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Nice, gruvy! What is that growing at the far right end?
strawberries. This is only the first year harvest and we've gotten about 4 1/2 lbs so far. Planted and let them spread last year.
:drool: NICE!
I have 4 basil plants. 3 are from seeds I started and they are great. They are bright green, getting large, smell fantastic, no bugs ect. then there is the "burpee" store bought basil. It was doing fine until I noticed this morning as i was putzing around in the garden that it has black spots on it. It is not like full leaves dropping or at the bottom blackening. It almost looks like someone took a pepper shaker and shook black it on the top of the plant. These spots do not appear to be moving.

Anyone know what happened to only 1 plant? I could see disease if ll 4 had it, but it's just one.


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and the basil about 5 ft away with no black spots,...


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little furry critters are digging in my flowerpots :tap:
We just planted butternut squash and spaghetti squash seeds, so I hope we weren't to late on those. I think most of the herbs we planted from seeds didn't come up :(. Our lettuce is ready, and we have way more than we can use. I think we need to give some of it away.
If you have extra please give it away, people LOVE fresh produce. We usually end up giving away more than we eat. Our local food pantry will take donations of fresh produce, and my elderly neighbors love it when I take them fresh stuff.

In some areas there is a program about putting in an extra row for the hungry

When I have extra produce, I take it to church on Sunday...
No, just to get my choice of sweets first @ coffee time...

Blessings AND a snack?! Dang I gotta find me a different church! :koolaid2:
Does anyone know of a lawn weed&feed natural product? I hate to use
all those chemicals they sell at home stores. I'm going to use a vinegar mixuture to help with weeds in the landscape but would like to use something more natural for the lawn.
Here's some pictures of our garden. Well, actually gardens. There's one in the front and one in the back.
The front:

Lettuce that never got thinned properly, but is ready to use (there's some other plant in the back that my grandfather gave us, and my dad doesn't want to get rid of. I don't know what it is).:

Herbs, though I think only the cilantro is coming up. It needs weeded. There is also some dill that we had years ago that keeps coming back:

Cabbage, and an empty space for brussel sprouts to be planted for a fall harvest:

Peppers, a couple of tiny blueberry plants that have not yet given us any blueberries, and some broccoli:

Now, the backyard. There are eight beds almost 20 feet long and 4 feet wide each:

Tomatoes that still need stakes. My dad was supposed to get some, but he didn't. I looked for some at Walmart today, but couldn't find them. Also two eggplant plants:

Melons, my dad says he is going to build a trellis for these to grow up because otherwise we didn't give them enough room:

Green beans:

Corn that is just starting to come up:

The other beds have butternut squash and spaghetti squash that we just planted, and one has parsnips, carrots, green onions, and leeks that we just planted. I think that leaves two empty beds. We are going to plant those with sugar snap peas in August for a fall harvest. There is also a little bit of space in one bed where we are going to do the same thing with spinach.
Oh nice Liz! Thanks for sharing the pics. Well looks like you have plenty to tend to and care for. :hiphip:
Lettuce that never got thinned properly, but is ready to use (there's some other plant in the back that my grandfather gave us, and my dad doesn't want to get rid of. I don't know what it is).:

OH! That plant in the back......I know that one........we had those when we bought our house. They attract nasty bees. DH HATED them, dug 'em out and tossed them. They will make a flower (purple if I remember right). I'm glad they're gone.
(there's some other plant in the back that my grandfather gave us, and my dad doesn't want to get rid of. I don't know what it is).:

The plant in the background is a Sedum, otherwise known as live-for-ever. I agree with the name because my parents have had patches of them in their gardens as far back as I can remember. It has tiny clusters of pink flowers and is great for attracting honeybees and other pollinators for the garden, so I wouldn't get rid of it!
Well they are hearty and no work, but we hated them.

There were a bunch of them on the side of our house where we walk out the kichen door....always sworms of bees and frankly I think they're ugly.