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Gardening Tips, Advice, Successes...

Well so far it looks like the only thing that didn't survive the downpour are the basil seeds - I think they all washed out. I have more to plant, so I'll likely do that tomorrow. The cilantro is recovering (I hope) and the stevia, tomato, dill, zucchini and beans are all OK. I think something has been chewing on the corn cause they are looking sad.
my cucumber transplants that I started indoors didn't do well. Started with 6 and I have 2 hanging in there, but not looking good or growing very much. With the exception of few warm days, it's been pretty cold though. I did plant some more seeds outdoors and those are finally coming in, so I should be ok. Everything else seems to be doing fairly well. Couple more weeks and I think my first batch of lettuce will be ready to start picking. CAN'T WAIT to have fresh salad.
would've loved to get some annuals into containers for the deck this weekend, but too busy working on cookie orders :gah:

oh, and the lavender bushes are SOOOOOOO ready to be trimmed ::sigh::
Pulled out my first ever radish yesterday. It is one of those heirloom radishes from Seed Savers; it looks like a red carrot! Got most of the weeds out of the garden and transplanted seven decent-sized tomato plants and a whole lot of egg cartons full of puny rainbow chard, ground cherry, swiss chard and cherry tomatoes. Likely need to put the punies under a sun lamp in November to get anything sizable. Planted organic garlic from USA, so we'll see how that goes. So much of the garlic sold here is from China (marked organic - hah) with no discernible garlic taste. Also put corn in, which is about three inches high. Will use it as poles to grow beans on. Starting out large, will probably dwindle down to squat, since I am basically a lazy ****. My motto: Know Thyself.
Pulled out my first ever radish yesterday. It is one of those heirloom radishes from Seed Savers; it looks like a red carrot! Got most of the weeds out of the garden and transplanted seven decent-sized tomato plants and a whole lot of egg cartons full of puny rainbow chard, ground cherry, swiss chard and cherry tomatoes. Likely need to put the punies under a sun lamp in November to get anything sizable. Planted organic garlic from USA, so we'll see how that goes. So much of the garlic sold here is from China (marked organic - hah) with no discernible garlic taste. Also put corn in, which is about three inches high. Will use it as poles to grow beans on. Starting out large, will probably dwindle down to squat, since I am basically a lazy ****. My motto: Know Thyself.

If memory serves (keep in mind I'm drinking now so who knows how my memory is), the chard is pretty cold-tolerant - next time you could do that directly to the ground early and get a little yield before all the transplanting takes place.
The corn/bean scenario is one of the best natural ways to go with those two items - saves space and revitalizes soil simultaneously... good call there.

And I love the motto - might have to adopt a variation for myself :lol:
Thanks, I decided to take your advice. No, not on the damned plants. I opened a bottle of something called ChocoVine, a mixture of fine Dutch chocolate and wine - a product of Holland. It's been sitting on my counter for a few weeks now. I mean, just how desperate does one have to be to drink a chocolate/wine mix? well, I just found out! Hey, this stuff is all right and it's got 14% alcohol. Chocolate with a kick. Maybe I'll luck out and find a clearance cart full of this stuff at Jewel. I mean, who would think to buy a wine/chocolate mix? Yuck. Wait, if you read the above, then you'll all be looking for MY clearance cart. Forget what I said. The stuff's nasty. Label claims it causes STDs and age-related macular degeneration. Really, you can trust me!
My biggest garden problem is slugs. I've done some reading and was thinking of trying to build a "slug trap" using a cantaloupe rind. Has anyone done this? Any other non-chemical suggestions for how to get rid of them? TIA!

I have always had tremendous success burying a tin pie pan in the garden so that the lip of the pan is even with the top of the dirt, and filling it with beer or soda. The slugs climb in and die.
Is it too late to plant peas? I know I should have done them weeks ago.
Is it too late to plant peas? I know I should have done them weeks ago.

You should check to see if there's a variety that doesn't mind hot weather...I can't think of any offhand...
Is it too late to plant peas? I know I should have done them weeks ago.
I planted some more a few days ago. Had some extra room. They're sprouting, so we'll see how they do. They don't care for the heat too much. But as I remember, we had quite a bit of cool weather for summer around her last year. So who knows. Can't hurt if you have the room. Otherwise you might be better going with beans.
I planted some more a few days ago. Had some extra room. They're sprouting, so we'll see how they do. They don't care for the heat too much. But as I remember, we had quite a bit of cool weather for summer around her last year. So who knows. Can't hurt if you have the room. Otherwise you might be better going with beans.

Yeah, I think I'm going to do beans. My garden is a bit of an experiment, since I'm not sure if I'll get enough sun. Hollyhocks grow very happily there, though, and are always self seeding, so I'm hoping veggies will do OK. In any case, no reason to throw up another obstacle by planting at the wrong time. Thanks for the responses!
Powdery Mildew. Found this online. Tried it last night and I already seen an improvement.

4 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp mild dish soap
1 gallon of water

Mix together and apply with pump sprayer early morning or late afternoon about every 3 days until gone and then once a week.
Does anyone know anything about Columbine flowers? I planted it last year and it had several blooms then (not a lot though). This year it only had one blossom which died already and no signs of more buds comming. :pout:
I have several varieties on the east side of my house. They bloom nicely and I don't have to do much for them. They self-seed themselves all over the place and I am always trying to find new homes for the seedlings since they are so pretty. Is you plant getting too much sun? How is the soil where it is at? Is the plant near where the dog or kids play? I am sorry I can't be of much help.
It gets some sun in the afternoon. It's closer to the house with other things in front of it so it's out of foot's way.
I didn't know when I bought it that it self seeds but just a couple days ago I found a mini plant with the same leaves coming up a few feet away....yay! Free plants!

After I first posted about it, I went back outside and took my sunglasses off and did notice one tiny bud coming so I guess my post was pointless. But it still isn't full of blooms like the pics of them I see online. Mine is pink, but I saw a blue one that is stunning.....may look for that one next.
Do you have a Black Walnut tree nearby? The juglone that the tree exudes killed my columbine (and a couple of other plants I tried near it).
Do you have a Black Walnut tree nearby? The juglone that the tree exudes killed my columbine (and a couple of other plants I tried near it).

No, but that stinks for you. :pout:
Planted LOTS of basil and washed LOTS of pots :bliss:
oooh I am sooo jealous--sick as a dog this weekend--getting basil planted was high on my list--
oooh I am sooo jealous--sick as a dog this weekend--getting basil planted was high on my list--

Oh what a ****ty time to be sick!!! :huggy: