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Gardening Tips, Advice, Successes...

Yeah, it does live forever. We don't really do anything to take care of it, and it doesn't die. Too bad my dad doesn't keep bees anymore, it sounds like it's a great plant for that. Maybe that's why my grandfather gave it to us.

I just picked and washed three gallon sized bags of lettuce for my mom to give away at church tomorrow. I should probably pick a bunch more next week, because I don't know if it's going to be any good by the time we get back from our trip. We already have some in our refrigerator for our use.
Oh, yeah, and we don't use any chemicals so it's basically an organic garden. We don't buy the special organic seeds or anything though. We use compost and fish emulsion (smells gross), and I think my dad also buy some kind of organic fertilizer, but I don't think he's used it on the plants yet.
Oh yeah, I forgot these two.

Two rose plants. We need four more, three for behind the bull and one for the front of the bed:

A really cool metal bull statue that my aunt gave us:
Wow, that's some garden! I wish I had more space to do things like corn and melons. We just have a 4' x 20' raised bed and a 4x4 strawberry patch. But I manage to fit quite a bit in it by trellising the cucumbers and planting spinach and lettuce between bigger plants.
Great garden pics, Liz! Is someone gonna tend it while you're gone???
oh.... guess i thought you were gonna be gone longer than that.... well, hopefully God will help and water it for you :) The weeds are gonna be there when you get back though, I'm thinking!
oh.... guess i thought you were gonna be gone longer than that.... well, hopefully God will help and water it for you :) The weeds are gonna be there when you get back though, I'm thinking!

Yeah, I'm sure there will be weeds. And I hope there will be plenty of rain! But I think it will be okay. I looked at the calendar, and I guess it's acually 11 days that we will be gone.
I'm jealous looking at all of the wonderful gardens. My little patch and single planter aren't doing so well. The two remaining corn are hanging in there and the zucchini look well, but the basil never came up and the dill and cilantro have both gone to seed (why?). I think the tomato and stevia are still ok.

May have to check out some of these clearances and see if I can find some replacement herbs.
I'm jealous looking at all of the wonderful gardens. My little patch and single planter aren't doing so well. The two remaining corn are hanging in there and the zucchini look well, but the basil never came up and the dill and cilantro have both gone to seed (why?). I think the tomato and stevia are still ok.

May have to check out some of these clearances and see if I can find some replacement herbs.

Dill and cilantro both grow quickly and then self-seed. You should get another batch this year :)

btw, you can dry the cilantro and dill..... although dried is NOTHING like fresh.... and you can also use the seeds for cooking with... cilantro in seed form is the herb coriander :)
Does anyone know of a lawn weed&feed natural product? I hate to use
all those chemicals they sell at home stores. I'm going to use a vinegar mixuture to help with weeds in the landscape but would like to use something more natural for the lawn.

Search Jerry Baker...I have used his recipes in the past...they use dish soap, beer, soda, ammonia...all kinds of stuff you might have around the house anyway...
Search Jerry Baker...I have used his recipes in the past...they use dish soap, beer, soda, ammonia...all kinds of stuff you might have around the house anyway...

Great Suggestion! I forgot about him, used to watch him on TV from time to time. Thanks :)
Corn gluten is good for the lawn. I get it at the local nursery. It's a pre-emergent treatment, in other words, it won't kill weeds that are already there, but it helps prevent new ones from germinating. Can't put down at same time as grass seed or any other seed, though, b/c it will also prevent that from germinating.

For fertilizer, I've really liked Milorganite. I also put down peat in the fall and usually some compost.

I don't have a perfect lawn (**** creeping charlie!!) but I use very few synthetic treatments, keep the mower setting high, and overseed every fall....for the most part, my lawn looks as good or better than the neighbors' lawns, and almost all of them have spray services. I do get a few dandelions in spring, though, and they get none. It's a fine tradeoff for me...and I like dandelion bouquets from my little girls. I do think creeping charlie will be my eternal lawn enemy, though, and I have used synthetic stuff against him. Will take over entire lawn otherwise. Planning a major assault against him in the fall.
Nothing says love like a dandelion bouquet from a child

True, but they'll have to pick them from someone else's yard cause they won't find any in mine! :bowing:
True, but they'll have to pick them from someone else's yard cause they won't find any in mine! :bowing:

You could use them to make dandelion wine, though!:lol: An addition to your repertoire!
I don't have a perfect lawn (**** creeping charlie!!) but I use very few synthetic treatments, keep the mower setting high, and overseed every fall....for the most part, my lawn looks as good or better than the neighbors' lawns, and almost all of them have spray services. I do get a few dandelions in spring, though, and they get none. It's a fine tradeoff for me...and I like dandelion bouquets from my little girls. I do think creeping charlie will be my eternal lawn enemy, though, and I have used synthetic stuff against him. Will take over entire lawn otherwise. Planning a major assault against him in the fall.

We have had some success using 20 Mule Team Borax on the CC...
