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Gun Control

banning guns is definitly not the way too go....

i remeber we had a debate in school about this issue last year..very imformative
Originally posted by Attrox

If guns are banned, there will still be plenty of shootings to go around. In England, they banned guns, and currently have the most increasing murder rate in the world. A lot of good that did, eh

... because American gun-culture is rubbing off on the stupid fools over here, who think it's cool to be in gangs and go about harassing everyone.:sidestare
I lived in a place where carrying gusn was a ssafety precaution. People use precaution as an excuse in cort :sidestare
Originally posted by Scatophobe
Also, the arguement that you need a gun for protection is ridiculous.

True -- Ban guns, and what do you need a gun to protect yerself against?
A baseball bat works just as well if they're close, and apparently, if they're in your home, whatever you do is nice and legal.
Originally posted by Lord Lupus

True -- Ban guns, and what do you need a gun to protect yerself against?
A baseball bat works just as well if they're close, and apparently, if they're in your home, whatever you do is nice and legal.

Not true. Anybody here remember that 12-year old and that 14-year old who killed their dad with a baseball bat?? :sidestare

You kids watch the news!?
Well the reality is crime goes down when gun control is reduced. In the book Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America and Targeting Guns, Florida State University professor Gary Kleck reports that 25 to 75 lives are saved by guns for every life lost by a gun. Basically, by reducing the number of guns on the streets, the criminals who illegally own guns gain more power. Guns can be made illegal, but they'll be smuggled into the country anyway.

If someone wants to kill you, they don't need a gun. They're generally used to have power in a situation. If you wanted to rob a lady walking down the street, pulling out a gun would do the trick. But good luck doing that when 5 other people walking down the street pull their gun out on you.
I'm far from a fan of guns and owning them, but in some parts of the country, I think it can be reasonable. The big issue is that gun control wouldn't work.
What parts of the country? I lived in a pretty **** bad part of Queens and me nor my parents never owned a gun. :|
IF anyone is truly interested in this topic, a great movie to see is "Bowling for Columbine." It is a GREAT documentary.
Good idea.

Guns cause people to die, so let's BAN THEM.

This way when some punk who has stored up plenty of ammo and guns before the ban breaks into my house and says he's gonna killl everyone and steal everything he wants we can be defenseless.

If more people owned guns, crime would go down. Burgalers would think twice about breaking in... what if someone is home waiting with their semi-automatic?
I'm bringing this thread back since Nova and MJ started talking guns in other thread.

I think banning guns is bad for rural ranch owners like me. How do I protect myself from someone robbing me when I'm in the middle of nowhere? How to protect my horses from coyotes, cougars? Hand to hand combat with each coyote myself??? Those responsible to use guns should take tests like driver's licenses. If they can prove they know how to use it, have good storage, and willing to even pay for the license they can buy a gun.

And yes, if you do ban guns, I would become an officer of law just so I can still own one. It's something I cherish as an American as protecting myself, my property, and my values.
I agree... and in many cities it almost seems like a bad idea to allow all kinds of people to own a gun just because of the population.

I'm for certain kinds of restrictions which are prob already in effect anyway..... like any criminal record, arrests, health problems, etc = no. Smaller population, no crimes commited, etc = yes. But not a complete ban

I'm not sure if they already do this but some kind of questionnaire would be appropriate IMO for people buying a gun/permit. At least then they'd have more background info as to why the person wants a gun, where they plan on using or bringing it and things like this.
I agree with the original poster, guns dont kill people, people kill people. When ya take away the gun from average joe whos house is getting broken into, and he goes downstairs only to find a few so called "criminals" with guns, who dont give a care that the guns they are using are illegal, or that our buddy joe is defensless, guess who loses? Thats right, Joe does.

Also, as to all the allusions that kids who go and shoot up schools get their guns from there parents, I believe if someone is that determined to massacre people, there not going to think, "Oh No! If I go and buy a gun off a black market dealer I might get caught, that would be so terrible!" for obvious reasons. And those black market dealers, why would they care if their selling guns to kids? More money in their pocket! Anyways, there shouldnt be a control on guns, even though people die everyday, I'm 100% sure less people die this way, than putting a control on guns. The only way, and I mean only way to control guns, would be to erase all knowledge of them from everyone's mind, put them in a big pile and make them explode, then go back to stabbing each other with swords and knives. But then, people would want to put a ban on those too, and man would try and exist without those. Then we would have fists and legs, can punch and kick, cant have those either. Cant forget about our mouths, might bite someone with them. Ok, Im exaggerating, I'll stop now while I'm still behind. :confused:
If asked, I would say that Alien Soup is Center/Left, which I define as pretty much neutral, but if I had to pick, I would say more members are liberal than conservative. I think it is perfect actually, because on most issues posted here, you usually get both sides, presented fairly well, which enables the reader to make up his or own mind. The ESSENCE of a good forum/discussion board.

I hate saying I am "Anti-Gun Control" because to me, that makes it sound like I think you should be able to walk into a store a buy a gun without any hassles at all. I wish we could invent a term like "Pro-Choice" which lets you hide behind the word choice :lol: but I digress, that is another topic. My stance is this: every adult over the age of 18 has the right to own a gun to be used for self defense. I would enact the following requirements:

  1. To purchase a handgun for home defense, all that should be required is a valid State Driver's License, and an FBI background check - which can be done in 5 minutes
  2. To purchase a handgun for concealed carry, same as 1, but with an additional required training/certification course
  3. To purchase any long guns/rifles for home defense - same as one
  4. I do not believe people should be allowed to carry rifles around in every day life, except for special exceptions - hunting being the primary exception

I am an advocate of EXTREMELY HARSH sentences placed on ANYONE who uses a gun in a crime: 25 YEARS, NO PAROLE, just for using the gun itself. ACCOUNTABLITY, not a NANNY STATE. Taking things away from people because some misuse it is illogical. Punish the ones who misuse guns, not those of us who use them responsibly. Are we in grade school, that when one of us misbehaves, the teacher takes away recess from everyone?

The fact is, at 3:00 AM with an intruder in your home, the best way to provide for the safety of yourself and family is with a handgun. You can not rely on the police, plain and simple. The response time (if you are lucky enough to be able to call them) is usually too long. If you feel uncomfortable with a gun, or choose not provide the best defense, that is your choice, but I resent that some people who do not like guns saying that I should not be allowed to have one because they do not like them. Guns and children? Lock up your guns, and you don't have to worry. The fact is, more children drown in swimming pools each year then are accidently killed by guns. Should we fill in every swimming pool in America because some children drown in them?

My set up is very good: I have a Smith & Wesson VersaVault bolted to my night table. Inside is my "home defense" gun - a Smith & Wesson 16 Shot, 9MM handgun. Also inside the safe are the keys to my Stack-On rifle and handgun locker. Inside there I have 3 rifles, and 6 more handguns. They are all locked away, 100% of the time. My son can not get to the guns because if a gun is not on my hip, it is locked away. Gun Security problem solved.

If you feel that you are not repsponsible enough to lock your guns away from children, then by all means, think twice before you buy a gun. But again, please don't restrict me because you feel you are not responsible enough. I used to be ANTI-GUN. Then I was forced to be trained with one because of my job. Once I was trianed, I reliazied that there really is nothing to fear from them. Don't believe the hype. Guns are tools, just like anything else. My advice to someone who woul like to provide the best defense for thier home, but who feels uncomfortable or nervous around guns? Take a course, and try then see how you feel. My gun is one of my best friends, and I can not describe the piece of mind having it on my hip provides me. I know that should some animal ever try to hurt my wife or my son, I will be ready to defend them in the best way I know how. :nod:
I'll be honest and admit up front that the only two posts I read were the first one and the last one (first to make sure the topic is asking what I think it is, and last because I was actually very curious to read goingnova's opinion on this because of his profession). I've also never really thought about my position on the topic so please excuse me if my thoughts are a bit scattered...

Let me also state up front that I've always been somewhat terrified of guns. Sure, I grew up playing Nintendo's Duck Hunt and I loved shoot'em up games... but everytime I'd go to the bank while the armored truck was there, and I actually saw the real guns in person it kinda freaked me out. First time I ever saw a guard with his gun drawn I really didn't want to walk anywhere near him (even though I had to in order to get into the bank). About 3 years ago, a few friends and I went to a shooting range and actually shot real guns (9mm Beretta and a .44). It was nice being taught by the rangeman how to properly handle a gun, load it, etc. and I thought that it would ease my tension around guns... but it didn't.

Even more recently, my girlfriend's uncle has been hosting a fairly regular "hunt club" where we've been doing target shooting with .22 rifles and clay pigeon shooting with 12 gauge shotguns (no real hunting, as I could never shoot at a living thing... er, except for when I'm paintballing :tongue: ). Turns out I'm a bit of a natural with the clay pigeon shooting too. :)

Where am I going with all of this? I can see the purpose of owning a gun, other than self-defense. I don't think that all gun owners are whackjobs that are going to shoot someone on accident/purpose. Though I still get freaked when I see a gun in person, and I have no intention to ever own one myself.

My stance on gun control will echo most of what goingnova said in his list of requirements, except I believe you should also be required to take a gun safety class and pass a test (just like we have to take driver's education tests) before you can get your first gun. I also believe that we should have relatively short waiting periods (3-14 days max, depending on circumstances)? I like the goingnova's idea about strict punishment for crimes involving guns, just for using the gun. Oh and the types of guns are really important; I don't think anyone really needs an assault rifle for self-defense or for target shooting (though I bet it'd be fun to shoot).

P.S. - I consider myself pretty liberal ;)
Nootch, excellent post! I have to tell you that I really LOVE IT when liberals and conservatives are able to have a civil discussion. Sure, it's even nicer when we find common ground, but even if we disagree, it is all about the discussion and the civility.

As an ex-liberal turned conservative, I like to think of myself as openminded, and I really enjoy reading other people's opinions. The problem, I think, is that sometimes people feel so strongly on an issue, they lose sight of the fact that not everyone has to agree on everything. I think sometimes we are all guilty of this. I know sometimes I am. :nod:

Anyway, Gun Control and Immigration TEND, more often than not, to be the "common ground" issue that many liberals and conservatives agree on. At least, that has been my experience.
First time I ever saw a guard with his gun drawn I really didn't want to walk anywhere near him (even though I had to in order to get into the bank). About 3 years ago, a few friends and I went to a shooting range and actually shot real guns (9mm Beretta and a .44). It was nice being taught by the rangeman how to properly handle a gun, load it, etc. and I thought that it would ease my tension around guns... but it didn't.
A few months ago I was shot in the hand with a gun. The bullet was a hunting pellet .5mm, but nevertheless close to the same as a 9mm or such. It really doesn't hurt in terms of pain... all there is is a huge tingling sensation followed by a bit of shock when you see the blood. After the operation w/ a portable x-ray, the surgeon told me that no tendons or nerve cord was harmed and that I would recover in less than 10 days. So just to let you know with your fear of guns and stuff, if you ever do get shot with one, you won't feel anything until at least an hour after bleeding; and if it hits a vital organ you'd be dead before that happens..... if that helps at all :-S

As an ex-liberal turned conservative, I like to think of myself as openminded, and I really enjoy reading other people's opinions.

As they say.... if you're under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you're over 30 and not a conservative, you have no brain. I guess that makes me the Tinman, and you, the Scarecrow after meeting Ozzzzzzz ;D ;D
Cleaned my cabinet today and thought about how protective and safe I am with my guns. Even in a locked gun safe I have each gun with it's own lock on the trigger guard and even the bullets are locked. Couple of the rifles are broken down to bare components and locked. There is no way a kid or someone else can move that safe, get to use those guns, unless they have my keys which are locked in another safe. Sad thing though is when I hear someone knocking on door at 3:00 am MONTHLY I have to go through all those locks to get gun loaded (just in case). Seems once a month someone always breaks down near our place and they need help at 3:00 in the morning.