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E-Butts Helping Bar Venue A Little Bit So Far, And.....

well this sorta fits here so....as of 3 days ago I am off ciggarettes and only using e-smokes...it has taken me over a year but now I will decrease the drops till I am off the nicotine entirely...happy dance...happy dance...BTW for those of you in states with pot dispenseries(with Dr script) they have marinol drops too>
KjAthena said:
well this sorta fits here so....as of 3 days ago I am off ciggarettes and only using e-smokes...it has taken me over a year but now I will decrease the drops till I am off the nicotine entirely...happy dance...happy dance...BTW for those of you in states with pot dispenseries(with Dr script) they have marinol drops too>

Congrats and good luck to you!
You will do it. Boyfriend was grabbing for that e-cig at first but now I don't remember the last time I have even seen one around. Won't ask about those other drops.....
Hey, I resemble that remark. Colorado. MMJ. Why would I puff Marinol drops when I could get the real thing? I wonder what hash oil would do to one of those E-cigs.

Also, how are these things powered? I had a butane powered vaporizer once. It did not work at altitude over 5000'
they are 3 parts...a battery unit that you pug in to charge....a atimizor(sp?) that uses the same technology as a asthma nebulizor to vaporize the liquid and a filter part that you put the drops in...dont know how hash oil would effect it cause the marinol drops are pure thc......hash oil contains other compounds. Hava a nephew in CA that has a script for the dispensories and he saw the drops the other day....not worth jail time for me...but if I lived in a "legal" state with a script would probily try it ; ) Why use e-cigg when you can get real thing....well no smell on hair/ clothes/car and can use anywhere...even on airplanes/movies/reseraunts
:yahclap::yahclap::yahclap::yahclap:quit 7 years ago, keep going Athena, you will make it!!
possumdog said:
The problem with the studies is that each side will claim a bias in trying to discredit the other's studies. Even something as seemingly neutral as just measuring tax revenues (which according to govt. studies went up despite the bans, even adjusted for inflation) is questioned as not counting every type of place or counting irrevelant places like McDonalds. Yet the studies showing damages from the bans are being done by the tobacco industry. So it is difficult to know who to believe.

Spot on. And remember...More Doctors smoke Camel than any other cigarette.
It must be true..it says right there "repeated nationwide surveys". See! Proof! :laughpill:

We had the first no-smoking night tonight. I knew it was coming but didn't know it was tonight until I drove through the sleet to the bar and saw people standing outside and thought that there couldn't have been a worse weather night for this to happen. There wasn't even one of those little shelters up yet. We were already worried no one would come due to the snow.

There were a few complaints and maybe two walk outs but the crowd and till ended up being more than last week. Most didn't think it was a big deal as they were used to it from other states/places. This was a voluntary thing on the venue's part--the other shows in town have smoking. So we did okay without even having advertised to bring in a different crowd. The boyfriend announced the rotation a few people ahead so that the smokers could plan their breaks and we didn't have any extra show interruptions. We will see how next week goes.
possumdog said:
There were a few complaints and maybe two walk outs but the crowd and till ended up being more than last week. Most didn't think it was a big deal as they were used to it from other states/places.

You mean people could have gone elsewhere, yet chose to stay in your non-smoking bar? And they made MORE money than on a smoking night? Surely you must be mistaken as we all know that those smokers outside drank much less than they normally would have. :winkpill: