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Goals for 2008


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You have any? I'm determined to set some goals this year, but I'm not yet sure what they'll be. It's apparently a proven fact that people who write their goals down accomplish them more often; it may be that the go-getters more likely to accomplish their goals are also the ones more likely to be writing them down, but i'll leave you to think about the cause and effect of the situation.

We can revisit this thread next year. It'll be fun!
great thread, john :)

well, we've recently applied for a home equity loan. we have some goals set for stuff we want to get done on the house this year: new roof and gutters, central air and finally putting our kitchen back together. then some little stuffs: outdoor outlets installed, a few replacement windows, minor plumbing, sprucing up the bathroom, new curtains, etc.

after all this is done, we really need to get more organized around the house and stick to some sort of cleaning plan so that it isn't such a mess around here by the end of the week. it's going to be a group effort though.

as far as personal goals go, i'm hoping to make it to advanced brown belt in taekwondo by the end of 2008 :lol:
i probably stole the idea for this thread from goshzilla :ut-oh:

now that i've started the thread i have to come up with goals. before jan 1, i will.

Maybe saving up money more than I usually do. Just sticking it in my savings account and letting it grow, WITHOUT touching it. That's usually hard for me.
I'm aiming to become debt free this year (actually, by the end of January).
That, and finally move to the new house.
I'm aiming to become debt free this year (actually, by the end of January).
That, and finally move to the new house.

Yay dan! That is a good one

My goals:

1. Lose 10-15 lbs that I have left to lose from the baby; also restart Pilates and working out in general... when the Dr says it's ok
2. Budget better b/c I am not working for at least a few months
3. Find a new job closer to home that I hopefully will like
4. Find more balance in my life (I know it's sort of broad)..learning how to juggle stuff I guess
Huh! I'll :

1) stop lying
2) drop down 20 pounds
3) stop smoking :eek:
4) will sleep at least 8 hours a day :lol:
Me? Goals..? hah

Well here's a stab. I like making goals that I plan to finish anyway. Makes me feel better at the end.

1) Finish or be very close to finished with the dissertation mess.
2) Get some extra classes in to teach in order to build additional experience.
3) Try to get to the gym more (recurring goal)
4) Pay down this awful student loan I have.
5) Continue to maintain single income survival in this day in age.
2008 Goals:

1. Pay off one credit card and all the medical bills
2. Pass my MCP test for Vista
3. Finish the story I started for NaNo in November
4. Lose at least 30 pounds
5. Toss/give away at least half the clutter I've been holding on to
:ut-oh: In that case - I'll lose 40 pounds and I'll remain to be an oldiest souper

* giggles * Oldiest? I'm not so sure about that, darlin'. How many years have you been wandering the earth?
Having some goals is always a good thing. I know I have enough in my life that needs fixing. I like the idea of trying to write them down, so that I will be more likely to stick with them . . . Actual goals to come :)
Ok, here goes

MJ's goals for 2008
1. Finish the year in the best shape of my life (score 100 on the AF fitness test and be able to complete the pararescue fitness test)... increase focus on cardiovascular exercise in addition to strength
2. Open some kind of retirement account
3. Have my various debt under control (payoff plan)
4. Go on at least a few dates
5. Make some good career decisions (specifically, get a good next assignment this fall)
6. Start grad school or have a plan for it
Well i have had to put some thought into this

1. i will reach my final weight/size goal

2. once my goal is reached weight/size wise i will work harder on the toning/fitness that i want to reach

3. I will concentrate on bettering my job

4. i will work on my self confidence

the hardest of those is number 4, you would think at my age i would not have that problem
4. i will work on my self confidence

the hardest of those is number 4, you would think at my age i would not have that problem

i'm still working on that every day myself, so don't feel bad.