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Gun Control


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This hasn't been that big of an issue lately, but gun control in America has came up on many topics.

I personally don't think they should ban guns from America, guns don't kill people - people kill people. If they ban guns, it won't do anything but rob innocent gun owners, who never have used it to do anything illegal before.

Criminals will still get their guns, even if owning a gun is against the law. Drugs are illegal, but stoners easily get their hands on them...it'll be the same way with guns. Criminals will still have/use them.

What are your thoughts on gun control?
Over here in England we have a total ban on guns, you have to get a license if you want to get a gun for recreational purposes. You have to prove you have a safe storage solution and you are not allowed to have a criminal past.

I think guns should be banned worldwide. Yes, it is the people who use these guns in a bad way, but if all guns were banned, they wouldn't have the chance to.

So many lives could have been saved if guns had been banned. Take the school shootings, they maryland sniper, they may have happened if the offenders had got the weapons through the black market, but if they never had the chance to have the weapons without going dodgy, then maybes they would have thought twice.

So I'm anti-guns, yes everyone does have the right to defend themselves, but the negative aspects of guns far outweight the advantages.
Even if guns were banned worldwide, people who wanted to get their hands on a gun could. Third world countries will never stop using guns, and like you said, there is always the black market. What is the use of banning them, when if somebody who wants one could get their hands on the weapon anyways? It isn't fair to those who use guns legally, for hunting or self protection.
I live in Canada so we do have pretty good gun control. I found the movie Bowling for Columbine very informative but I think banning guns would be a great start. I know that the constitutional right allows a gun but then just ask yourself in the past year of all the robberies and deaths how many "victims" were able to pull out their gun and protect themselves? How many aucutally used it for protection and how many succeeded.
im strictly for gun control. people say that there will still be guns...which is true...there will always be a black market. but if you outlaw them so it is harder to get...only people that ABSOLUTELY need them (extreme criminals) will be able to get ahold of them....i.e - not children who went through their parents closets, or a wife who caught her husband cheating on her
Originally posted by Haver
Over here in England we have a total ban on guns, you have to get a license if you want to get a gun for recreational purposes. You have to prove you have a safe storage solution and you are not allowed to have a criminal past.

Over here in England more people are getting shot than ever before, even though there's a total ban.

Laws don't work.
Originally posted by MrLister
I live in Canada so we do have pretty good gun control. I found the movie Bowling for Columbine very informative but I think banning guns would be a great start.
Please note that Bowling for Columbine wasn't 100% factual, and was hugely biased. If you go to Michael Moore's website, or the official website for the movie, you'll find a lot of slanted stories, and some that is just untrue.
He's right -- guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people. Taking away guns solve nothing. As a matter of fact -- I would move to increase he amount of guns in circulation. Because people without guns fear people with them. If it was commonplace that EVERYONE had one...then that one person with a grudge would learn to think twice. I mean seriously -- what would have happened to those boys in Columbine if when they pulled out their guns -- EVERYONE else in the school pulled out theirs??
Gun control is how evil dictators got control of their nations ex: Hitler, Mao, and Stalin and soon Bush haha. If you're afraid of gangsters don't talk crap watch what colors you wear in the hood and move to the hills.
You said it already, but "guns don't kill people; people kill people." That totally sums it up for me.
I believe over in japan or some other asian country they have tight gun control, though the people still may carry knives. However, to kill someone with a knife will obviously take more time, thought and effort, so perhaps banning guns altogether would be a good thing. The only part that would worry me is the effect on hunting and gathering, but not too many indians have starved from lack of being able to catch food, and you notice that they use bows and arrows. Also, would medical achievments backtract, and if so would that be worth the banishment of guns? Currently our medical facilities can eaily patch you up for a shot with an arrow or a broken arm, but would we lose some of our expierance if it was no longer needed, and what we we do if some accident did happen and we couldnt solve it?
Originally posted by Fade
The only part that would worry me is the effect on hunting and gathering, but not too many indians have starved from lack of being able to catch food, and you notice that they use bows and arrows.
In case you didn't know, Native Americans, or "Indians" as you call them, don't use bows and arrows anymore. Or hunt for all of their food. They function just like any other race in America. They drive cars. Go to school. They do pretty much everything you do.

Originally posted by Fade
Also, would medical achievments backtract, and if so would that be worth the banishment of guns? Currently our medical facilities can eaily patch you up for a shot with an arrow or a broken arm, but would we lose some of our expierance if it was no longer needed, and what we we do if some accident did happen and we couldnt solve it?
If guns are banned, there will still be plenty of shootings to go around. In England, they banned guns, and currently have the most increasing murder rate in the world. A lot of good that did, eh? I'm sure the same thing will happen in America. There will still be shootings to be treated, plenty of them.
Im sorry if you thought that I said they were primitive today, I meant in the past. Of course they drive cars and go to school!I meant BEFORE GUNS that was an example of how wildlife was killed. Good grief...
The only thing banning guns does is take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
Lol, I like how Attrox got offended on behalf of Indians.
Originally posted by Advance
The only thing banning guns does is take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
That pretty much sums it up. :) I couldn't agree more with that statement.
If you ban guns, people will still get them, or they will use other weapons.

and there is no way on earth that you will get a worldwide bann on guns. Bush wouldnt even try anyway, he need he military going around kicking ****.
It is like people getting banned drugs people!

(another old thread Mech has brought from the dead..)
You guys are so wrong. Guns dont kill people, people kill people? What the hell do you think the people are using? Guns. They're easily accessible and people are shot with them every day.

"Wa waaa," you say, "banning guns will just take it away from citizens and give them to criminals." First, criminals BECOME criminals because they shoot people with guns! You can be a normal citizen, but what if one day in a fit of pique you go and shoot your neighbour? Then you're no longer a law abiding citizen, you're a criminal. A gun can turn anyone into a criminal, and they're far too dangerous in that respect.

Also, the arguement that you need a gun for protection is ridiculous. Guns kill way more people than they save. Hardly ever is gun at home used to stop "robbers and crooks", the harsh reality is that those guns end up killing children who find them.

I am so glad I live in Canada where we have stricter gun laws. I can't wait until we ban guns completely.
Well guns are used to kill people more than anything else... maybe ridding them would help...