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Eighth grade--my experience


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So school started for us a week ago, and I'm now a freshman at my high school. I've been meeting new people from other middle schools ever since, and trying to make friends with them.

Right now I'm sitting at my desk writing this, looking back to my previous year as an eighth grader. For me, last year was a year when I had a huge crush on someone, and got to make friends with people from the "popular" group because of that. I'll share my unique experience with you guys to see what you think about it. It's gonna be pretty long because it basically explains all of my eighth year, but I hope you can bear with me.

I first met my ex-crush in seventh grade, when we had PE together. We rarely talked to each other, because I never had the confidence to talk to other people, but she definitely knew who I am.

I'd say that feelings started to develop at the beginning of my eighth year.

At the beginning, however, I couldn't figure out what I could do to start a decent conversation with her. I didn't know a lot of people in my grade, so I hanged out with a couple of **** bags who play video games everyday. When I told them who I like, they kinda teased me about it and said that I don't have a chance with her.

I did know a couple of people from the "popular" group, though, who used to be in my classes in my sixth and seventh year. They actually embraced me as a cool kid; I don't really know why. Maybe it's because I take a math class that is two grade levels above me, but that would mean that the typical Chinese guy who takes the same math as me would be popular, too, which wasn't really the case. (No racism)

One day, I got an invitation for a birthday party from one of the "popular" kids, because they were just giving it randomly. I kinda saw it as an opportunity, so I went there, feeling kinda nervous. When I went there, my "popular" friends introduced me to other people at the party. As the party went on, I started to feel like I've never had this much fun in my life, so I stared to go crazy. Namely, I busted a move when they were dancing in a circle. They liked it, and so did I. I loved that feeling. Plus, because of this, the popular kids now knew who I am.

Unfortunately, though, my crush wasn't at the party, so she still didn't talk to me. I also noticed one other thing. Many of my friends were talking about this thing called the Gangnam Style or something. I googled it, and learned that it was a dance coming from a music video from PSY with the same name. The dance seemed kinda cool, so I started to learn it. It was pretty awkward at first, but I eventually became really good at it.

One day, my Language Arts class was playing songs while we were working. The party I went to had a really big effect on me, because I started dancing to it. One of my classmates told me to go to the front and dance, and that's what I did. My classmates were cheering for me, and someone recorded a video of it and posted it on Facebook. My teacher saw the video, too, and loved it. Then, they asked me to dance more, so guess what I did? The Gangnam Style. They were really screaming and shouting. They told me that I do it exactly like the video. Eventually several of my classmates lined up with me and did the Gangnam Style, too. The same guy recorded a video of it and posted THAT on Facebook. I later got a Facebook because of that.

I guess about 99% of people in my grade saw the videos on Facebook, cuz the came up to me and said that I dance like a boss. I was entitled Mr. Gangnam Style by others, and people began noticing me. More importantly, my crush began noticing me. She started saying hi to me, and we became friends.

I was so confident about myself that I started doing this one other dance called the Bernie. The morning announcements even showed my a video of me doing it, and the "popular" group loved me even more.

I continued to live up to my title as Mr. Gangnam Style, and I did it all of the time. No one else excelled me at it, and my crush adored me even more. I even dressed up as PSY for Halloween, and people loved it. I did the Gangnam Style at my Language Arts class again, and the same guy recorded a video of me again. That night, I went into my crush's house and did the Gangnam Style to her whole family. They loved it.

As you can see, I was really famous in my school, and I started to fit into the "popular" group. But that wasn't the reason why I was the school's PSY. The only reason I did it was to get her attention. She liked my crazy dance moves, and I thought that that was my key to getting closer to her.

Man, was I wrong.

I started to get extremely obnoxious about it, and I was chatting with her constantly on Facebook. She became so pissed off that she blocked me on Facebook chat. After that, I began talking to her at school. I was still really annoying to her, and whenever I talked to her, she just nodded. And I started to make my feelings more obvious, and my crush turned into an obsession. I started to follow her around all of the time.

I started to act really weird, too. When it was a week before her birthday, I overheard that she was gonna throw a birthday party, and when she was with a group of kids, I asked her if I could come. Her friends tried to explain that it was a sleepover party, but I didn't listen, because my crush said that I could come. So at the day of the birthday party, I showed up at the door, in front of my crush and her family members (Guess it was pretty early). Then, my crush said that it was a sleepover party. I just said OK, then left.

Then at the day if her birthday, I brought this birthday present that didn't say that it was from me, but instead had a paper attached with a bunch of math hints. Instead of giving it to her, I stealthily put it in her backpack. I don't know why I acted that way; guess I was a complete psychopath at that time.

It got even worse when she started going out with someone else before Valentine's Day. I sent her a singing valentine card before that. And once again, my dancing skills failed to impress her. The popular kids threw another birthday party, and I saw her with her soon-to-be boyfriend. I danced in front of people of them again, but my crush wasn't impressed at all. At valentines day, she got together with him, and they started dating. At the same day, she got the card that I sent her. The card was really cheesy, and had all my emotions spilled into it.

My weird act really got out of hand at that time. I continued to follow her around constantly. Plus, I joined the school play, just because you did as well. We were giving parts that showed up at the same scene.

I started to get really mad, actually. She was starting to ignore me completely, and continued to date her boyfriend. I was so mad that I unfriended her on Facebook. On top of that, my **** bag friends who play video games all of the time teased me because it appeared that I'm too good for her.

But one day, my female friends from the popular group who are also good friends with my crush were talking to me about it. The agreed that I'm just waiting my time on my crush. They said that I should move on from her. That I had no reason to be mad. **** straight.

Then, I sent her a new friend request with a message explaining that I got over my crush (which was not true--getting over someone is honestly a pain in the ****), and she should continue to date her boyfriend. She accepted my friend request, but replied that she's not sure if she wants to be friends with me.

I was still really obnoxious to her throughout the year. I kept sending her messages on Facebook explaining that we should start over from scratch.She never replied to any of them.

But I guess we became acquaintances or something. The play kinda forced us to talk to each other. She also broke up with her boyfriend. But after that, I started to fade away. She goes to a different high school now, and during summer vacation, I didn't like any of her posts/photos on Facebook, and I quit messaging her.

My friends in the "popular" group continued to love me all year long, though. They saw me as a funny and cool guy, and they high-fived me often. I stopped doing the Gangnam Style at one point, but I started to learn other sick dance moves. I also hanged out with them all of the time.

So yeah, that was eighth grade. I'm trying to meet new people this year, and I'm glad that I could start off the year fresh, without making the same mistakes I did last year. I still have trouble making friends, though. I'm more confident about myself--I just don't know what I could talk about.
The story started off so well, and then popularity evidently got to your head - that's a shame.
At least you realise now that your behaviour was pretty inappropriate and you're now able to start a fresh and move on, but if another girl comes on the scene - don't do the same thing again, please.
Describing how you were acting around this girl actually irritated me a little. If anyone was like that around me, I'd probably slap them in front of all their friends so that they'd hopefully lose a bit of their ****iness and gain some embarrassment, to be fair.
The story started off so well, and then popularity evidently got to your head - that's a shame.
At least you realise now that your behaviour was pretty inappropriate and you're now able to start a fresh and move on, but if another girl comes on the scene - don't do the same thing again, please.
Describing how you were acting around this girl actually irritated me a little. If anyone was like that around me, I'd probably slap them in front of all their friends so that they'd hopefully lose a bit of their ****iness and gain some embarrassment, to be fair.


at least i now know what not to do ever again

what could've i done differently that didn't turn out like this? should i have just been myself and just try to be friends with her the "normal" way?
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Dancing in front of people to flaunt your talent can be incredibly ****y and obnoxious and instead of what sounded like you walk up to her and dance, maybe you should have tried focusing on her instead of how popular you got.
what could've i done differently that didn't turn out like this? should i have just been myself and just try to be friends with her the "normal" way?
Being yourself is the best way you can be, because you don't want to have to act all of your life - it'll have pretty major effects on your emotions as well as people's perceptions of you.


Dancing in front of people to flaunt your talent can be incredibly ****y and obnoxious and instead of what sounded like you walk up to her and dance, maybe you should have tried focusing on her instead of how popular you got.
thanks guys. i really appreciate that people read my story
oh and btw i never walked up to her and danced. i was just being amazingly annoying to her by following her around and yapping all the time.
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I'm really sad to see that your story didn't end well, but I'm glad you learned a lesson from it. :) Always be yourself and don't let popularity cloud your actions. :)