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Gun Control

Stonelaughter said:
but very VERY few police officers here carry firearms, and we seem to get by ok.
That is a reason, that when english policeman got the gun he usually starts shooting to everything whas is moving ... he is playing like a kid ... do you remember this pity brasilian electrician ... this situation can not have a place in any country, where policemen has a gun, because normal policemen with a gun understand that gun posessing is more duty than just a fun.
NRA people tend to talk as though the "right to bear arms" is part of the original constitution... it was an amendment in the 1960's. It's not "Steeped in important history" or some such rubbish...
lobo said:
That is a reason, that when english policeman got the gun he usually starts shooting to everything whas is moving ... he is playing like a kid ... do you remember this pity brasilian electrician ... this situation can not have a place in any country, where policemen has a gun, because normal policemen with a gun understand that gun posessing is more duty than just a fun.

No, that is NOT why that happened. That happened because those individual officers were given illegal orders by superior officers, and because ONE of them happened to be a bad police officer. You get bad police officers in the states, too, I believe.

The vast majority of police officers don't EVER get to carry a firearm. Those that DO carry firearms are for the most part extremely professional, fully trained, practiced and experienced police officers with no other duties except ARMED duties. When they are finished work for the day, they put their firearms back in the safe and become just an ordinary human being like everyone else.

If they see a crime being committed while they're off duty, they're not likely to ignore it... that would be utter stupidity - they'll simply use any communications at their disposal to call the ON DUTY FORCE. They may also identify themselves as a police officer if it's safe to do so, and attempt an arrest. Their first duty however is to call the on-duty police to deal with the situation.

It's all too easy for people who know absolutely nothing about this country to make judgements based on their experience of their countries; thos judgements are however very rarely valid.
Stonelaughter said:
It's all too easy for people who know absolutely nothing about this country to make judgements based on their experience of their countries; thos judgements are however very rarely valid.
Ouchh!!! Are You judging me from smokey island? Are yous judgements so rarely?
I judge people just as often as everyone else; but in the cold light of day I realise that those judgements are often meaningless.
So, do you really think that
That happened because those individual officers were given illegal orders by superior officers, and because ONE of them happened to be a bad police officer.
You know, this guy was hand-cuffed and after those policement do 27 shots to him ... so questions :

1) Why 27 shots? One shot into head is much better ...
2) Why shot hand-cuffed men? Is it more easy to poison him?
3) Who was those men, who was killing? Was they top-secret military squad in the heart of enemy territory?

They wasn't military men, so they had civil right do not obey for the stupid orders from bad officer. Does it means that those guys was bad citizens? You know, those policemen was shooting only because they have opportunity to shot someone :nod:

Was those policemen sued by the court? You know, it was a crime against the humanity. There was not any sues and punishments ... is it normal for democratic country? This is weird even for rightless Russia :nod:
1 - it was six shots. Just as dead, but not 27 shots; police handguns only carry 6 bullets anyway.
2 - He shot a handcuffed man because he was a bad police officer, as I said.
3 - You know who they were. They were police officers.

The police haven't been sued or charged yet because evidence is still being gathered. Punishment will take much longer; maybe several years. Just like the legal system in the USA.
Stonelaughter said:
1 - it was six shots. Just as dead, but not 27 shots; police handguns only carry 6 bullets anyway.
:rotflmao: that's big difference ... vicitim slips on the banana peel and failed on the knife six times
The photo of some british policemen ... Look at him ... It is one more provement of Darvin theory :lol:


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Their should be Gun Control because, of all the shootings on accident or on
purpose people kill themselves with them also.
All people should have a license or be supervised.