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Dogs & Yards

So the chicken wears a bra but you don't? :lol:

& yeah, yeah you've got a perfect dog - ****!

Right and right. :dance:

Oh and she goes on walks perfectly and loves people and other dogs. :hides:

Ok she does have one fault, she wants to eat mail men and loud trucks like garbage trucks. :9: I think if she met the mail man once then she would be fine. Right now she's wondering who the hell keeps coming to our house, but not coming in so I can understand that. Maybe this summer I'll bring her out to meet him.
Ok, meowmeow, you win. :lol: Mine isn't that bad.

For those with digging dogs, my dogs used to dig. I started filling the holes with their poop & eventually they started to believe that the entire world was an inch of dirt and then poop. :) They don't dig anymore, I guess they have that going for them.

Really, no one wants a basset hound? He's cute, he & I are just not buddies. :p
Bassets are sooo cute, but I don't want your problem dog. :hides: Good luck!
our dog just goes anywhere she wants in the yard...Dh throws the poop over the fence into a burn pit area that is supposed to be community property but no one uses it because it is RIGHT in back of our back yard. The water softener also runs out into our yard and that kills the grass too. The yard is one big mud pit as well...it looks horrible but I'm leaving it until the market turns around enough to put the house back up for sale...at this rate that will be in another 10 yrs. Until then it stays ugly!
Our yard is a hot mess. I want it to look better, but just never seem to have the time. I was raking one area today and found a weird semicircle of concrete under the dirt. No wonder grass doesn't grow there. Between the dog and the kids, our yard is part grass part dirt pit.

We are going to try to put down grass seed, hope it makes it better.
My dog Leo, who is doing well by the way, (I had a thread a few weeks ago about some problems he was having) I swear poops five times a day, all over the yard. We really don't go out during the winter to pick it up ( I know, gross) so in the early spring when it is nice and the kids want to go in the backyard to play I have to go out and spend about an hour to pick it all up. You would think that our grass would be trashed, but surprisingly, our backyard grass is always lush, thick and green. Much better than our front yard. So I really don't know what the heck the magic formula is.
OMG! We had a Basset and I miss his stubborn old butt!!!!! I want another Basset..but I already have 3 dogs that WON'T. STOP. BARKING. EVER. I looooove Bassets!!!!
My dog Leo, who is doing well by the way, (I had a thread a few weeks ago about some problems he was having) I swear poops five times a day, all over the yard. We really don't go out during the winter to pick it up ( I know, gross) so in the early spring when it is nice and the kids want to go in the backyard to play I have to go out and spend about an hour to pick it all up. You would think that our grass would be trashed, but surprisingly, our backyard grass is always lush, thick and green. Much better than our front yard. So I really don't know what the heck the magic formula is.

Well, what are you feeding Leo? :giggles:
Autumn, I don't have a current picture, but I'll post one of his dumb **** tomorrow. :p

Your dogs probably bark because there is an odd number of them & you need one more. :snicker:
Autumn, I don't have a current picture, but I'll post one of his dumb **** tomorrow. :p

Your dogs probably bark because there is an odd number of them & you need one more. :snicker:

Ok..............R U serious about getting rid of your dog? Until now I thought you were kidding. :pout:
I don't know, MrsMom...he'd be better somewhere else I think- my DD13 who had to have him does nothing with him. I'm going to try to bond with him these next few weeks & see how it goes. He's just SO stubborn. He's not motivated by food or attention. He will seriously lay on the ground 4' from his crate at night and look at you like you're nuts for telling him to go in it for the night until you have to drag him into it. But during the day, when he can roam about the house, he goes in there to nap. :gah: So he likes it in there, he's just a jagdork at night.

That's just one example of his assholery. Others would include, but are not limited to, talking him on a 1 block walk and getting 1/2 way around the block & then him refusing to walk any further. It's like carrying a 70 pound sack of potatoes (that smell) for the remaining 1/2 block. Or, pulling his collar to get him in the door to come inside & him barking like you're stabbing him in the eye, which I swear to god he does so the neighbors think we are beating him.

He's like "that kid" that just grates on your nerves, kicks you in the shin & then says "neener neener" and then tells his mom you yelled at him. It's delightful, really. It used to be cute when he would fake sleep...now we know he's doing it so when we leave the room & he can immediately drink our coffee or get on the sofa. :gah:
dragonfly................why is he in a kennel? Do you use it as punishment?

I've never put my gurl in a kennel................she sleeps with us lol.
They go in the crate at night so they stay off of the furniture. (We have a little dog, too.) They don't mind it- that's part of the frustration. He'll happily go in it during the day when he could be out & about, but then at night he refuses. He's just a pita. :p
Sorry to hear your dog is tearing up your yard. It can't be half as bad as the way my kids tear up mine. They dig it up and turn over blocks looking for critters (worms, rolly pollies, etc....). Last year we had to replace (at the main culprit's expense) all our patio blocks. As for putting your dog in the cage at night, my mom puts her dog in one at night too and covers him up and she is just crazy about her dog.
Ours isn't trashed. We only have Spots now, but we had 2 huge dogs at one point, and they didn't trash the yard either. None of them like/liked staying outside very long unless we were out there. I also do 2 things, make them go potty in one specific area, and there is one fence line playing area too. The potty area is a section of the yard (about 10' x 20'), behind the garage, that I put gravel down. I always teach my dogs to "go on the rocks", and they do. I don't want my son to have to play in a yard with "land mines" :giggles:, it's easier to clean up, and I want to enjoy our yard. The playing area is just a dirt section along the fence for about 10 feet. That's where the dog runs back & forth, along the fence line, with the neighbor dogs, and my son digs for worms, etc. Spots doesn't like to stay outside alone, so if i'm out there i'll throw the ball for her, for a while, to get a little exercise. For her real exercise, I take her to the dog park or take her with me on a long fast walk or jog.
He's like "that kid" that just grates on your nerves, kicks you in the shin & then says "neener neener" and then tells his mom you yelled at him. It's delightful, really. It used to be cute when he would fake sleep...now we know he's doing it so when we leave the room & he can immediately drink our coffee or get on the sofa. :gah:
I'm sorry, but I was lol at the image of a big dog sneaking coffee.

They go in the crate at night so they stay off of the furniture. (We have a little dog, too.) They don't mind it- that's part of the frustration. He'll happily go in it during the day when he could be out & about, but then at night he refuses. He's just a pita. :p

Could you just put a dog bed in your bedroom, and close the door, so they are not roaming free?... or better yet, make him sleep in your DD13's room? :giggles:

I really sympathize with you. It is not easy to have a difficult dog. I had 2 of them... one was mental, and the other had constant medical issues. I keep waiting for Spots to start some crap, but I think I finally caught a break from the dog karma fairy.
Our Trinity is trained to poop/pee in just one area of the yard so that is not a problem (unless the kiddos haven't scooped the poop in awhile, then we can't blame her for going outside the area), the problem is when our yard was done we don't think there was enough top soil put down, so it's all patchy and when Trinity runs around her claws kind of tear up some of the grass. Ugh...it looks awful. She never digs or anything, which is nice, just her normal playing with the kids messes it up, we have to tell them at times to not play out back with her. =/ Every spring we need to put more seed down. sigh....
I'm wondering if there is more to this issue. We are surrounded by people with dogs and none of them have yards which are even remotely destroyed by their dogs. They look like, well, nice grass covered back yards. Big and small dogs alike. I don't get it.
I put JuJuBee out there and he stands there and stares at me. I walk, he walks. I stand, he stands. I wish he would run around and do something doglike, but he doesn't.

So yesterday I was in the garage and heard the neighbors outside with their dog. I see they have a new one. Um, yay. Not. They never have them leashed unless they take them out for a pee in the morning. So I hear the dude say to the dog "Let's go in the back and chase some cats."

!~~~~!!!!! ?

Jimi's brothers live out there ****o.

I pop out of the garage and say nicely "Aww, don't chase the outside cats with the dog they have it hard enough."

He replies "It's alright, he's never caught one yet."

YET? Yet? Yet huh?

Fast forward about half an hour and his dog and new dog bolts from his yard into mine and they are screaming at them to come back. Right...because the dog will? Never. They both traipse across my yard and I see their dog seen one of the cats and bolted for it.

I said nothing, but if it happens again, I will call the association and I don't care if I'm considered the **** of the block because of it. If you want to have dogs and want them unleashed spend a few thousand and put up a f(*ckng fence and not christmas trees. Otherwise "Operation Set Neighbors House On Fire" will be looked into. lol