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GEM Set #1 has arrived!


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The UPS man delivered the GEMS just a few moments ago. Here is your first look.

Diamond, Sapphire & Emerald
Every set was on it's own "Cake Box" spool, no sleeves.
View attachment 18675

Disc 10001 up close
The disc is factory pressed (not burned) and screen printed. Every disc has a security sticker bearing a unique number.
View attachment 18676

Security Sticker
The sticker is the one use kind that if you remove leaves "VOID" residue.
View attachment 18677

A rainbow of colors
Every disc is printed in a different color and unique pattern, most likely to thwart counterfeiting.
View attachment 18678

Proof of License Stickers
Included in the document package with the executed agreement were nine stickers corresponding to the nine disc spools. Also in the pack was a document detailing the serial numbers of every disc set.
View attachment 18679

Utility Disc
In a separate sleeve was a GEM Utility Disc. It contains the excel spreadsheet files of all the GEM sets that are posted on the SC website. It also contains the perennial Sound Choice KJ "songs" we have seen before in the Foundations. (ie: "Show Starts in 20 Minutes", etc).
View attachment 18680

Disc File Structure
The file structure of the disc is that of a typical data disc.
View attachment 18681

MP3 Tags
The MP3's are 320kbps and have basic ID3 tags. Title, Artist, Genre & Year.
View attachment 18682

Blue Logo
The songs have a Blue Sound Choice logo during the open as opposed to the standard red.
View attachment 18683

More later.....


(You've just given birth to a rental contract.)

Did you have written permission to upload their trademark on the internet?

You do realize that the internet is considered a "broadcast" right?

You have just violated Paragraph #4, Section (e) of your license agreement regarding "display."

Slep-Tone's trademark has been clearly displayed on the internet in conjunction with their product.

Please repackage your rental discs and ship them back as soon as possible.

Please note that there is no refund provision for those who breach the contract.

Thank you and have a nice day!
c. staley said:
Congratulations! (You've just given birth to a rental contract.)

And this papa couldn't be more proud. :sqbiggrin:

Did you have written permission to upload their trademark on the internet?
Maybe I did. :sqwink:

You have just violated Paragraph #4, Section (e) of your license agreement regarding "display."

Slep-Tone's trademark has been clearly displayed on the internet in conjunction with their product.
I will be sure and send you a letter from prison. :sqlaugh:
Thanks Bazaa. You answered how much work I will have to get it ready for my hosting software. I was wondering how they were going to name the files. Got a few steps I have to do to make it compatible name-wise. Wonder if that will violate the agreement though because I gotta zip them before renaming them as my renamer only works on zips. will have to ask before buying. I know my hosting software doesn't read tags unless I change back to JustKaraoke.:sqlaugh:
Congratulations on being the first, I wish I could have taken advantage of the deal but the book keeper, the keeper of ye check book has told me I have to wait!
c. staley said:

(You've just given birth to a rental contract.)

Did you have written permission to upload their trademark on the internet?

You do realize that the internet is considered a "broadcast" right?

You have just violated Paragraph #4, Section (e) of your license agreement regarding "display."

Slep-Tone's trademark has been clearly displayed on the internet in conjunction with their product.

Please repackage your rental discs and ship them back as soon as possible.

Please note that there is no refund provision for those who breach the contract.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Why must you bash the purchase that Bazza has made, he is clearly proud of it and has done you no harm, would it have ruined your day to simply not have posted negativity to this thread?

Please stop!

Rob and Jeff, since you are both moderators instead of putting little emicons and thanking each other for them, in applause to this vicious attack, how about eliminating the negative posting! Or as Jeff would rather do just close the thread!
Bazza, if you're happy then I'm happy- good for you...

Might even be good for another reason:

Since Sound Choice is now in the karaoke music production business again ( and I was VERY unsure that they would be), that means that they may start showing concern for their prospective customer base again too!

Pardon my electronics, but I am VERY surprised that the discs are pressed. There is no advantage to it if the disc only contains MP3 files, and it's more costly. Just an observation- not an icky or subject of debate.
JoeChartreuse said:
I am VERY surprised that the discs are pressed. There is no advantage to it if the disc only contains MP3 files, and it's more costly. Just an observation- not an icky or subject of debate.


I don't believe that's true, depending on the number of discs made, and what percentage of those made, sell. Burned discs are more flexible in only burning to the exact demand, and the ability to fulfill more demand, at any time, versus having to order another batch of "pressed" cds.
JoeChartreuse said:
Bazza, if you're happy then I'm happy- good for you...

Might even be good for another reason:

Since Sound Choice is now in the karaoke music production business again ( and I was VERY unsure that they would be), that means that they may start showing concern for their prospective customer base again too!

Pardon my electronics, but I am VERY surprised that the discs are pressed. There is no advantage to it if the disc only contains MP3 files, and it's more costly. Just an observation- not an icky or subject of debate.


There is an advantage to being pressed rather than burned! Pressed has a longer life!
Steve Sharp said:

I don't believe that's true, depending on the number of discs made, and what percentage of those made, sell. Burned discs are more flexible in only burning to the exact demand, and the ability to fulfill more demand, at any time, versus having to order another batch of "pressed" cds.

From Thunder:


There is an advantage to being pressed rather than burned! Pressed has a longer life"

Steve S.- If you are speaking of the amount of discs to be burned OR pressed, I'm pretty sure a mfr. would have a set number of each to make the run worthwhile. I don't think it's altered all that often, and when it is, probably across the board.

Thunder- You are, of course correct. Chalk it up to brain death from a long night..I was thinking more of audio quality. Actually, I should ask about the thickness of the discs as well, for the same reason.
Thunder said:

Why must you bash the purchase that Bazza has made, he is clearly proud of it and has done you no harm, would it have ruined your day to simply not have posted negativity to this thread?

Please stop!

Rob and Jeff, since you are both moderators instead of putting little emicons and thanking each other for them, in applause to this vicious attack, how about eliminating the negative posting! Or as Jeff would rather do just close the thread!

If Bazza's happy with his recent ongoing rental, then I'm happy for him. And you are incorrect, there was no such "vicious attack" at all... Rather simply a sharing of facts that Bazza -- and you -- are obviously unaware of.

Facts man, nothin' but the facts....

FACT #1:
Apparently, even you don't understand the distinction. Bazza has not "purchased" anything. He has "rented" the gem series since it is not available for "sale." Even a cursory examination of the licensing agreement reveals this. Joe C. was kind enough to post a link to the agreement and I'd suggest that you read it..... carefully. I know that you've expressed a concern in the past that Sound Choice might "switch the agreement" on you and this would be your perfect opportunity to guard against that.

Just looking after your well being buddy. :sqwink:

FACT #2:

Once you have downloaded and read the agreement, then very carefully read Paragraph 4, Section (e)....(have your "bookkeeper" help you if necessary)... it specifically prohibits "display" in connection with the internet. I'm sure that Bazza didn't intend to breach the agreement so soon after receiving his shipment but according to the agreement, a breach has occurred.

So in conclusion, you should be thanking me for educating you and making you aware of these hidden pitfalls that could jeopardize your future rental agreement rather than berating me for something that you've not read thoroughly. I knew there was some confusion on your part, and I'm glad I was able to straighten you out with these facts and I'm sure you feel better too!

In the future, if you're somewhat confused over the real meanings of this kind of complicated legal language (as you obviously were here), please feel free to direct your concerns and questions to me. If I have the time and the inclination, I'd be happy to help you understand them better. Or we could even ask Sound Choice for a clarification together so you're not upset. I wouldn't want you to worry needlessly.

:sqwink: Just doing my part to be helpful. :sqwink:
Thunder said:

Why must you bash the purchase that Bazza has made, he is clearly proud of it and has done you no harm, would it have ruined your day to simply not have posted negativity to this thread?

Please stop!

Rob and Jeff, since you are both moderators instead of putting little emicons and thanking each other for them, in applause to this vicious attack, how about eliminating the negative posting! Or as Jeff would rather do just close the thread!

Everyone's only allowed to extol the virtues of the Gem series? No negative feedback allowed and the moderator's aren't allowed to express their opinion either? Wow, I'm glad you don't run this place.

Just a word of note you really have to stop thinking you make rules here and being a wise aleck about it all. It's really starting to get on my nerves and it's only been a couple of days.
Retracting my post it didn't have anything to do with anyone, but I'm not feeding the bears.
Actually I think Thunder was right. Chip could have just sent an email to Bazza, and kept the negativity out of this thread. Why can't you guys grow up and just be happy for someone ?

If Bazza or anyone else just bought SC8125 (Eagles) off of ebay, would you bash him (or her) for spending too much money ? C'mon guys lighten up. Stuff like this is what made JOLT such a unhappy place to go to. All the negativity here is going to kill our karaoke community.

I for one don't see the need to duplicate all my SC disks I've bought over 21 years in the business, but I am very happy for Bazza and his purchase.
Skid Rowe said:
Actually I think Thunder was right. Chip could have just sent an email to Bazza, and kept the negativity out of this thread. Why can't you guys grow up and just be happy for someone ?

If Bazza or anyone else just bought SC8125 (Eagles) off of ebay, would you bash him (or her) for spending too much money ? C'mon guys lighten up. Stuff like this is what made JOLT such a unhappy place to go to. All the negativity here is going to kill our karaoke community.

I for one don't see the need to duplicate all my SC disks I've bought over 21 years in the business, but I am very happy for Bazza and his purchase.


With all due respect, I think you missed the point. And you are comparing apples to oranges here. SC8125 is a "rare item" - I know because I still have a few in their original shrinkwrap - and it's an item you can "purchase" and you OWN it... you don't have to pay a fee 5 years later to keep using it and then, every 3 years after that. Nor have you had to pay ANY fees just to use the discs you've acquired over those 21 years right?

But for some reason, everyone keeps thinking of the gem series as a "purchase" and calling it that when in fact, it is not a purchase at all - it's a rental with a HUGE amount of strings attached. You might not agree on the amount of strings attached, but you certainly cannot deny that it is in fact a rental, or a lease or anything you want to call it except a purchase.

I have already commented that if Bazza is happy, then good for him, it's not my cup of tea, but in the same breath, let's call a duck a duck and what it really is and that is a "rental" not a "purchase."
Apparently you are no longer allowed to say anything negative about friends of negative posters. I have received a warning and had my post deleted.

And you wonder why this forum has been heading downhill lately.
VJ Justin Allen said:
Apparently you are no longer allowed to say anything negative about friends of negative posters. I have received a warning and had my post deleted.

And you wonder why this forum has been heading downhill lately.

Your post was removed for telling someone they made a '**** move'. Comments like that are EXACTLY why the karaoke forum has been going downhill lately. The zero tolerence policy applies to everyone trust me I've been busy today cleaning up messes already.
Congratulations on your new toys man!!

The gem series is not for me but, if you like it then hell ya!!