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The thing for me is, I do believe in equality. And I do feel that sometimes women have it rough. Much more than men, that's for sure.
However, a lot of the time, the argument for feminism seems to just be this:


Ultimately, as a male, I don't particularly have any idea how hard women may have it. I think when you look at men's attitude towards women in the past - yes, it is degrading. But I've seen women blame men for the most absurd things. Menstruation even being one of them.

In fact I've been previously labelled a misogynist for the simple reason being - I'm a male. Being a male, I have already been classed as two things by feminists - a pig who wants to pretend to have women's best interests at heart, merely to sleep with them. (Apparently dubbed the "Nice Guy" theory), or a "misogynist ****" who is seeking to oppress women.

That latter quote was from when I posted on Facebook about the people who post their images publicly, and garner publicity through the few thousand likes they attain. I think it's great that people can be confident in their appearance, and want to share it with everyone. But I suggested that it may attract bad publicity, and that they need to be more careful with the information they share - which is why Facebook offers a privacy option. At that point, I was attacked for the view point, with a girl claiming that "In the perfect world, there wouldn't be a need for privacy, but people will come and harass us anyway. Misogynist assholes such as yourself are just as bad, trying to oppress women".

Now, my viewpoint is, yes. If this was a perfect world, then it'd be fine. But it's far from that. There are murders, rapes, assaults, thefts - the list goes on. As far as I'm aware, that isn't going to stop any time soon. We are not a perfect world, but the ideal would be wonderful. My suggestions were not to oppress women - in fact, I didn't even mention women. I treated it as both males and females, as both are at risk on the internet and actively post publicly on Facebook. I merely felt concerned, and decided I wouldn't be able to rest easy, without passing on the information I learned in school about internet safety - a lot of people seem to disregard that quite openly.

To me, the fact that the girl got mad at me for "oppressing" her gender was absurd. Say a person's house got broken into because the occupants thought that the world should be a perfect world, so they can leave it unlocked. Now, imagine if the occupants got mad at the police who came to investigate the next day, claiming that "Locks on the door would be oppression". To me, that's what I likened it to.

I apologize if what I said upset anyone. It was not my intention. But rest assured, I'd love nothing more than equality between both sexes. I will stand up for women, and I will never treat them any more different than I would a male. But it's difficult to do so, when I'm automatically made the culprit for simply being a male.
Feminism: Aiming to achieve sexual equality while focusing on one gender.

I support equality for all but in the Western world it seems quite silly. I'm not saying women have everything, they still get paid less on average, but who gets custody 90% of the time? Who gets the house? It's all about gender equality imo.
Gender equality, yes. Feminism, not so much.
You still have some old-style feminists who do seek equality and such, but I've found a lot of so-called feminists suggest that they seek equality, yet 'the guy is the one who pays on a date, guys can't hit girls (but they sure as hell believe girls can hit guys 'because girls are weaker' (feminism at it's best)), I could go on forever.
This is an interesting discussion! As a man i understand why the Feminist movement came into play. I just think that some feminists go to far in their activism to the point where it becomes about hating men more than uplifting women. Men's rights groups are the same way. I agree that there are many issues where we as men get slighted. But some of the Men's groups go to far and end up just hating women all day. Its stupid. Personally i think there is too much complaining from both genders. If you are in a good health and make a decent living, what are you crying about? I treat both men and women with the same respect they give me. I treat nobody better or worse.
If you are in a good health and make a decent living, what are you crying about?
Because men make more money than women do for the same job.
Because sexual harassment is still a thing that gets either ignored or blamed on the victim very often.
Because politicians act as if birth control is a frivolous thing that only terrible people need.
Because if I was raped and got pregnant, I'd have problems getting an abortion. And then people would say I was asking for it.
Because media still often use female characters as a sex object/pretty mindless decoration instead of a worthwhile character.
Because the society thinks that I have to get married and have children at some point...while providing very little benefits for mothers at the same time.
Because people throw around sexist jokes casually and think I'm uptight when I notice that they're mean and not funny.
Because I could spend hours writing lines like that and I wouldn't run out of the ideas.

I don't know, I feel that there is a lot to complain about, regardless of my health and money. I am a feminist, I've been one ever since I understood what this word means and no, I do not hate men. My boyfriend is a feminist too and I'm very happy about that. I believe in equality, I don't want women to rule the world or whatever, but I feel that we're still far from equality right now.
Yes, maybe females are discriminated in more ways than one in our society, but I'm not a feminist.
In fact, I'm more of an equality thing.

Many men are openly accused because of what some women do. I think we all forget that women can also rape. And you know what they say about that? "Oh, a man will end up liking it anyway, so it's impossible for it to be rape". Do you realize how idiotic this is?
There are actually a LOT of cases about women physically abusing men. And this is not well known because, as you might imagine, men are ashamed of actually reporting this. But it still exists. And no one seems to actually CARE about this either.

My point is that, if females want to be treated fairly, they should face all of the consequences. "Oh, men don't hit women". Yeah well, in that case, don't hit on men either. It's logical, isn't it? A man totally has the right of defending himself, just like a woman has.

I don't believe in feminism. I believe in respect towards any human being and that should be enough.
Because men make more money than women do for the same job.
In many cases, women actually get paid more for the same job. The reason men earn more in general is because they are more willing to work in dangerous jobs. How many women do you know in manual labour?

Because sexual harassment is still a thing that gets either ignored or blamed on the victim very often.
Haha. Sexual harassment doesn't even have to happen for a man to be punished for it. A woman can just point at a man and say "he touched me" or "he raped me" and the man is guilty until proven innocent.

Because politicians act as if birth control is a frivolous thing that only terrible people need.
Birth control is not really a feminist issue though. It affects men just as much, since we are the ones who have to pay to raise the child. If abortion on demand comes about, a man should be allowed to request an abortion, and if the woman denies, she should forfeit child support payments.

Because if I was raped and got pregnant, I'd have problems getting an abortion. And then people would say I was asking for it.
See above. Also, don't put yourself in a position where it will happen. You don't walk around the bad part of town wearing a fancy dress and carrying $10,000, so treat rape that way too. Crime happens, and it's an unfortunate part of life. You must avoid it. As for getting drunk and having sex with a man, that is NOT rape. That's called being irresponsible and feeling bad for yourself after being a ****, and trying to cover it up.

Because media still often use female characters as a sex object/pretty mindless decoration instead of a worthwhile character.
Really? Do you even watch TV? Women are portrayed as dominant, while men are portrayed as stupid and servants to women, whereas we are more intelligent and the providers in real life. Society is being emasculated, and the media and TV portray being male as something to be ashamed of.

Because the society thinks that I have to get married and have children at some point...while providing very little benefits for mothers at the same time.
Lmfao, all of my WAT? Very little benefits for mothers? Brb the man pays for child support and raising the child, even if the woman leaves him. Brb the mother has the option to **** around, get a divorce, blame it on the husband, get custody of the children, take half his money + child support, leech off him, and never work another day in her life. Not to mention the benefits they get from the government. As for society thinking you have to get married and have children? Don't be a sheep. You don't have to do it.

Because people throw around sexist jokes casually and think I'm uptight when I notice that they're mean and not funny.
Lighten up. Jokes are jokes.

Because I could spend hours writing lines like that and I wouldn't run out of the ideas.

I don't know, I feel that there is a lot to complain about, regardless of my health and money. I am a feminist, I've been one ever since I understood what this word means and no, I do not hate men. My boyfriend is a feminist too and I'm very happy about that. I believe in equality, I don't want women to rule the world or whatever, but I feel that we're still far from equality right now.

You're so brainwashed by feminism, it's unreal. Feminism is cancerous, and is more focused on stripping men of their rights.
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Gender equality, yes. Feminism, not so much.
You still have some old-style feminists who do seek equality and such, but I've found a lot of so-called feminists suggest that they seek equality, yet 'the guy is the one who pays on a date, guys can't hit girls (but they sure as hell believe girls can hit guys 'because girls are weaker' (feminism at it's best)), I could go on forever.

Finally a woman who talks sense. I always split the bill on dates, and if a woman ever hits me, she can be **** sure she'll get one back. Old style feminism is very respectable, but in 2013 it's just fat, ugly women who are so butthurt that no man will touch them that they try to make life as ****ty as possible for them and win all sorts of rights for themselves.
Also, don't put yourself in a position where it will happen. You don't walk around the bad part of town wearing a fancy dress and carrying $10,000, so treat rape that way too. Crime happens, and it's an unfortunate part of life. You must avoid it.
Definitely agree with the general point of this- don't put yourself in situations you know are potentially dangerous- but it doesn't make it any less ****ed up that any woman (or man, for that matter) is raped, so "avoid it" isn't really the best counterpoint, I'd think.

The rest of your post, I agree with 100%, though.
I don't believe in feminism as much as gender equality. If women want to be equal, they need to start acting like they're equal to men and not expect special privileges. However, I also believe in chivalry. Maybe I'm old-fashioned in that way, but I don't think it's wrong for a man to want to pay for a lady's dinner, pull her chair out, etc., if he WANTS to. Now, there's a difference if the girl EXPECTS these things to be done for her just because she's a lady. That said, if a man treats a lady well, she should do the same. If we want to be equal, we must work together and not force ourselves against each other as men and women.
Yes, some women take the whole feminism thing way too far, and they blame men for absurd things, but we women have a point in most of the things that we say. There are always going to be that odd few people who take the mick, just like with everything else in life. There are people of all races who think that people are racist towards them when sometimes that is not the case. Sure, racism is going on.

I will say that men run the world though. It is a fact. The white male runs the world. 95% of the media is depicted through the eyes of a white male.
Also, this picture resumes my thoughts:

Yes, some women take the whole feminism thing way too far, and they blame men for absurd things, but we women have a point in most of the things that we say. There are always going to be that odd few people who take the mick, just like with everything else in life. There are people of all races who think that people are racist towards them when sometimes that is not the case. Sure, racism is going on.

I will say that men run the world though. It is a fact. The white male runs the world. 95% of the media is depicted through the eyes of a white male.

I completely agree.

The problem is - it's the over-eccentric feminists that cause a lot of people to just roll their eyes. Those people are entitled to their ideals, but they do not speak for every woman in the world. They depict women horribly in some cases.

I don't clump people together like that, fortunately. A bunch of emotionally unstable feminists should not be the image of women. I believe the women who do fight for their rights, and instead don't use them to rag on men, should be. Those people need to be praised, and be allowed to stand up tall and truly make a difference in the world. However, a lot of people just compare feminism to those 'idealists'.

I don't believe a man breaking up with you constitutes any form of "abuse" that must be solved through feminism. And yet, I see that all the time. That, I believe, is a great insult to all other women in the world looking for a difference. Think about how woman have advanced over the last few years, and how they had to fight for that. And then this comes along.

I do sincerely hope that women do achieve equality, along with all other races in the world.
Because politicians act as if birth control is a frivolous thing that only terrible people need.
Birth control is not really a feminist issue though. It affects men just as much, since we are the ones who have to pay to raise the child. If abortion on demand comes about, a man should be allowed to request an abortion, and if the woman denies, she should forfeit child support payments.
Because if I was raped and got pregnant, I'd have problems getting an abortion. And then people would say I was asking for it.
See above.

[MENTION=62]Pato[/MENTION] Am I understanding this right?
If a woman gets pregnant from rape, the rapist has the right to request she get an abortion and the right not to pay her support payments if she denies?