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Ds Not A Psp



:no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
Now, was that really necessary?
Aside from the horrible spelling and grammar, you didn't really qualify your argument in any way, other than saying it's "fragil" (which BTW, I have no idea which "consol" you're referring to as "fragil").
And the big text is just annoying.
I think I agree with Diesel in opposite threads. The Nintendo DS is good and so is the Sony PSP. But what seperates the two is that the Sony PSP was invented in first place to the "older" generations or adults that have outgrown the Nintendo games and want a multimedia experience (music and movies). Even if it was fragile the person holding it probably is under a 401k plan, have insurance, and have steady income and would take care of it like it was some other household equipment. The resolution of the graphics are obviously superior on the PSP. It might be fragile and it might be worrysome to losing some pixels but that's something you get in laptop screens. It happens, you just got to take care of it. It's like comparing a "Plasma TV to a LED crystal screen". Obviously you'll take care of either but because Plasma TV's cost you'll probably watch more carefully. As for the Nintendo DS it is a great concept with it's stylus and double screen. I also have heard about how much easier it is to purchase games and it's battery life. The resolution isn't high but it serves its purpose for the games intended. It is a neat setup and as an adult myself I still adore some Nintendo games.

***** But logically and mathematically the DS is more suspectable to having most damage done since it's housing is into two parts than the one part the PSP is in. Everybody I know that owns a flip phone (TWO parts) ruins their phone when they leave it OPEN and sit on it or drop it. I'm not saying the PSP wouldn't get damage but sitting on it probably won't break it since it's surface area doesn't come at large angles. On either one if you take care not to break it they'll both be nice. I'm not interestetd in handheld gaming myself but if I was I would probably just buy both despite battery life/screen resolution of either.....

I would probably buy both just to prove which is better. I could scientifically point out every flaw from either one and PROVE which is the better that's because I would probably use BOTH. I could start by the material it's made of....(one major reason I went with Mac Powerbook, it's scratchproof........) But really who cares which is better? again it's comparing a Manual to a Automatic in car transmission. I think they provide different levels of entertainment at different costs, different accessories for different demographics (age group to be specific). So enough of proving by loud this and loud that (I agree Diesel) or snaps. Talk about it logically. Did you test out the PSP to know it's fragile; you owned it for long period; did you get warranty; did you time battery life (obvious movie will suck more battery) to DS, that means you own both? Some things to consider....
I agree with you psi but i must say when it comes down to it the ds would be the better value i mean sure the psp plays movies but its only umd"s you may never find the real movie you what like kingdom come and the you really can"t watch the movie with out having to charge Also my buttons seem not to work so excuse the gramer problems

you can actually watch a movie without charging, and, if you think about it the psp is great value for money. it stores pics movies and music. it plays games with almost ps2 graphics a very large screen (for a portable) it surfs the net and soon it will be a spreadsheet word processor and a claculator, plus it has online play NOW and wi-fi, not forgetting the usb port.
when everythings up and running well, it'll be like a mini-laptop.
Yeah but its just paying a whole bunch of money for stuff you already have.(no offense)

course... i'm SURE i already have a portable that can do almost ps2 graphics.
Well if you look at it like that but don't you already have a ps2.

your missing the entire point of a handheld. and no, the psp isn't that much like a ps2 really, have u ever played it?
Yes but i just don't see the point of buying something twice handheld or no handheld.

answer. have u ever actually played the psp? it really is nothing like the ps2.

i'd buy it because i have played both the psp and the ds for a long period of time and can say without a doubt that the psp totally kills the ds in my opinion and is easily the greatest portable i've ever played. believe me, if you haven't played it yourself, pokemon pales into nothingness compared to wipeout pure.
actally pokemon isn't our only game so I suggest you play some of our hotter titles coming out such as 007 Rouge Agent or metriod Prime.

metroid prime ain't released yet, and won't be for a few months i believe, and rouge agent also isn't released, is it? the console version of rouge agent got pretty bad reviews, so i wouldn't be surprised if the ds version did to, depends if they've changed it.
Actally I've seen a review it looks pretty nice also I was refering to the First Hunt.

a review of golden eye? show me the link please, i ain't seen one yet. and metroid first hunt?? it still ain't out for ds yet.
I'm new at computers but I'm sure you can find it on nintendods.com.Also actally I'm refering to the demo of metroid prime

yes, but that is a demo. it only shows you a little bit of the game, not the whole experiance.
Yet the demo was great so picture the whole thing