just wouldn't dry up & an area in the back corner that's so muddy I was afraid of walking on it for fear of sinking. :surrender:

I really don't leave Chloe & Sophie in the yard unsupervised for more than maybe 10 minutes or so. I'll usually put them out there if there's stuff I want to bring upstairs or downstairs that would be easier to do without two dogs following my every step or if I'm doing some work in the garage. Neither of them is a digger. Sophie's a runner which can cause some damage but not too bad.

We did have a dog when I was a kid, Kippy, who just loved to dig holes. Dog wasn't happy unless she was digging. :giggles:

Brag alert:

I've decided I have the perfect dog. She doesn't do anything wrong. :9: No digging, chewing.............never once ripped open one of her toys. She's very gentle. Never picked up an item in the house that wasn't hers. Never had an accident in the house either.


We just went out and played in the yard for the 3rd time today. :bliss:

Her favorite toy right now is Henrietta chicken.


So the chicken wears a bra but you don't? :lol:

& yeah, yeah you've got a perfect dog - ****!