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Grand Theft Auto V


Mastermind Talker
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Well, another Grand Theft Auto is in the works and is scheduled for release 17th September; a lot of people are hyped up about it as per usual, and I'm interested in what people think of it so far?

It was only until about last year that I finally got around to playing a Grand Theft Auto game, and my first experience with the franchise was GTA IV. Honestly, although it was enjoyable I couldn't quite see why it was highly acclaimed by both reviews and gamers - it was decent, but nothing as good as a lot of games I've played. I have tried playing San Andreas and Vice City but outdated graphics and horrid PC controls put me off from those.

GTA V does appear to be a lot more fun however so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.


The special edition has been announced as well recently; http://www.dlcentral.co.uk/xbox360/...-revealed-pre-order-dlc-lets-you-fly-a-blimp/
Never played any of them :p I want to eventually, but I'd want to get them dirt cheap cause I think I may get bored :p
It's just all those tiny little things to find in their games that make them so amazing. Gta IV was a real different part of the GTA series. It came with more realism and once you finished the story there wasn't anything else to do in the city. Gta 5 will bring back those fun elements that made Vice city and San Andreas so epic.

I recently played Vice city again and I still loved it. But I can imagine you playing it after all those years for the first time it does not have that awesome experience it once did. Back in the day when it came out everyone in my class went nuts after playing it because that was the standard of gaming back in 2004:)
San Andreas was great fun, spent many of my teen years just messing about on it with friends. GTA IV took a lot of the fun things (planes, jetpacks, parachutes, taxi/police/fire/ambulance missions, tanks, car modding etc) away which meant there wasn't a lot of replayability as running away from the cops in a car just gets boring after a while. Don't get me wrong, it was a great game, but there just wasn't a lot to do after completing it.

It does look as though this new GTA will have all of the crazy fun stuff put back into it though so I can't wait.
Can't wait for it reckon it's going to clinch the game of the year title.
I can't wait for it. I have played every GTA that has came out and thought every one was awesome. GTA V is going to be super addictive that's for sure.
Its one of my most anticipated games as its something new apart from the repetitive new releases of call of duty and fifa which I pick up every year. At least this year there are some amazing looking titles that will hopefully fulfill their potential and challenge these other big games.