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Have you ever cheated, or been cheated on?

I used to cheat regularly in past relationships.
I just couldn't commit to one person sexually.

Never cheated on Daniel though in the past 6 years and don't ever plan to.

I've never been cheated on.
Was cheated on last year, trust me it was horrible.

Not that I "would" cheat before that, but having been through that I can deffo say I wouldn't do that to someone.
I have "cheated" . i was with this guy but i told him i didnt love him but he wanted to try it out anyway..
so i came across with my ex, who i still missed a lot and he kissed me and i kissed back and that was it. I did told the guy i was with atm though

Never been cheated.. not that i'm aware of anyway
Nope and I never will cheat on anyone.
I've never cheated but I've been cheated on. But sometimes it's a good thing. It made me leave a "man" who clearly didn't deserve me or my time (2 years of it to be exact :duh:) and I realised I didn't love him anyway, I just thought I did because we were together for so long at such a young age. It taught me numerous things, but I never let it cause me to lack trust in any new man who came along. :) Being cheated on was more of a positive thing for me, than a negative one.
Yes!!!! i have been cheated on twice with the same guy. i chose to give him another chance because i loved him so much. is not that all that really matters in the end? But now i understand move on is best decision and i would break up immediately..
I have never cheated and as far as I know, I have never been cheated on. Then again, I don't really have that many relationships.
I discreetly moved a piece when it wasn't my turn in a chess match. Does that count?