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"Don't Forget!"

It is pot stirring in that I know that most of you dont even know your own religious histories and tend to dismiss the holidays and beliefs of other religious. anything on this site can become pot stirring. It is so nice that MY beliefs are considered pointless and are dismissed. Even if they are based on HISTORICAL FACT.

But my beliefs are based on faith. Faith doesn't require proof. It requires something much greater than proof. It's easy to say you believe that today is Sunday or you believe that tomatoes are red. They're simple facts. But to truly be a person of faith requires much more. It's not ignoring facts, it's believing in something greater despite them. To dismiss the value of faith is wrong and it's been done too many times.

Dismissing the fact that many of us on this board realize that Christmas, not the generic holiday season that has taken over due to political correctness got haywire, but Christmas itself is first and foremost about the birth of Christ. Yes, even we get caught up in all the other activities that surround this Christmas season, but sometimes it is nice for us to remind each other the true meaning of this Christmas season. That, I believe, was the meaning of the cartoon and that was the meaning of the original post of this thread. The fact that it has been turned into a debate is typical of some posters on this board. But just because it's expected does not mean it will be ignored.
Wow...again...never judge a thread by its title. I looked at the OP this morning, thanked the OP and moved on with my day. I had no idea that these 4 pages were full of this!

Sati you know I love ya' girl. BUT, I do not agree with you on this at all. The first thing I don't agree with is this....there are many, many times in life when what your mom (or at least my mom) said was right. And that is "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I love our country and our right to free speech. I just don't think you use free speech as a weapon. And I really don't think that you use that "free speech weapon" to take shots at other people's religions and/or beliefs. And in turn I don't think other people should do that to you either.

A person's faith, beliefs, religion, spirituality, relationship with their God (or Allah etc.) is a very personal thing. People hold it very dear and take it very personally. I just don't believe that you should say things which come across as criticizing or disrespecting other people's religions, beliefs etc.

What bothers me too is that it does seem like you brought your opinions into this thread specifically just to stir the pot and not as much from a place of your conviction in your beliefs. There are SO many other things we can all debate and really go round and round about....but I just personally don't think religion should be one of them. (I feel that way about ALL the religious debate threads, I don't mean to sound like I'm singling you out!)
Wow...again...never judge a thread by its title. I looked at the OP this morning, thanked the OP and moved on with my day. I had no idea that these 4 pages were full of this!

Sati you know I love ya' girl. BUT, I do not agree with you on this at all. The first thing I don't agree with is this....there are many, many times in life when what your mom (or at least my mom) said was right. And that is "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I love our country and our right to free speech. I just don't think you use free speech as a weapon. And I really don't think that you use that "free speech weapon" to take shots at other people's religions and/or beliefs. And in turn I don't think other people should do that to you either.

A person's faith, beliefs, religion, spirituality, relationship with their God (or Allah etc.) is a very personal thing. People hold it very dear and take it very personally. I just don't believe that you should say things which come across as criticizing or disrespecting other people's religions, beliefs etc.

What bothers me too is that it does seem like you brought your opinions into this thread specifically just to stir the pot and not as much from a place of your conviction in your beliefs. There are SO many other things we can all debate and really go round and round about....but I just personally don't think religion should be one of them. (I feel that way about ALL the religious debate threads, I don't mean to sound like I'm singling you out!)

:huggy:i lubs you you know that. and i agree with you. i jumped in on this without thinking about the feelings of others and I was wrong for that. I like a good chew and i didnt respect how others felt.
But my beliefs are based on faith. Faith doesn't require proof. It requires something much greater than proof. It's easy to say you believe that today is Sunday or you believe that tomatoes are red. They're simple facts. But to truly be a person of faith requires much more. It's not ignoring facts, it's believing in something greater despite them. To dismiss the value of faith is wrong and it's been done too many times.

Dismissing the fact that many of us on this board realize that Christmas, not the generic holiday season that has taken over due to political correctness got haywire, but Christmas itself is first and foremost about the birth of Christ. Yes, even we get caught up in all the other activities that surround this Christmas season, but sometimes it is nice for us to remind each other the true meaning of this Christmas season. That, I believe, was the meaning of the cartoon and that was the meaning of the original post of this thread. The fact that it has been turned into a debate is typical of some posters on this board. But just because it's expected does not mean it will be ignored.

I cannot say enough that i am sorry i jumped in on this without respect of the feelings of you and others on the topic.
My heart aches for what happened to your brother and too many others like him. But I do have to say no "church" has ever done anything to a small child. "people" have...I'm not Catholic and have said before that I have my own religious and philosophical differences with the Catholic church and its teachings. But I do strongly believe it is unfair to throw a big net over Catholicism, Catholics and Catholic churches as a whole for the sins of some. Even is that "some" is an unfathomable number.

The last one was quite clearly reminding parents not to forget what the church has done to small children.
Sati - I was going to join in with the others, but having read to the end I'll take your apology at face value. An apology from you carries a lot of weight given the strength of your convictions.
Sati - I was going to join in with the others, but having read to the end I'll take your apology at face value. An apology from you carries a lot of weight given the strength of your convictions.

thank you. I only wish I had seasoned and cooked the shoe leather i am currently gnawing on. sigh
The last one was quite clearly reminding parents not to forget what the church has done to small children.

THAT was unfair and uncalled-for. All Christians are NOT Catholic. Please, don't lump us all together.
Sati............I had a full-on PM written to you about how your posts sucked then I saw your apologies..........**** it! I couldn't send it.

Sati............I had a full-on PM written to you about how your posts sucked then I saw your apologies..........**** it! I couldn't send it.


feel free to spank me if you wish. i deserve it. ♥
I love how there can be this all out war then as quick as it started everyone loves each other again. You're good peeps. :)
I love how there can be this all out war then as quick as it started everyone loves each other again. You're good peeps. :)

yup, these ARE some good peeps on here. and they dont need me being ****y up their asses about something as personal as religion! LOL
Peace on Earth and to you too, Sati

So do you leave all the Christmas decorations you showed us up through spring since you don't celebrate it now?
Peace on Earth and to you too, Sati

So do you leave all the Christmas decorations you showed us up through spring since you don't celebrate it now?

we DO celebrate christmas. just not as Christ's birth. I put up a few things like the nativity scene in the spring and also birthday decorations.
THAT was unfair and uncalled-for. All Christians are NOT Catholic. Please, don't lump us all together.
That's totally true and ITA but the way you're saying it feels like an insult, lol! Although I'm sure that's not the way you meant it.

I thought everyone was buying ham for a rebate or something?! :giggles: