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Have you ever cheated, or been cheated on?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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For me, the answer is no to both questions.
Never have cheated, never will need to. It's best to be honest. Feelings are fragile things.
As for cheated on... I highly, highly doubt it as my boyfriend is very committed. <:
I guess in a manner of speaking I have been cheated on. Tis a bit complicated though.
However, I have never and will never cheat on anyone. Because I'm not a coward, if I feel the desire to stay at all for any reason then I'd own up to it rather than start sneaking around.
That being said that probably wont happen anyway since it's statistically highly improbable that I'd (a) find someone and be in a relationship in the first place, and (b) find another person like that at some point in my life then, (c) that person being just as - if not more - awesome than the guy I'd already be with.

Given my impossibly high standards, finding a single guy even worth my time would be a miracle, finding two would mean that clearly I'm just having one of those weird **** reverse harem dreams again and then... well, then things would get XXX hardcore pretty quickly.

So, yeah, no. I'd never cheat because they'd never be anyone else worth cheating on my figurative boyfriend with anyway. Once I find the right guy I wouldn't do anything like that to him, I'd treat that lucky **** like a King. But, if it wasn't working out for some reason then I'd be upfront about the whole situation. In a manner of speaking, I'm far too blunt and straight-forward to cheat on anyone.
No. I would never ever cheat :)

As for being cheated on, sort of. I wasn't in a relationship with him but we were going to be and whilst he was telling me he he really liked me, maybe even loved me and wanted to be with me, he was telling another girl the same things and also admitted he fancied my best friend. Hurt me a lot.

I'm so lucky to have Kirk now <3
Been cheated on, never cheated.
Haven't been cheated on that I know of and haven't cheated on anyone and never would.
I've had a guy cheat on me once, then I learned to choose better :p I've never cheated. I can't find it possible
I was cheated on in my previous relationship. That pretty much sucked because it was thrown in my face when we broke up, as in "oh I've been seeing [her name] for ages now and you were too stupid to realise"

I've never cheated. Nor do I plan to.
I've never cheated nor been cheated on but having known people on both sides of the coin I refuse to tolerate the idea in my life.