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GEM Series appears!

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But how is that a comparison? That's like comparing CDG players to Amish record players...no one uses that.
The comparison is CDG players to CD and DVD ROM drives, not hard drives.

Ok so why are you using the CD rom drive when you already have to music files on the hard drive?

If you are using it to play someone elses disc, it will already have spun up and you qued the song before the previous singer is finished, so again it would be no faster nor slower than any CDG specific player!
OK, let me try again. Using several decades of technical expertise, AND the same for karaoke, it is my opinion that PC CD ROM drives, which are among the very cheapest made, using the very cheapest parts because they are for occasional use, cannot measure up -both loading speed wise and durability wise-to a machine specifically built for the purpose. Why? The player built for the purpose uses a very high durability drive ( I know because I have sold both sorts of companies parts), and the player built for the purpose recognizes the medium (CD+G) much more quickly (Because they were DESIGNED TO), and will load more quickly

Do you get it now, VJ? Experience and Knowledge. No worries- you'll have it someday.
Thunder said:
But why are you using the Computer CDrom drive to run karaoke?

Geez, Steve, I hope you're not replying to me. That would be seriously dumb. You know I am both disc and player based..... DON'T YOU?
JoeChartreuse said:
Geez, Steve, I hope you're not replying to me. That would be seriously dumb. You know I am both disc and player based..... DON'T YOU?

Yes, I am just trying to figure out why anyone who is computer based is using the CD rom ro run Karaoke, and why the comparision is even being made!
Big Dan said:
Well now I'm really lost guys -- Yous all happy now? :sqerr: :sqlaugh:

I believe this was the goal all along:)

I think I understand now...which is not that easy

I thought Joe was comparing "hard" drives to CDG players. Joe was comparing CD Rom drives to CDG players.

The reason I thought that is because I don't see a reason to compare CDG players to CD Rom drives...is because, as Steve and Justin pointed out, NO ONE uses CD Rom drives for karaoke.

It's like comparing a Corvette to a tricycle...and announcing that you've discovered that for an enjoyable ride with your date, you've found that the Corvette is a much better option than the tricycle. Who is using a tricycle to go on dates?
Scott Hanna said:
I believe this was the goal all along:)

I think I understand now...which is not that easy

I thought Joe was comparing "hard" drives to CDG players. Joe was comparing CD Rom drives to CDG players.

The reason I thought that is because I don't see a reason to compare CDG players to CD Rom drives...is because, as Steve and Justin pointed out, NO ONE uses CD Rom drives for karaoke.

It's like comparing a Corvette to a tricycle...and announcing that you've discovered that for an enjoyable ride with your date, you've found that the Corvette is a much better option than the tricycle. Who is using a tricycle to go on dates?

:sqeek: My head is about to explode! :sqbiggrin:
Big Dan said:
:sqeek: My head is about to explode! :sqbiggrin:

Should we compare the regular Dan head explosion to the green Shreck Dan head explosion?

I believe the Shreck head explosion would be much more colorful.
Thunder said:
Ok so why are you using the CD rom drive when you already have to music files on the hard drive?

If you are using it to play someone elses disc, it will already have spun up and you qued the song before the previous singer is finished, so again it would be no faster nor slower than any CDG specific player!

I'm not, I was clarifying what the comparison was about, CD, DVD ROM drives, not hard drives.
Thunder said:
Yes, I am just trying to figure out why anyone who is computer based is using the CD rom ro run Karaoke, and why the comparision is even being made!

And people are wondering why I keep saying no one reads anymore. :dhissyfit:

This thread is about the GEM series. I was talking about if vou want to stay 100% legal and still buy them, you could play the mp3+G files directly from the disc.

There are two ways to do this: use a COMPUTER CD ROM drive OR use a player that will play the format directly from the discs.

Joe was talking about the benefits of using a player because, *and I agree with him* cd rom drives, particularily on a laptop were not made for such kind of use.

Everyone on the same page now. I can try typing more s l o w l y if it will help. :sqerr::sqwink:

No, it's Dan's fault, he is the one that merged the threads!:sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh:
Thunder said:
Yes, I am just trying to figure out why anyone who is computer based is using the CD rom ro run Karaoke, and why the comparision is even being made!

Oops. I misunderstood your post, Steve. Sorry...:sqembarrassed:

To clarify: Yes, someone asked if it would be better to use a CD+G PLAYER rather than a CD ROM DRIVE for professional use as a DISC PLAYER.

The original post was answered awhile back, and this piece of it just popped up again.
Thunder said:
Yes, I am just trying to figure out why anyone who is computer based is using the CD rom ro run Karaoke, and why the comparision is even being made!

Preference, my man. I'm not sure why you would care so much either way.

If that works for them, then more power to them. That doesn't mean you have to do the same thing. I'm sure the person running the show doesn't give a rat's **** if you like the way they run it or not. If they want to do things that way, then who are you to stop them or tell them not to?

Perhaps there are people who bring in their own discs (or CD-R's) that have karaoke tracks on them that don't read off of a regular disc player (you make your own assessment of how "legal" it is, since I'm sure everyone has a closed-minded opinion about THAT practice, too).
:sqmad: Moderators:
I see no reason this thread should denigrate tricycles.
My date rides quite comfortably on the handle bars.

It's like comparing a Corvette to a tricycle...
Big Joe said:
My #1 reason for not even considering the Gem Series comes right from Sound Choice. In post #85 in the "Gem Series Appears" thread Kurt says the following:

"Additiionally the GEM series are LICENSED to the individual or company - there is no legal "reselling" of them and both the seller and prospective buyer of them would be in violation of the license agreement and could not operate legally."

So, unlike the discs that I own, If I spend $3000 and up to purchase these, they have no value at all anymore if and when I decide to get out of karaoke?

Sorry if I helped create a misconception because of a lack of a full explanation. The physical discs, IN THE ABSENCE OF A LICENSE, do not have any practical value, since they will not belong to you and their use without a license is illegal. However, we do allow the transfer or reassignment of the license, so that if and when you "decide to get out of karaoke", YOU WILL HAVE CONTINUED VALUE. As a matter of fact, we anticipate that you will have greater value than other brands that are not protecting their Intellectual property rights, because why would anyone want to buy from you something they could steal or find for free?? The products, brands, trademarks, etc. in this world which have the most value are those vigorously defended by the rights owner/holders.

So the combination of the discs and the license can be sold as long as we know who the new owner is and they agree to abide by the same terms of the license the original Licensee signs (they would also have to execute a license). The less piracy there is in the industry, the more value there is for legal hosts because of their ability to earn a better living and get a higher return on their investment.

In reality, having a license is not that much different than purchasing the discs, because YOU NEVER OWN THE MUSIC on the discs. There is a huge misconception in the world when it comes to IP rights ("they are mine - I bought them and I can do what I want with them") . You really only ever own the plastic of the disc and what you can do with them IS limited by Federal Copyright and Trademark laws AND any written or implied license granting you specific permissions if they aren't expressly granted by Federal laws.

What you CAN SELL, if you get out of karaoke, is your BUSINESS and the associated goodwill, which, if you were a decent host should have some value and you can sell all your equipment and transfer the license as an entire business rather than bits and pieces. And, with the Sound Choice GEM Series license you can show that you were legal (at least for our brand) and that they would not have to worry about getting hit in the future for being illegal. That ability to indemnify the new party against problems and to legally pass along licensed content adds more value since you can pass along an ongoing profitable business (if the industry is succesful in combatting piracy.)
Thunder said:
I am not and have not complained about any of it either way, I adjust and move on, but if some of my competition gets knocked down along the way then i don't see it as a bad thing at all! Even downloads are are going to cost something to produce I don't think anyone will see anything for sale less than it si right now in fact I think a download will be a little higher per song than the current delivery system.

Right now by pre-ordering the GEM sets anyone can get them for less than $1 per song every manu that is currently producing (including Sound Choice sells "disc" at the minimum for more than that!

Right now you can license the 6000 song GEM Series for $4032 after the early payment discount (set to expire before the end of the month). That's $0.67 a song in 320kbps MP3G format. Compare that to a legal download site(in terms of the site owner having licenses, which by the way, still DOES NOT ALLOW COMMERCIAL USE) for about $1.49 a song. So for less than half the cost of a legal download and the Licensee still has the original hard copy as proof of his legality.

jclaydon said:
I agree it could have been phrased more clearly but your other realization was what Kurt meant to say because he has mentioned it in other threads.

If a person wants to sell their business but keep the computer equipment, they must delete all the files from their hard drive.

Additionally, i believe Kurt has mentioned that the owner would have to notify soundchoice of the sale, so they can update their records. Also if a person did buy the GEM series and later sold it make sure you keep the bill of sale safe.. :)

This is the paragraph from the License Agreement (which will be posted on the site on Tuesday or Wednesday):

(d) TRANSFER OF MEDIA TO THIRD PARTIES. You may NOT transfer possession of the Original Media or Non-Original Medium to any third party unless (i) you have OUR written permission to do so, or (ii) you complete and return a “Certificate for Transfer of Possession of Licensed Media”, which can be obtained from us and insure that the third party executes the then-current version of this Agreement with Sound Choice as a condition of the transfer. The transfer of possession of the Original Media or Non-Original Medium to a third party who has not executed the then-current version of this Agreement is a violation of this Agreement and will result in forfeiture of all licenses granted herein as well as legal action against you and the third party. In the event of a transfer under this paragraph, you must remove the Content from any Non-Original Medium to which you have shifted that content unless the transfer of the Non-Original medium is part of the transaction and we give prior written approval for the transfer of both the Original Media and the Non-Original Medium to the third party.
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